The topic names will be migrated to ROS recommended namespace model.
Set /neonavigation_compatible
parameter to 1
to use new topic names.
safety_limiter node limits vehicle velocity to avoid collisions based on the linear prediction of the motion.
- ~/cmd_vel_in (new: cmd_vel_in) [geometry_msgs::Twist]
- ~/cloud (new: cloud) [sensor_msgs::PointCloud2]
- ~/disable (new: disable_safety) [std_msgs::Bool]
- ~/watchdog_reset (new: watchdog_reset) [std_msgs::Empty]
- /tf
- ~/cmd_vel_out (new: cmd_vel) [geometry_msgs::Twist]
- ~/collision (new: collision) [sensor_msgs::PointCloud]
- "freq" (double, default: 6.0)
- "cloud_timeout" (double, default: 0.8)
- "disable_timeout" (double, default: 0.1)
- "lin_vel" (double, default: 0.5)
- "lin_acc" (double, default: 1.0)
- "ang_vel" (double, default: 0.8)
- "ang_acc" (double, default: 1.6)
- "z_range_min" (double, default: 0.0)
- "z_range_max" (double, default: 0.5)
- "dt" (double, default: 0.1)
- "d_margin" (double, default: 0.2)
- "yaw_margin" (double, default: 0.2)
- "downsample_grid" (double, default: 0.05)
- "frame_id" (string, default: std::string("base_link"))
- "footprint" (?, default: footprint_xml)