Releases: Belphemur/SoundSwitch
SoundSwitch 5.5.2
Couple of bugfixes mostly related to an issue that made SoundSwitch crash at boot time.
Also improved the whole update system to not have the same issue again with 5.5.0 to 5.5.1.
v5.5.2 (2020-08-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Updating from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 crashed after installation #495
Closed issues:
- crash report: System.Threading.ThreadStateException: Instance isn't set even after waiting 1250 ms #493
Virus Total
SoundSwitch 5.5.1
Couple of improvement in this release mostly related to Steam Big Picture.
Now, when you select it as your trigger for a profile, SoundSwitch will remember what were the default audio device and restore them automatically when you close Steam Big Picture.
Added a possibility to run a profile directly on startup.
Fixed issues related to High DPI (4k & Scaling) with .NET Core.
I also took the time to improve the new trigger code to make my life easier when adding new ones.
v5.5.1 (2020-08-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- When Steam Big Picture is closed, returned the audio default devices as they were before switching #490
- Request: Run profile on startup #489
- Change "No update available" text when update-check is disabled #487
Fixed bugs:
- High DPI Mode not working anymore (4K screen with zooming 150%) #494
- Wrong error message when adding a profile without triggers #488
Virus Total
SoundSwitch 5.5.0
Multiple change in this version mostly related to the profile feature.
You can now configure the same profile with multiple different triggers like the content of the program window, if Steam Big Picture is in the foreground.
Moreover, I've added a basic notification system for it that uses the banner, you'll be notified when the profile is triggered. And you can set the communication device in the profile.
And last but not least, you can now edit a profile directly. The UI has been completely revamped, I hope it makes it more accessible.
For the devs out there, issue with detection of the .NET Core framework have been fixed
v5.5.0 (2020-07-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- ui window position when starting from task bar.. #484
- Notifications on profile activation #483
- Reconnected devices and profiles #482
- Make the installer update silent when using the changelog view #480
- Integrate an option to automatic switch the sound device when Steam Big Picture ist running #478
- Better support for MultiScreen: Banner displayed on active screen #475
- [Enhancements] Profile editing #431
- Default Communication Device support #348
- Add feature: Switch only communications device #252
Fixed bugs:
- Installer cannot detect correctly version of .NET Core runtime when installed with the SDK #486
- Crash when trying to display the tooltip of the playback device #481
- Installation crashes at .NET Core 3.1.4 since Update from Microsoft #479
- Installer Offers To Install Older Desktop Runtime #474
- HDMI sound device is not switched to using the hotkey #466
Closed issues:
- SoundSwitch crash when switching profile with a device that isn't active at time #485
- SounSwitch crashes after launch in Windows 7 x64 #477
- Crash at startup when soundswitch is installed on multiple users on Windows 10 #476
Virus Total
SoundSwitch 5.4.0
Multiple bugfixes related to how SoundSwitch detect that another instance is running.
Finally, found why SoundSwitch would block the system from going to sleep.
Also added an error message in the case you're using a profile that has a disconnected device.
Lastly, a new language, Croatian, has been added to the application.
v5.4.0 (2020-06-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make an item in the menu for the Community / Discord #472
- SoundSwitch - Forum, Discord Chat & FAQs. #470
- Add Croatian to the app #465
Fixed bugs:
- Banner + acoustic signal when switching output device #471
- Settings Tab Not Displaying Correctly #467
- SoundSwitch crash at boot: Instance not initialized #464
- SoundSwitch crash at start: Named Pipe access denied #463
- Crash when switching to a profile where the device isn't connected #462
- SwoundSwitch preventing Windows 10 Sleep mode #439
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- feature/ui-improvements: Various small improvements for the UI #461 (FireEmerald)
Virus Total
SoundSwitch 5.3.1
Quick bug fix release (if you got 5.3.0) where the Help & Donate link weren't working anymore.
Also updated the russian translation. Thanks to @wvxwxvw
The biggest change in the version is the move from .NET Framework to .NET Core.
The installer will, as usual, take care of downloading and installing the framework SoundSwitch needs to run with (.NET Core 3.1.4).
Also, for people that had SoundSwitch crash at Windows start, this should fix it for good.
