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File metadata and controls

96 lines (68 loc) · 3.98 KB


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An object mapper for key-based configurations making use of GPEEE.


Mapping values can be merged by making use of the merge key (<<). This feature only makes sense in combination with yaml anchors, to extend one section by another one. Missing keys are extended deeply, while scalar values are - if they're declared above the merge key - overridden, otherwise ignored.

An example of merging would be the following:

sectionA: &sectionA
  title: 'Welcome to section a'
  color: green
  width: 100
    opacity: .5
    animated: false

  <<: *sectionA
  title: 'Welcome to section b'
    animated: true

Section B "inherits" color as well as width, while it's title is being overridden. This inheritance works deeply, which is why the settings section of B can override just the animated flag, while still inheriting the opacity. This way, a template can be made use of while still being able to customize certain properties.

Expression Evaluation

If a value should be parsed into a Program Expression instead of being unwrapped into a primitive, either it's key or a parent key needs to be marked with the trailing expression marker. The value of this marker is up to the user of this library, but usually ends up being a dollar sign ($).

Same Key Marking

A single value is being marked as an expression:

myKey$: '5 + 3 - 20 * .4'

Parent Key Marking

If a parent key is marked, all children will be parsed as expressions, without having to be marked separately again.

  a: '5 + 3 - 20 * .4'
  b: 'my_variable & ", hello world!"'

This is also true for non-scalar values like lists:

  - '5 + 3 - 20 * .4'
  - 'my_variable & ", hello world!"'

Value Interpretation

Values are interpreted as the type that the caller requires by making use of GPEEEs IValueInterpreter. Types can be either the available scalars, or lists of scalars, or maps with scalar keys/values. Always check which interpretation happens at the documentation of the actual implementation which makes use of this library. If required, raw objects (unwrapped YAML nodes) can also be fetched from a configuration.


Due to the use of a relatively recent version of snakeyaml, comments are parsed into the AST as well and thus persist not only in their content, but also their exact positioning. The header comment, as it's often added for decorative purposes, is detected separately and is being defined as the first n lines of block comments without a newline, separated by a newline from the rest of the file. It's persisted separately, in order to allow for simpler key extension without messing up the header's position.

Key Extension

A YamlConfig supports the extension of missing keys from another instance, which is a way to migrate existing configuration files to a newer version by adding new key-value pairs. Existing sections are extended, missing sections are added. Keys are never deleted, as that could possibly delete still needed configuration information for the user.

Commented-Out Keys

Keys which are commented out are detected if their corresponding comment is within the right mapping-block and starts with any amount of whitespace, followed by the key's name, followed by a colon :. Since it is a feature of this mapper to comment out keys in order to cause null-values in Sections, in order to thereby deactivate messages/features, these keys will not be extended.