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Blackprint Engine for JavaScript

Run exported Blackprint on any JavaScript environment.

This repository is designed to be used together with Blackprint as the engine on the Browser, Node.js, Deno, and other JavaScript environment.


Warning: This project haven't reach it stable version (semantic versioning at v1.0.0)
But please try to use it and help improve this project

If you want to port this engine to another programming language, please use engine-php or engine-python as a reference instead.

Importing the Engine

Please specify the version when importing, breaking changes may happen on v0.*.0 incremental.


<script src="[email protected]"></script>
    let instance = new Blackprint.Engine();


# Add the dependency first
npm i @blackprint/[email protected]
let Blackprint = require('@blackprint/engine');

let instance = new Blackprint.Engine();


import Blackprint from '[email protected]';

let instance = new Blackprint.Engine();

For Deno, you need to use --allow-net to allow importing modules from URL

Creating Custom Nodes

You can use this template for creating new nodes, the template is designed for Browser/Node.js/Deno. By using @blackprint/cli-tools you can attach the compiler with the Blackprint Editor for fast development with hot reload for Browser. The template also contain some example + comment, and designed for URL module loader on Browser/Node.js/Deno.

You can also use different build tools like Rollup/WebPack/etc in case you're more familiar with it for your project, but currently you will lose .sf extension compiler and hot reloading or documenting the nodes may be more complicated.

Defining Blackprint Node and Interface

Because JavaScript does support class-based programming, we will create our custom nodes and interface by using class. Below is an example for plain JavaScript, in case your compiler does support for using decorator you can also use @Blackprint.registerNode("...") as class decorator.

// Node will be initialized first by Blackprint Engine
// This should be used for initialize port structure and set the target interface
class MyTemplate extends Blackprint.Node {
    // this == node

    // You can use type data like Number/String or "Blackprint.Port"
    // use "Blackprint.Port.Trigger" if it's callable port
    static input = {
        PortName1: Blackprint.Port.Default(Number, 123)

    // Output only accept 1 type data
    // use "Function" if it's callable port
    static output = {
        PortName2: Number


        // Interface path
        // Let it empty if you want to use default built-in interface
        // You don't need to '.registerInterface()' if using default interface
        let iface = this.setInterface('BPIC/LibraryName/FeatureName/Template');
        iface.title = 'My Title';
        iface.description = 'My Description';

    // Put logic as minimum as you can in .registerNode
    // You can also put these function on .registerInterface instead
        // Called before iface.init()

        // Triggered when any output value from other node are updated
        // And this node's input connected to that output

         * Using this .update() function is MORE recommended rather than listening
         * for value changes with event listener.
         * Multiple input update will be delayed by the internal execution order
         * and this function will be triggered once this node has turn to be updated
         * In case you need to partially update for specific ports
         * you can enable the mode by adding code below on your constructor function
         * > this.partialUpdate = true;
         * By using `.partialUpdate` when this node is going to be updated
         * this `.update` function will be called multiple times for every updated cable
         * and the `cable` parameter will no longer null, but it will referencing to the updated cable

        // Triggered when other connected node is requesting
        // output from this node that have empty output

        // When this node was successfully imported

Let's also define our custom interface, this is optional and needed only if you want to provide access for other developer. Just like an API (Application Programming Interface).

var Context = {IFace: {}};

// For Non-sketch interface
// - first parameter is named path must use BPIC prefix
// - second parameter is interface class, you can also use function for construct the interface
Context.IFace.MyTemplate = class IMyTemplate extends Blackprint.Interface {
    // this == iface

        super(node); // 'node' object from .registerNode

        this.myData = 123;
        this._log = '...';

        // If the data was stored on this field ".data", they will be exported as JSON
        // (Property name with _ or $ will be ignored) = {
            get value(){ return this._value },
            set value(val){ this._value = val },

        // Creating object data with class is more recommended
        // = new MyDataStructure(this);

    // When importing nodes from JSON, this function will be called
        // Use object assign to avoid replacing the object reference
        Object.assign(, data);

        // When Engine initializing this scope

        // ====== Port Shortcut ======
        const {
            IInput, IOutput, IProperty, // Port interface
            Input, Output, Property, // Port value
        } = this.ref;

        // Port interface can be used for registering event listener
        // Port value can be used for get/set the port value
        // By the way, Property is reserved feature, don't use it

        // this.output === IOutput
        // this.input === IInput
        // this.node.output === Output
        // this.node.input === Input

        // this.output.Test => Port Interface
        // this.node.output.Test => Number value

    // Create custom getter and setter
    get log(){ return this._log }
    set log(val){
        this._log = val

Context.IFace.MyTemplate need to be saved somewhere if you want to create Interface for Sketch that extends IMyTemplate.