Lastly, the old HotKey text box has been re-enabled, it should fix issue with people and 4K resolutions.
v5.3.1 (2020-05-31)
Fixed bugs:
- Trying to get Help/Donate using the menu make SoundSwitch crash #460
Merged pull requests:
v5.3.0 (2020-05-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- When setting profile using an application, let the user choose if the default audio device is changed too #458
- Better error message when launching second instance of SoundSwitch #456
Fixed bugs:
- SoundSwitch crashes on startup: Can't get information about running process for Profile Feature #455
Closed issues:
- Crash after booting up PC: When using Profile feature and the audio device isn't connected #457
v5.2.0 (2020-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move to use .NET Core #453
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
v5.1.1 (2020-05-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Upgrade issues: Installer fails to start SW. Hotkey not functional after starting manually #447
- app crash new beta 5.1.0 #446
v5.1.0 (2020-05-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Recognize re-connected devices as the same as before #444
- Keybind not working, crashing when trying to edit keybind. #443
Closed issues:
- cra<sh #438
Virus Total
SoundSwitch 5.3.0
The biggest change in the version is the move from .NET Framework to .NET Core.
The installer will, as usual, take care of downloading and installing the framework SoundSwitch needs to run with (.NET Core 3.1.4).
Also, for people that had SoundSwitch crash at Windows start, this should fix it for good.
Lastly, the old HotKey text box has been re-enabled, it should fix issue with people and 4K resolutions.
v5.3.0 (2020-05-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- When setting profile using an application, let the user choose if the default audio device is changed too #458
- Better error message when launching second instance of SoundSwitch #456
Fixed bugs:
- SoundSwitch crashes on startup: Can't get information about running process for Profile Feature #455
Closed issues:
- Crash after booting up PC: When using Profile feature and the audio device isn't connected #457
v5.2.0 (2020-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move to use .NET Core #453
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
v5.1.1 (2020-05-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Upgrade issues: Installer fails to start SW. Hotkey not functional after starting manually #447
- app crash new beta 5.1.0 #446
v5.1.0 (2020-05-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Recognize re-connected devices as the same as before #444
- Keybind not working, crashing when trying to edit keybind. #443
Closed issues:
- cra<sh #438
Virus Total
SoundSwitch Beta 5.2.0
The Biggest update of the Core of the application.
The app doesn't rely on .NET Framework anymore, but on .NET Core.
This is a major change and preparing for the future of .NET where Microsoft will move towards a .NET 5 framework.
The installer has been updated to take care of downloading and installing .NET Core 3.1.4 for you directly from Microsoft.
v5.2.0 (2020-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move to use .NET Core #453
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
Virus Total
SoundSwitch Beta 5.1.1
Fix some issue with the previous beta.
Only, the disconnected device list isn't collapsed by default. This way first time user can see the full list correctly.
v5.1.1 (2020-05-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Upgrade issues: Installer fails to start SW. Hotkey not functional after starting manually #447
- app crash new beta 5.1.0 #446
Virus Total
SoundSwitch Beta 5.1.0
A beta version where the list of available device to choose from is greatly reduced to only show the Active and Unplugged device.
You won't see disabled devices anymore.
Also make the disconnected device list collapsed by default.
v5.1.0 (2020-05-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Recognize re-connected devices as the same as before #444
- Keybind not working, crashing when trying to edit keybind. #443
Closed issues:
- cra<sh #438
Virus Total
SoundSwitch 5.0.4
This is mainly a bug fix release with new contributors.
Also improving the Profile feature to be sure that anytime you delete a profile, its settings are also removed from Windows.
Thanks to @moomons & @ys27 for their first contributions to the project.
v5.0.4 (2020-05-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- When deleting a profile reset all changes made by profile to the Windows audio system #430
Fixed bugs:
- Need to close the log file before packing when app crashed #434
- NullReferenceException when the last playback device is disabled #432
- Hotkey doesn't register & hotkey bar display issue #429
- Crashes at startup when all playback devices are disabled #427
- Duplicate device created/previous removed when reconnected. #425
- Default Communication Device changing when it shouldn't. #418
Merged pull requests:
- Close the log file before packing to zip #435 (moomons)
- Fix NullReferenceException when the last playback device is disabled #433 (moomons)
- Fix crash at startup when all playback devices are disabled #428 (moomons)
- Reconnected devices are not added back to the selected list #426 (ys27)