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File metadata and controls

114 lines (72 loc) · 4.95 KB


Build Status Stories in Ready Go Report Card GoDoc

It is a Key/Value store that implements bucketing based on extendible hashing

The server.go file is a simple http server that answers on the 2233 port.

There are 3 endpoints :

curl -XGET http://hostname:2233/v1/data/path/to/fs/?id=<key>
curl -XPUT -d 'value' http://hostname:2233/v1/data/path/to/fs/?id=<key>
curl -XGET http://hostname:2233/v1/meta/path/to/fs/
curl -XGET http://hostname:2233/v1/debug/path/to/fs/?page_id=<id_of_the_page_to_display>
  • /v1 is the version number of the API
  • /path/to/fs/ is a filesystem absolute path to a folder (existing or not, it will create if not)
  • GET /data /path/to/fs/?id=key is the url to get the value of the specified key. It returns a JSON
  • PUT /data /path/to/fs/?id=key is the url to put the value of the specified key. It returns StatusOk if it is inserted
  • GET /meta /path/to/fs/ is the url to print metadata of the table. It returns a JSON formatted response
  • PUT /debug /path/to/fs/?id_page=key is the url to print the dump of a specific page

the goal

The goal of this project is to explore and to reinvent the wheel of well known, state of the art, algorithms and data structures. For experimental and learning purpose only, not production ready.


The datastructure is a persistent hashtable. There is no separation between the index and the data, they are in the same file That is the reason why a record cannot be bigger than a bucket currently (no handling for big record)

meta directory

A Directory is a table of buckets called "Page". It is the structure used to know where a bucket points physicaly to the data file

dir := &Directory{
      Table:      []int{0, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3, 2},
      Gd:         2,
      LastPageId: 3,
   	 data: []byte{...},

The Table array stores the ids of the pages (i.e pointers). To retrieve a page, the algorithm hash(key) and lookups to the Table what index it points to. Then it does a subset of the data byte slice with Table[ hash(key) ] * 4096, and casts it to a Page structure.

When a new Page is required because there is no free space, LastPageId + 1 is use to be the next pointer filled in the Table array to point to the new Page (so it points at the end of the File => (LastPageId + 1) * 4096).

page layout

A Page is a byte array of 4096 bytes length, append only. Trailer : It stores actual usage of the Page at 4094 bytes (unint16), and local depth at 4092 bytes (unint16)

| Record 1 | Record 2 | Record 3 | Record 1 v2 | LOCAL_DEPTH | PAGE_USE |

record layout

A Record is a byte array with a key, a value and the headers :

type Record interface {
    Key() []byte
    Val() []byte
    KeyLen() uint16
    ValLen() uint16

type ByteRecord []byte

| ... | k | e | y | v | a | l | u | e | 0x5 | 0x0 | 0x3 | 0x0 | ... |

Actual public methods :

  • put : append the record at the offset given by Page.use() value
  • get : read in reverse way, starting from the end and iterating until the key is found, or the beginning

This design allows updating values for a given key without doing lookup before inserting (put is O(1) if the Page is not full). When the Page is full, the Directory.split() method skips the old values of the same key and re-insert just the latest

How to start

Get the package

go get

If you run a go program for the first time, do not forget to setup your GOPATH : export GOPATH=$HOME/Dev/go

Run the server

go run server.go

It runs an httpserver with an instance of MmapKVStore


BenchmarkBluckDBPut                    1000000	            1359 ns/op   -> 1,3 µs
BenchmarkBluckDBGet                    1000000	            1406 ns/op   -> 1,4 µs
BenchmarkPutNaiveDiskKVStore-4          200000              6250 ns/op   -> 6,2 µs
BenchmarkGetNaiveDiskKVStore-4              30          44017416 ns/op   ->  44 ms
BenchmarkPutHashMap-4                  1000000              1385 ns/op   -> 1,3 µs
BenchmarkGetHashMap-4                  2000000               711 ns/op   -> 0,7 µs

Projects used by BluckDB