VerticalBarChart represents categorical data with vertical bars. Height of each bar represent the value of data element.
Padding between two bars as proportion to bar width
type: number
defaultValue: 0.2
Size of the parent element/component (passed by the Responsive hoc)
type: shape[object Object]
type: string
defaultValue: ''
Array of colors as hex color codes
type: arrayOf[object Object]
defaultValue: schemeSet3
Select a color for each bar
type: func
defaultValue: undefined
Array of data elements each having a label and value
type: arrayOf[object Object]
Select the label of element
type: func
Margins for the chart
type: shape[object Object]
defaultValue: { top: 24, right: 24, bottom: 24, left: 72, }
Handle mouseover over a bar
type: func
defaultValue: undefined
Handle chart saving functionality
type: func
defaultValue: undefined
if true, show axis
type: bool
defaultValue: true
if ture, tooltip is visible
type: bool
defaultValue: false
Handle the contents of tooltip
type: func
defaultValue: undefined
Select the value of element
type: func