diff --git a/code/datums/martial/_martial.dm b/code/datums/martial/_martial.dm
index 475936d11cb..31c5cd1472c 100644
--- a/code/datums/martial/_martial.dm
+++ b/code/datums/martial/_martial.dm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
var/reroute_deflection = FALSE //Delete the bullet, or actually deflect it in some direction?
var/block_chance = 0 //Chance to block melee attacks using items while on throw mode.
var/restraining = 0 //used in cqc's disarm_act to check if the disarmed is being restrained and so whether they should be put in a chokehold or not
+ var/armlockstate = 0 //used in jujitsu grab after hand armlock move
var/no_guns = FALSE
var/allow_temp_override = TRUE //if this martial art can be overridden by temporary martial arts
diff --git a/nsv13/code/modules/jobs/security/martial_art.dm b/nsv13/code/modules/jobs/security/martial_art.dm
index af918d05cd2..76f88c0170d 100644
--- a/nsv13/code/modules/jobs/security/martial_art.dm
+++ b/nsv13/code/modules/jobs/security/martial_art.dm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#define MARTIALART_JUJITSU "ju jitsu"
-#define JUDO_THROW "DHHG"
+#define JUDO_THROW "HHG"
martial = /datum/martial_art/jujitsu
@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@
set desc = "Remember your police academy martial arts training."
set category = "Jujitsu"
to_chat(usr, "Combos:")
- to_chat(usr, "Disarm, disarm will perform a takedown on the target, if they have been slowed / weakened first")
- to_chat(usr, "Disarm, harm, harm, grab will execute a judo throw on the target,landing you on top of them in a pinning position. Provided that you have a grab on them on the final step...")
+ to_chat(usr, "Disarm, Grab will perform a takedown on the target, if they have been slowed / weakened first")
+ to_chat(usr, "Harm, Harm, Grab will execute a judo throw on the target,landing you on top of them in a pinning position. Provided that you have a grab on them on the final step...")
+ to_chat(usr, "Disarm, Harm, Grab, Grab will execute an armlock on the target, throwing you both to the ground. You however have more maneuverability than the perp from this position.")
+ to_chat(usr, "In addition, you also have a small window of opportunity to forcefully grab the perp during armlock.")
/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/proc/check_streak(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
@@ -49,6 +52,10 @@
streak = ""
return TRUE
+ if(findtext(streak,ARMLOCKING))
+ streak = ""
+ armlocking(A, D)
+ return TRUE
return FALSE
/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/proc/takedown(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
@@ -61,12 +68,15 @@
A.do_attack_animation(D, ATTACK_EFFECT_KICK)
D.visible_message("[A] trips [D] up and pins them to the ground!", "[A] is pinning you to the ground!")
playsound(get_turf(D), 'nsv13/sound/effects/judo_throw.ogg', 100, TRUE)
- D.Paralyze(7 SECONDS) //Equivalent to a clown PDA
+ D.Paralyze(2 SECONDS)
+ D.Knockdown(7 SECONDS)
- D.shake_animation(10)
+ D.shake_animation(20)
+ D.adjustOxyLoss(10) // you smashed him into the ground
- A.start_pulling(D, supress_message = FALSE)
+ if(A.mobility_flags & MOBILITY_STAND) //Fixes permanent slowdown
+ A.start_pulling(D, supress_message = FALSE)
last_move = world.time
/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/proc/judo_throw(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
@@ -81,25 +91,78 @@
target = get_turf(A)
- A.start_pulling(D, supress_message = FALSE)
+ D.dropItemToGround(D.get_active_held_item()) // yeet
+ if(A.mobility_flags & MOBILITY_STAND) //Fixes permanent slowdown
+ A.start_pulling(D, supress_message = FALSE)
+ D.adjustOxyLoss(40) // YOU THREW HIM, THREW HIM!!
D.Paralyze(7 SECONDS) //Equivalent to a clown PDA
D.visible_message("[A] throws [D] over their shoulder and pins them down!", "[A] throws you over their shoulder and pins you to the ground!")
playsound(get_turf(D), 'nsv13/sound/effects/judo_throw.ogg', 100, TRUE)
last_move = world.time
+// Armlock state removal after 5s
+ armlockstate = FALSE
+// Armlock
+/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/proc/armlocking(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
+ if(!can_use(A))
+ return FALSE
+ if(world.time < last_move+cooldown)
+ to_chat(A, "You're too fatigued to perform this move right now...")