Defining Node Interface for Sketch

// For Sketch Interface, this will being passed to ScarletsFrame
// - first parameter is IFace namespace
// - second parameter can be used for custom options (this is required if you're not using Blackprint compiler and want to define custom HTML)
// - third parameter can be placed on second parameter, it's must be class/function for construction
Blackprint.Sketch.registerInterface('BPIC/LibraryName/FeatureName/Template', {
  html: `
  <div class="node your-class" style="transform: translate({{ x }}px, {{ y }}px)">
    <sf-template path="Blackprint/nodes/template/header.sf"></sf-template>

    <div class="content">
      <div class="design-me">You can design me with CSS</div>

      <div class="left-port">
        <sf-template path="Blackprint/nodes/template/input-port.sf"></sf-template>

      <div class="right-port">
        <sf-template path="Blackprint/nodes/template/output-port.sf"></sf-template>

    <sf-template path="Blackprint/nodes/template/other.sf"></sf-template>
class IMyTemplate extends Context.IFace.MyTemplate {
  // this == iface

    super(node); // 'node' object from .registerNode

    this.keepMe = $('<div>');
    this.keepMe.text("Hello world!");
      width: '100%',
      textAlign: 'center'

    // Any property on 'iface' can be binded with the HTML
    this.log = '123'; // <div attr="{{ log }}">{{ log }}</div>

  // Will run once the node element was attached to DOM tree
    // When ScarletsFrame initialized this HTML element

    // Run everytime ScarletsFrame hot reload current scope
    var Node = this.node; // 'node' object from .registerNode

    // === Shortcut to get/set node's port value ===
    var My = this; // Shortcut
    // My.init = function(){...}

    // This is just a shortcut of "Node.input" and "Node.output"
    // initialized from Template.js
    const {
      IInput, IOutput, // Port interface
      Input, Output, // Port value
    } = My.ref; // My.ref === this.ref

    // Update the port value
    Output.PortName2 = 123; // This will also trigger 'value' event to connected input ports
    // Output.PortName2 === My.node.output.PortName2

    // Node event listener can only be registered after node init
    My.on('cable.connect', Context.EventSlot, function({ port, target, cable }){});

    // Can be used for IInput, IOutput
    // Control the port interface (event listener, add new port, etc)
      // When connected output node have updated the value
      // Also called after 'connect' event
      .on('value', Context.EventSlot, function({ target }){
        console.log("PortName1:", target);

      // When connection success
      .on('connect', Context.EventSlot, function({ port, target, cable }){})

      // When connection closed
      // not being called if the connection doesn't happen before
      .on('disconnect', Context.EventSlot, function({ port, target, cable }){});

    function myLongTask(callback){
      setTimeout(()=> callback(true), 1000);

      // When this port are trying to connect with other node
      .on('connecting', Context.EventSlot, function({ port, target, activate }){
            activate(true) // Cable will be activated
          else activate(false) // Cable will be destroyed

        // Empty = is like we're not giving the answer now
        activate() // Mark as async

        // Or destroy it now
        // activate(false)

    // ...

  // Below are optional life cycle, only for Blackprint.Sketch.Interface

  // This must use ScarletsFrame Development mode
  // Hot reload feature also must be activated -> "window.sf.hotReload(1);"
    console.log("Going to hot reload this object", this);
    this.hotReloading === true; // this will be true

    console.log("Was HTML changed/reloaded", this);

    console.log("Hot reload active", this);

    // Let's call init again

  destroy(){ this.init() }
  initClone(){ this.init() }
  destroyClone(){ this.init() }

Creating new Engine instance

// Create Blackprint Engine instance
let instance = new Blackprint.Engine();

// You can import nodes with JSON
// if the nodes haven't been registered, this will throw an error
await instance.importJSON(`{...}`);

// You can also create the node dynamically
let iface = instance.createNode('LibraryName/FeatureName/Template', /* {..options..} */);

// Change the default data 'value' property["value"] = 123;

// --- Obtaining Node from Interface
let node = iface.node;

// Assign the input port = 21
node.input["PortName2"] = 21;

// Get the value from output port
console.log(node.output["PortName2"]()); // 21

// --- Obtaining Interface by ID
// Can only work if the node's JSON/options has specified it's ID
let iface2 = instance.createNode('LibraryName/FeatureName/Template', {x: 10, y: 20, id: "foo"});


Please visit the /example folder if you want to try the code. B71rGnn84k


Feel free to contribute any bug fix, improvement, report an issue or ask a feature for the Engine.

When improving this Blackprint Engine, you will need to clone the main repository. For further instruction it will be written on the documentation.
