Parallel Coordinates visualization is used to compare multivariate numeric data. It can be used to view relationships between variables.
Size of the parent element/component (passed by the Responsive hoc)
type: shape[object Object]
Additional css classes passed from parent
type: string
defaultValue: ''
Array of colors as hex color codes
type: arrayOf[object Object]
defaultValue: schemePaired
Color selector for each group
type: func
defaultValue: undefined
Data to be visualized. It consists of array of categorical data grouped together. Example: [{ name: "AMC Ambassador Brougham", economy (mpg): 13, cylinders: 8 }, ...] For each variable an axis is created and each item is represented by a line
type: arrayOf[object Object]
defaultValue: []
Property keys to be ignored when creating axis
type: arrayOf[object Object]
The label name of group
type: func
Margins for the chart
type: shape[object Object]
defaultValue: { top: 40, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 10, }
Handler function to save the generated svg
type: func
defaultValue: () => {}