+ return FALSE
+ if(!D.stat)
+ D.visible_message("[A] locks [D] into a armlock position!", \
+ "[A] locks you into a armlock position!")
+ A.Knockdown(20) // knockdown officer with the perp
+ A.adjustStaminaLoss(15)
+ D.adjustStaminaLoss(30)
+ D.Paralyze(70)
+ D.shake_animation(50)
+ A.start_pulling(D, supress_message = FALSE)
+ armlockstate = TRUE
+ addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(drop_armlocking)), 50, TIMER_UNIQUE) // you get 3 seconds after standing up to grab the perp
+ A.do_attack_animation(D, ATTACK_EFFECT_DISARM)
+ playsound(get_turf(D), 'nsv13/sound/effects/judo_throw.ogg', 100, TRUE)
+ last_move = world.time
+ return TRUE
/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/grab_act(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
return FALSE
return FALSE //prevents grabbing yourself
- if(A.a_intent == INTENT_GRAB)
+ if(A.a_intent == INTENT_GRAB && A.mobility_flags & MOBILITY_STAND) //Fixes permanent slowdown and missfire
+ if(armlockstate == TRUE) // neck grabs if armlocked
+ A.setGrabState(GRAB_NECK)
+ D.visible_message("[A] grabs [D] from the armlock position by the neck!", \
+ "[A] grabs you from the armlock position by the neck!")
+ armlockstate = FALSE
if(check_streak(A,D)) //doing combos is prioritized over upgrading grabs
return TRUE
return FALSE
/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/harm_act(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
+ var/obj/item/bodypart/affecting = D.get_bodypart(ran_zone(A.zone_selected))
+ var/def_check = D.getarmor(BODY_ZONE_CHEST, "melee")
+ var/bonus_damage = 0
+ if((armlockstate == TRUE)) // disable chosen arm temporarily when armlocked
+ if(A.zone_selected == BODY_ZONE_L_ARM)
+ D.apply_damage(100, STAMINA, BODY_ZONE_L_ARM, def_check)
+ D.visible_message("[A] has cracked [D]'s arm!", "[A] cracks your arm, causing a coursing pain!")
+ armlockstate = FALSE
+ if(A.zone_selected == BODY_ZONE_R_ARM)
+ D.apply_damage(100, STAMINA, BODY_ZONE_R_ARM, def_check)
+ D.visible_message("[A] has cracked [D]'s arm!", "[A] cracks your arm, causing a coursing pain!")
+ armlockstate = FALSE
+ return FALSE
+ if((A.grab_state >= GRAB_AGGRESSIVE))
+ bonus_damage += 5
+ D.apply_damage(rand(2,3) + bonus_damage, A.dna.species.attack_type, affecting, def_check) // bonus damage when grabbing at least aggressively if required to kill
+ if((D.mobility_flags & MOBILITY_STAND))
+ A.do_attack_animation(D, ATTACK_EFFECT_PUNCH) // makes punch be default if he's standing
return FALSE
@@ -108,6 +171,19 @@
return FALSE
/datum/martial_art/jujitsu/disarm_act(mob/living/carbon/human/A, mob/living/carbon/human/D)
+ var/bonus_stam = 0
+ if((A.grab_state >= GRAB_AGGRESSIVE)) // If you shove during agressive grab it deals bonus stam
+ bonus_stam = 20
+ if(!(D.mobility_flags & MOBILITY_STAND)) // If you shove while perp is on ground and aggressive grabbing, it deals even more stam
+ bonus_stam += 10
+ D.adjustStaminaLoss(10 + bonus_stam) // deals minor stam damage with scaling dependant on grab and perp standing
+ A.do_attack_animation(D, ATTACK_EFFECT_DISARM)
+ if(A.pulling == D && A.grab_state >= GRAB_NECK) // LV3 hold minimum
+ D.visible_message("[A] puts [D] into a chokehold!", \
+ "[A] puts you into a chokehold!")
+ playsound(get_turf(D), 'nsv13/sound/weapons/chokehold.ogg', 50, 1, 1)
+ D.SetSleeping(200)
+ return FALSE
return FALSE
diff --git a/nsv13/sound/weapons/chokehold.ogg b/nsv13/sound/weapons/chokehold.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43e0db0741f
Binary files /dev/null and b/nsv13/sound/weapons/chokehold.ogg differ