From bb1d75156096eb09168dd39d775d5e96f3de49fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DeltaFire <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 07:25:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] all the improvements
code/modules/mob/living/ | 5 +
.../ballistic_weapons/revision2/ | 264 +++++++++++-------
.../modules/overmap/FTL/components/ | 2 +-
3 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/ b/code/modules/mob/living/
index d041306d6a5..44c4712617d 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
+ //NSV13 - stop runtiming
+ if(registered_z)
+ SSmobs.clients_by_zlevel[registered_z] -= src
+ registered_z = null
+ //NSV13 end
diff --git a/nsv13/code/modules/munitions/ship_weapons/ballistic_weapons/revision2/ b/nsv13/code/modules/munitions/ship_weapons/ballistic_weapons/revision2/
index 3da4d67b4bd..2e1ec805bba 100644
--- a/nsv13/code/modules/munitions/ship_weapons/ballistic_weapons/revision2/
+++ b/nsv13/code/modules/munitions/ship_weapons/ballistic_weapons/revision2/
@@ -8,30 +8,19 @@
anchored = TRUE
can_be_unanchored = TRUE
density = TRUE
- subsystem_type = /datum/controller/subsystem/processing //Needs to go faster than SSmachines
- var/process_delay = 0.5 SECONDS
- var/next_process = 0
+ processing_flags = START_PROCESSING_MANUALLY //Does not process.
+ ///Icon state the arm of this device will have
var/arm_icon_state = "welder3"
- var/tier = 1
- var/list/held_components = list() //All the missile construction components that they've put into the arm.
- var/obj/item/arm = null
- var/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing/target
- var/munition_types = list(/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing, /obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/torpedo/torpedo_casing)
- var/list/target_states = list(1, 7, 9) //The target construction state of the missile
- . = ..()
- if(held_components.len)
- . += "It currently holds..."
- var/listofitems = list()
- for(var/obj/item/C in held_components)
- var/path = C.type
- if (listofitems[path])
- listofitems[path]["amount"]++
- else
- listofitems[path] = list("name" =, "amount" = 1)
- for(var/i in listofitems)
- . += "[listofitems[i]["name"]] x[listofitems[i]["amount"]]"
+ ///An overlay for the machine that varies by its arm icon state. For some reason an item and not a overlay or any kind of effect.
+ var/obj/item/arm = null //This being an /obj makes me scream.
+ ///List of valid munition types. This are SUPER DIRTY types. DO NOT TRUST THESE TYPES. If you are reading this, new coder, PLEASE keep a common ancestor if you want to access vars!!
+ var/munition_types = list(/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing, /obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/torpedo/torpedo_casing) //This is super bad but I don't feel like rewriting all of missile / torp casing code so it stays :)
+ ///The target construction states of the missile
+ var/list/target_states = list(1, 7, 9) //Who would magic number these even *after* having to reference them in machines too?? I am not cleaning up after you.. right now at least. -Delta
+ ///The turf this assembler is tracking
+ var/turf/target_turf
+ ///The timer that tracks how long the arm should be doing arm things.
+ var/active_arm_timer_id
/obj/machinery/missile_builder/attackby(obj/item/I, mob/user, params)
if(default_unfasten_wrench(user, I))
@@ -43,6 +32,19 @@
. = ..()
+/obj/machinery/missile_builder/default_unfasten_wrench(mob/user, obj/item/I, time)
+ . = ..()
+ return
+ if(anchored) //just got anchored
+ target_turf = get_turf(get_step(src, src.dir))
+ if(target_turf)
+ RegisterSignal(target_turf, COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED, PROC_REF(attempt_assembler_action))
+ else //just got unanchored
+ if(target_turf)
+ UnregisterSignal(target_turf, COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED)
+ target_turf = null
name = "Slow conveyor assembly"
conveyor_type = /obj/machinery/conveyor/slow
@@ -70,59 +72,148 @@
. = ..()
+ if(target_turf)
+ UnregisterSignal(target_turf, COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED)
+ target_turf = null
setDir(turn(src.dir, -90))
+ target_turf = get_turf(get_step(src, src.dir))
+ if(target_turf)
+ RegisterSignal(target_turf, COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED, PROC_REF(attempt_assembler_action))
. = ..()
- arm = new /obj/item(src)
+ arm = new /obj/item(src) //WHY IS THIS AN ITEM NOT AN OVERLAY or ANYTHING not /obj.
arm.icon = icon
arm.icon_state = arm_icon_state
vis_contents += arm
arm.mouse_opacity = FALSE
+ target_turf = get_turf(get_step(src, src.dir))
+ if(target_turf)
+ RegisterSignal(target_turf, COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED, PROC_REF(attempt_assembler_action)) //aaa
- . = ..()
+ if(target_turf)
+ UnregisterSignal(target_turf, COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED)
+ target_turf = null
+ if(active_arm_timer_id)
+ deltimer(active_arm_timer_id)
+ active_arm_timer_id = null
+ return ..()
- if(world.time < next_process)
+ * This beautiful proc handles interacting with objects that enter the turf we watch. Which is much more effective than processing all the time.
