- Create a forked repository from the bixaluswds repo. See https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/fork-a-repo for instructions on how to fork the repository.
- Complete the Drupal standard installation following the instructions outlined here: https://github.com/rayestrada/drupalstandard.
Determine what theme machine name you want to use in this example we are using my_new_theme
First create a custom
directory in themes
directory if there isn't one: mkdir web/themes/custom
lando php web/core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --starterkit starter_theme my_new_theme --path themes/custom
lando drush cr
hidden: true
starterkit: true
In this example the theme machine name is my_new_theme
The theme dependencies are already met in the Drupal standard installation.
lando drush theme:install my_new_theme
Navigate into the base theme directory
cd web/themes/custom/bixaluswds`
Checkout the main
branch and pull changes
git checkout main
git pull origin
Create a new feature branch
git checkout -b feature/ISSUE_NO-short-descriptive-label
# Example
Commit your file modifications and push into your fork
git push fork branch-name
Visit https://github.com/Bixal/bixaluswds/compare and create a pull request from your fork branch (source) to Bixal:main
Follow the PR template instructions to complete the PR. Then update the GitHub issue with a note that you have a PR ready for review.