Terraform is an API wrapper for different cloud providers. This configuration is only applicable to GCP. You can download terraform
from here https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html.
Make sure you've authenticated the gcloud
SDK installed locally with GCP, similar to the way you would authenticate Packer or add your credentials as an environment variable - https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/getting_started.html#adding-credentials.
There is a ln-store
module that controls the creation of the instance, which is managed by an instance group and is based on an instance template. The instance template uses the latest image that was built by Packer in the ln-store-ubuntu
family. Additionally, there's a TCP load balancer setup that forwards traffic to the instance.
There are a few mandatory things that will need to be updated:
- data.tf - the GCS bucket that's storing the terraform state file
- same GCS info has to be added to main.tf as well
- variables.tf and ln-store/variables.tf - update your GCP project's name
You can use terraform plan
to verify changes.
If that looks good, you can apply the configuration with terraform apply
In order to destroy infrastructure, you can use terraform destroy
. If you want to destroy a specific resource, you can see what's already managed by Terraform terraform state list
, then terraform destroy -target name_from_list_above
can be specified multiple times).