+ * * Does not return anything. SHOULD NOT RETURN ANYTHING.
+/obj/machinery/missile_builder/proc/attempt_assembler_action(turf/source, atom/movable/entering, old_loc, old_locs)
+ if(QDELETED(entering)) //How would this happen? Who knows.. but this is NSV after all.
+ return
+ if(!isobj(entering) || iseffect(entering))
- next_process = world.time + process_delay
- var/turf/input_turf = get_turf(get_step(src, src.dir))
- if(target && target.loc != input_turf)
- target = null
- visible_message("[name] shakes its arm melancholically.")
+ if(!(entering.type in munition_types))
+ visible_message("[src] shakes its arm melancholically.")
playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
- if(target)
- arm.icon_state = arm_icon_state
- target.state++ //Next step!
- target.check_completion()
- do_sparks(10, TRUE, target)
- playsound(src, 'sound/items/welder.ogg', 100, 1)
- target = null
- for(var/munition_type in munition_types)
- target = locate(munition_type) in input_turf
- if(target)
- break
- if(!target)
- target = null
- arm.icon_state = arm_icon_state
+ switch(entering.type) //This is VERY BAD but they do not share a common type.
+ if(/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing)
+ var/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing/missile_target = entering
+ if(!(missile_target.state in target_states))
+ visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
+ return
+ trigger_arm_animation()
+ missile_target.state++ //Next step!
+ missile_target.check_completion()
+ do_sparks(10, TRUE, missile_target)
+ playsound(src, 'sound/items/welder.ogg', 100, 1)
+ if(/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/torpedo/torpedo_casing)
+ var/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/torpedo/torpedo_casing/torpedo_target = entering
+ if(!(torpedo_target.state in target_states))
+ visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
+ return
+ trigger_arm_animation()
+ torpedo_target.state++ //Next step!
+ torpedo_target.check_completion()
+ do_sparks(10, TRUE, torpedo_target)
+ playsound(src, 'sound/items/welder.ogg', 100, 1)
+ else
+ CRASH("Please stop handing the missile assemblers invalid types as valid ammunition. Type: [entering.type]. ALL valid casings must be missile or torpedo types.")
+//overrides parent.
+/obj/machinery/missile_builder/assembler/attempt_assembler_action(turf/source, atom/movable/entering, old_loc, old_locs)
+ if(QDELETED(entering)) //How would this happen? Who knows.. but this is NSV after all.
+ return
+ if(!isobj(entering) || iseffect(entering))
- var/found = FALSE
- for(var/target_state in target_states)
- if(target.state == target_state)
- found = TRUE
- break
- if(!found)
- visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ if(length(held_components) > 0)
+ var/obj/held_component = held_components[1]
+ if(held_component.type == entering.type) //Please do throw these hungry machines some components.
+ visible_message("[src] happily adds [entering] to its component storage.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/ping.ogg', 50, 0)
+ entering.forceMove(src)
+ held_components += entering
+ return
+ if(!(entering.type in munition_types))
+ visible_message("[src] shakes its arm melancholically.")
+ arm.shake_animation()
playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
- target = null
- return FALSE
- src.visible_message("[src] whirrs into life!")
- arm.icon_state = "[arm_icon_state]_anim"
- playsound(src, 'sound/items/drill_use.ogg', 70, 1)
+ return
+ switch(entering.type) //This is VERY BAD but they do not share a common type.
+ if(/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing)
+ var/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/missile/missile_casing/missile_target = entering
+ if(!length(held_components))
+ visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
+ return
+ var/obj/item/ship_weapon/parts/missile/missile_part = held_components[1]
+ if((missile_part.fits_type && !istype(missile_target, missile_part.fits_type)) || missile_target.state != missile_part.target_state)
+ visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
+ return
+ trigger_arm_animation()
+ missile_target.state++ //Next step!
