Released: 2018-04-06
- bugfix: now returns error code 1 on attempt to run a non existing job
- bugfix: naming a task test or the same as any module from the python standard library no longer causes exception
- template file is deployed togheter with template task and job files when running
krem init -t <task>
andkrem init -j <job>
- added self tests
- output directory is recreated if missing
- added directory .krem_project to new projects for future use
- updated user manual
Released: 2018-03-20
- renamed CLI plugin files <...>.cmd -> <...>
- updated user manual
Released: 2018-03-16
- Added feature to return variables from tasks to job, not only return code. (this feature was already present in v2.2.0, but was not mentioned in the changelog)
- renamed selftest case test_vars_from_job_to_task to test_vars_from_task_to_job
Released: 2018-03-16
Added CLI plugin interface.
Added feature to return variables from tasks to job, not only return code
- migrated to
Added variable plugin_data to Task() class. Use it for passing data between hook functions within a plugin.
Updated according to the changes above.
Added level=None to execution logger, which logs the text without the [<level>] prefix. This feature allows plugin developers to beautify terminal/log output.
Improved log info on exceptions raised within a task.
Improved instructions on using subprocess.Popen() within a task in the Troubleshooting section in
Tasks will now fail if any plugins fail when executing hook functions pre_task_function_call or post_task_function_call.
bugfix: running job with empty job script resulted in no terminal output and '0' return code. The call now fails, and user is informed regarding the empty script.
bugfix: KREM commands failed if not located in project root directory. Can now execute KREM commands from anywhere within a project.
bugfix: Passing single arguments of type int or float to a task resulted in error.
Released: 2018-03-02
- bugfix: running a job based on job number did not always result in running the requested job
Released: 2018-03-02
- bugfix: full_run_nr added to task object passed to task functions
- bugfix: Sort assigned numbers to output from krem list
- bugfix: Allow spaces in paths in
- Extended types of arguments that can be passed from job to task
- MANUAL ported to markdown format
- CHANGELOG ported to markdown format
- Renamed plugin entrypoints to plugin hooks
- Added hook job_progress_text
- Added support for running KREM in Git Bash in Windows
- Added support for running KREM in Cygwin
Released: 2018-02-14
- renamed task function 'variables' to 'arguments'
Released: 2018-02-13
- bugfix: task object and not task name is now passed to pre_task_execution plugin entry-point
- renamed /output//latest/results.txt to /output//latest/results
- renamed /output//latest/run.txt to /output//latest/execution.log
- renamed /output/info.txt to /output//latest/info
- renamed /tasks//setup.txt /tasks//task.cfg
- renamed /tasks// /tasks//
- added /library/ with color contants to be used in jobs, tasks and plugins
- changed logging level in job template from debug to info
- replaced function job.get_job_result() with function job.get_task_results().
modify /jobs//
path, job_name = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__)) job = krem.Job(job_name, rc)
job = krem.Job(__file__, rc)
add 'task' argument as the first argument in all task functions
rename /tasks// to /tasks//
rename /tasks//setup.txt to /tasks//task.cfg
modify /tasks//task.cfg: from 'TASK_FILE =' to 'TASK_FILE ='
copy /krempack/templates/project/library/ to /library/
copy /krempack/templates/project/library/ to /library/
copy /krempack/templates/project/library/ to /library/
function job.get_job_result() is removed and replaced with function job.get_task_results(). Note that job.get_job_result() resturned a single return code while job.get_task_results() return a list of all task results
Released: 2018-01-31
- bugfix: task object and not task name is now passed to pre_task_execution plugin entry-point
Released: 2018-01-26
- krem no longer hang when running several parallel tasks
Released: 2018-01-23
- template task and job can be run without modifications
- updated MANUAL
Released: 2018-01-19
renamed plugin entry points
Released: 2018-01-19
- added library/plugins
- updated MANUAL
Released: 2018-01-10
- Added to library directory in project template with default function for plugin setup.
- Added call to plugin setup in job template
Released: 2018-01-08
- Added plugin entrypoints "pre_task_setup" and "task_post_processing"
- bug fix: Task results set before plugin entrypoint "post_task_execution"
Released: 2018-08-01
- Initial release