The topic names will be migrated to ROS recommended namespace model.
Set /neonavigation_compatible
parameter to 1
to use new topic names.
pointcloud_to_maps node detects floors from given pointcloud and publishes layered OccupancyGrid.
- ~/map_cloud (new: mapcloud) [sensor_msgs::PointCloud2]
- maps [map_organizer_msgs::OccupancyGridArray]
- map? [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]
- points_thresh_rate (double, default 0.5)
Layers with larger numbers of points than
(max * rate)
are extracted as floors. - floor_area_thresh_rate (double, default 0.8)
Layers with
(max * rate)
are extracted as floors. - robot_height (double, default 1.0)
Points with
(floor_height + floor_tolerance)
of height are assumed as walls. - floor_height (double, default 0.1)
Points with
of height are assumed as floors. - floor_tolerance (double, default 0.2)
Points with
to(floor_height + floor_tolerance)
of height are ignored. - min_floor_area (double, default 100.0)
Minimum floor area (m^2).
tie_maps node loads maps from files and ties into layered OccupancyGrid.
- maps [map_organizer_msgs::OccupancyGridArray]
- map? [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]
- "map_files" (string, default: std::string(""))
- "frame_id" (string, default: std::string("map"))
save_maps saves layered OccupancyGrid to map files.
- ~/maps (new: maps) [map_organizer_msgs::OccupancyGridArray]
select_map node publishes the desired layer from layered OccupancyGrid.
- /maps (new: maps) [map_organizer_msgs::OccupancyGridArray]
- ~/floor (new: floor) [std_msgs::Int32]
- /map (new: map) [nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid]
- /tf
pose_transform transforms given pose into the desired tf-frame. This node is useful to convert rviz initialpose output to desired map frame.
- ~/pose_in (new: pose_in) [geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped]
- /tf
- ~/pose_out (new: pose_out) [geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped]
- "to_frame" (string, default: std::string("map"))