+ missile_part.forceMove(missile_target)
+ held_components -= missile_part
+ missile_target.check_completion()
+ do_sparks(10, TRUE, missile_target)
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/ping.ogg', 50, 0)
+ if(/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/torpedo/torpedo_casing)
+ var/obj/item/ship_weapon/ammunition/torpedo/torpedo_casing/torpedo_target = entering
+ if(!length(held_components))
+ visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
+ return
+ var/obj/item/ship_weapon/parts/missile/torpedo_part = held_components[1]
+ if(!(torpedo_part.fits_type && !istype(torpedo_target, torpedo_part.fits_type)) || torpedo_target.state != torpedo_part.target_state)
+ visible_message("[src] sighs.")
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
+ return
+ trigger_arm_animation()
+ torpedo_target.state++ //Next step!
+ torpedo_part.forceMove(torpedo_target)
+ held_components -= torpedo_part
+ torpedo_target.check_completion()
+ do_sparks(10, TRUE, torpedo_target)
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/ping.ogg', 50, 0)
+ else
+ CRASH("Please stop handing the missile assemblers invalid types as valid ammunition. Type: [entering.type]. ALL valid casings must be missile or torpedo types.")
+///Starts the machine's arm animation to reset after some time.
+ if(arm.icon_state != "[arm_icon_state]_anim")
+ arm.icon_state = "[arm_icon_state]_anim"
+ visible_message("[src] whirrs into life!")
+ if(active_arm_timer_id)
+ deltimer(active_arm_timer_id)
+ active_arm_timer_id = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(stop_arm_animation)), 1 SECONDS, TIMER_STOPPABLE)
+///Stops the machine's arm animation after some time.
+ arm.icon_state = arm_icon_state
+ active_arm_timer_id = null
name = "Robotic Missile Part Applicator"
@@ -130,6 +221,23 @@
desc = "An assembly arm which can slot a multitude of missile components into casings for you! Swipe it with an ID to release its stored components."
req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MUNITIONS)
circuit = /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/missile_builder/assembler
+ //Currently loaded missile components.
+ var/list/held_components = list()
+ . = ..()
+ if(!length(held_components))
+ return
+ . += "It currently holds..."
+ var/listofitems = list()
+ for(var/obj/item/C in held_components)
+ var/path = C.type
+ if(listofitems[path])
+ listofitems[path]["amount"]++
+ else
+ listofitems[path] = list("name" =, "amount" = 1)
+ for(var/i in listofitems)
+ . += "[listofitems[i]["name"]] x[listofitems[i]["amount"]]"
/obj/machinery/missile_builder/assembler/attackby(obj/item/I, mob/living/user, params)
. = ..()
@@ -159,46 +267,6 @@
held_components += P
- if(world.time < next_process)
- return
- next_process = world.time + process_delay
- var/turf/input_turf = get_turf(get_step(src, src.dir))
- if(target && target.loc != input_turf)
- target = null
- visible_message("[name] shakes its arm melancholically.")
- arm.shake_animation()
- playsound(src, 'sound/machines/buzz-sigh.ogg', 50, 0)
- if(target)
- var/found = FALSE
- for(var/obj/item/ship_weapon/parts/missile/M in held_components)
- if(M.fits_type && !istype(target, M.fits_type))
- continue
- if(target.state == M.target_state)
- M.forceMove(target)
- held_components -= M
- target.state ++
- found = TRUE
- break
- if(found)
- target.check_completion()
- playsound(src, 'sound/machines/ping.ogg', 50, 0)
- do_sparks(10, TRUE, target)
- target = null
- arm.icon_state = arm_icon_state
- return
- for(var/munition_type in munition_types)
- target = locate(munition_type) in input_turf
- if(target)
- break
- if(!target || !held_components.len)
- target = null
- arm.icon_state = arm_icon_state
- return
- src.visible_message("[src] whirrs into life!")
- arm.icon_state = "[arm_icon_state]_anim"
- playsound(src, 'sound/items/drill_use.ogg', 70, 1)
name = "Ammo sorter console (circuitboard)"
desc = "The central control console for ammo sorters.."
diff --git a/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/FTL/components/ b/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/FTL/components/
index 35323a02579..a8139d9bc94 100644
--- a/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/FTL/components/
+++ b/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/FTL/components/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
radio.keyslot = new radio_key
radio.listening = 0
- soundloop = new(list(src), FALSE, FALSE, CHANNEL_FTL_MANIFOLD, TRUE)
+ soundloop = new(src, FALSE, FALSE, CHANNEL_FTL_MANIFOLD, TRUE)
STOP_PROCESSING(SSmachines, src)