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Simulation with Alchemy

alchemy is a bas.h5 simulator that produces files with lengths,
errors, and quality values modeled after other real sequencing runs.

To simulate using alchemy, first build the empirical model files using
supporting programs, then simulate the desired number of bas.h5 files.

alchemy is distributed in software/assembly/cpp/simulator/bin/*

The general usage is:

 usage: alchemy outputModel numBasesPerFile [ options ] options:
 -genome genome.fasta Simulate reads from the reference genome

  -sourceReadsFile filename When set, simulate reads by reading from
            'filename', rather than simulating from a genome.  The
            format of the fasta titles should be

  -fixedLength length Set simulated read length to a fixed value of
            'length', rather than sampling from a length mode.
            -movieName name ("simulated_movie") Use 'name' for movies
            rather than m000_000...

  -titleTable name Read in the titleTable to assign chromosome indices
            from simulated reads.

  -baseFileName name ("simulated") Use an alternative name for the
            output file, rather than 'simulated'

  -nFiles N (1) The number of files to simulate.

  -meanLength L(0) When set, scales the length of the average read to

  -posMap filename Use this when running alignment through
   and writing to cmp.h5. Specify a map
            between movie names and chromosome/positions.

            When set, the simulated positions are not sored in the
            bas.h5 files and instead printed to 'filename'

  -printPercentRepeat Add to the title table a field that has the
            percent repeat content of the read shown by lower case in
            the reference.

Option summary: -nfiles The number of files to simulate, each with
roughly nBases in it.  -meanlength A new value for the mean read
length.  Scale empirical data to match this.

The other major usage is to take in a set of reads, and output bas.h5
given those reads.

 alchemy output.model nBases -sourceReadsFile reads.fasta [-nfiles n]
 [-meanlength L] [-posmap map.txt]

The file output.model contains the models for sequencing error,
quality values, and read length. Previously these were all in three
separate files, but they are merged into one now for simplicity.

To create output.model:

cmpH5StoreQualityByContext aligned_reads.cmp.h5 output.model

Quality value information should be loaded into the
aligned_reads.cmp.h5 file. To do this, with the input.fofn that was
used to generate the aligned_reads.cmp.h5 file, run:

loadPulses input.fofn aligned_reads.cmp.h5 -metrics

If the files in "input.fofn" are large, add an option "-byread" to
load pulses, which will conserve memory. Note, there are no spaces
between the metrcs. That is important.