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File metadata and controls

216 lines (151 loc) · 10.7 KB


A wrapper on BBConfigMapper, which manages configuration instances and adds value converters, like the item-buildable as well as the bukkit-evaluable itself, which provides many bukkit type interpretations and support for the use of &-colors.

Expression Marker Suffix

In order to signal to the system that a key's value is an evaluable expression, add a trailing dollar sign to it's name ($).

Permissions Section

All permission nodes of a plugin can be configured to a custom value, based on a unique internal key.

Full Example

  # permission: The missing permission node string
  missingMessage$: 'lut["prefix"] & "&7You\sre lacking the permission &c" & permission'
  # Map of internal name to custom configurable node value
    request: headcatalog.request

ItemStack Section

The item-stack section can be used to either define a custom item from scratch, patch another item description in order to customize/update/adapt it to a special use-case or to describe a matcher for already existing item-stacks. For a matcher, non-specified properties act as wildcards. For a patcher, only specified values get updated, according to the patch-flags.

Full Example

This full example shows off all available keys. A section like this wouldn't make any sense, as some properties are only applicable to a certain material type, but it still serves as a great template.

amount: 32
name: '&6My fancy pickaxe'
  - ' '
  - '&7This is a &dlore line&7!'
  - '&7This is another &dlore line&7!'
color: ORANGE
    enchantment: ARROW_FIRE
    level: 4
    enchantment: KNOCKBACK
    level: 2
textures: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTE4YTJkZDViZWYwYjA3M2IxMzI3MWE3ZWViOWNmZWE3YWZlODU5M2M1N2E5MzgyMWU0MzE3NTU3MjQ2MTgxMiJ9fX0='
  type: HARM
  extended: false
  upgraded: true
    effect: HUNGER
    duration: 200
    amplifier: 3
    ambient: false
    particles: true
    icon: true
    pattern: STRIPE_TOP
    color: RED
    pattern: STRIPE_BOTTOM
    color: BLUE

Bukkit Color Value

Bukkit colors already come with a set of predefined constants, which you can specify on properties of type color. If a custom RGB-color is required, it can be written down as R G B, where each letter can take on a value from 0 to 255, including both ends.

Available Keys


The amount of items, interpreted as an integer value.


The type (material), interpreted as a XMaterial Enum.


The display-name, interpreted as a string value.


The displayed lore lines, interpreted as a string-list.


The active item-flags, interpreted as a set of ItemFlag Enumeration Values.


The color of this item, applied if the item is colorizable (leather-armor, potion, map, ...), interpreted as a Bukkit Color.


All enchantments which are present on this item, interpreted as a list of enchantment sections.

enchantment section

An enchantment to be applied to an item, consisting of the following properties:

Property Description Interpretation
enchantment Enchantment to be applied XEnchantment Enum
level Level of the enchantment Integer value


The base64 textures value to be applied to a skull item, interpreted as a string.


A potion's base effect, consisting of the following properties:

Property Description Interpretation
type Potion effect to be applied XPotion Enum or PotionType Enum
extended Whether the duration is extended Boolean value
upgraded Whether the effect has been upgraded Boolean value


All custom potion effects which are present on this item, interpreted as a list of custom effect sections.

custom effect section

A potion's custom effect, consisting of the following properties:

Property Description Interpretation
effect Potion effect to be applied XPotion Enum
duration Duration of the effect in ticks Integer value
amplifier Amplifier of the effect Integer value
ambient More translucent particles Boolean value
particles Whether to show particles Boolean value
icon Whether to show an icon Boolean value


All custom banner patterns which are present on this item, interpreted as a list of banner pattern sections.

banner pattern section

A banner's custom pattern, consisting of the following properties:

Property Description Interpretation
pattern Pattern to be applied PatternType Enum
color Color of the pattern DyeColor Enum


Active patch flags when this item-stack section is being used to patch (customize, adapt) another item-stack section, interpreted as a set of Patch Flags.

These are override true flags, so if they're specified, the representing property is being overridden. If it's not specified, it's extended.


This library adds a few functions to the base evaluation environment of all retrievable values:


Decodes the passed base64 encoded string, parses it as JSON and returns the extracted textures.SKIN.url string value.

base64_to_skin_url("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTE4YTJkZDViZWYwYjA3M2IxMzI3MWE3ZWViOWNmZWE3YWZlODU5M2M1N2E5MzgyMWU0MzE3NTU3MjQ2MTgxMiJ9fX0=") -> ""


Creates the json string required to provide skin texture urls and returns the base64 encoded value of that json string.

skin_url_to_base64("") -> "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTE4YTJkZDViZWYwYjA3M2IxMzI3MWE3ZWViOWNmZWE3YWZlODU5M2M1N2E5MzgyMWU0MzE3NTU3MjQ2MTgxMiJ9fX0="

Lookup-Table (LUT) section

The top level section named "lut" is a standard section in every configuration file and serves as a central store for constants and duplicate data in general. It's of type map and is available as a static variable by the name "lut" within the base (and thus every) evaluation environment. As this table is bound at the evaluation level, it can be specified at the bottom of the file and still be used anywhere, in contrast to yaml anchors.

Here's a shortened excerpt, used as an example:

    type: PLAYER_HEAD
    textures$: 'lut[if current_page > 1 then "ARROW_LEFT" else "ARROW_LEFT_RED"]'

  ARROW_LEFT_RED: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZWRmNWMyZjg5M2JkM2Y4OWNhNDA3MDNkZWQzZTQyZGQwZmJkYmE2ZjY3NjhjODc4OWFmZGZmMWZhNzhiZjYifX19'