Markdown is an incredibly powerful writing language that allows you create rich formatted text.
John Gruber and Aaron Swartz in 2004. At the moment, Markdown is now one of the world’s most popular markup languages.
Other examples of markup languages are HTML and reStructuredText.
This is the syntax for creating various heading sizes:
# Heading Level 1
## Heading Level 2
### Heading Level 3
#### Heading Level 4
##### Heading Level 5
###### Heading Level 6
This will display:
# Table of contents
1. [Introduction](#introduction)
2. [Some paragraph](#paragraph1)
1. [Sub paragraph](#subparagraph1)
3. [Another paragraph](#paragraph2)
This will display:
This is the process of giving prominence to a text or string of texts. It consists of bold, italics and bold italics
This is a **bold** text
This is a **bold text**
This is an *italic* text
This is an *italic text*
This is a ***bold italic*** text.
This is a ***bold italic text***.
This will display:
This is a bold text. This is a bold text.
This is an italic text. This is an italic text.
This is a bold italic text This is a bold italic text
To create a link, use this syntax:
Check for the markdown cheat sheet at [Markdown Cheatsheet](
This will display as:
Check for the markdown cheat sheet at Markdown Cheatsheet
To enable emails and urls appear as a link, wrap them in angle brackets:
<[email protected]>
This will display as:
To denote a word or a phrase as code, wrap it in backticks(``)
To list files and directories on the terminal, run `ls`
This will display:
To list files and directories on the terminal, run ls