What all does this program provide.... A. MAIN MENU. B. OPTIONS MENU. C. SAVE/LOAD MENU. (Save/Load Menu not implemented yet and not visible to player) D. CREDITS MENU.
Here is a breakdown of each Menu and each Menu's Controls and what they do.... A. MAIN MENU 1. NEW GAME button, takes you to the main game scene of your entrie app and the actual start of the new game. 2. OPTIONS menu button, goes to the Options menu. 3. SAVE/LOAD menu button, goes to the Save/Load menu. Not impletmented yet and not visible to player. 4. CREDITS menu button, goes to the Credits menu. 5. EXIT game button, will exit your entire application that you use this plugin in.
B. OPTIONS MENU.. 1. DIFFICULTY Setting of the whole game. A. Easy B. Medium C. Hard 2. FULLSCREEN toggle setting for the whole app. A. ON B. OFF 3. VFX toggle setting for the game part of the app.. A. ON B. OFF 4. MUSIC toggle setting for the whole app. A. ON B. OFF 5. SFX toggle setting for the whole app. A. ON B. OFF 6. BACK button, goes back to the Main Menu.
C. CREDITS MENU. 1. Credits, information on who did what in creating your game. 2. BACK button, will take you back to the Main Menu.
D. SAVE/LOAD MENU... (Save/Load Menu not implemented yet and not visible to player)
- DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT create a configuration/settings file for the plugin to read and/or write from for the plugin. The pluginb its self will create it for you.
- Add custom Menu node to a blank scene (see demo in plugin).
- View the Demo carefully to see how everything should connect an work before going further.
- The Demo will have extra files just to help show setup.
- Set all the script variables in the plugin, do this BEFORE and I repeate BEFORE running any app that you use the plugin with after you have added it to the app.
- Anytime a path is asked for, include the quotation marks - > "res://my_path/to_whatever"
- Connect the 4 Signals below using the connect() function... options_difficulty(difficulty) options_vfx(vfx_on) options_music(music_on) options_sfx(sfx_on) See the Demo to see how each is connected and used.
- Include "MENUS plugin by DC Media/David Cunningham" in the credits for the credits menu