If your question/problem is not answered here, feel free to send messages to my Discord account: Bobby#0001.
- My game isn't showing after using
This isn't a bug, it's just how Discord works. It can't be fixed. Don't worry, your game shows for everyone else. If you want to check your game, just use
- How to enable mention log?
This feature will automatically log any messages which have you mentioned in them (either through direct mention, role mention, @everyone or @here).
To enable it, you simply have to make a private channel in your own server to hold all the logs. Once you have made one, get its channel ID by right-clicking on the channel name then click on
Copy ID
Afterwards, edit.../Lightbringer/data/configs/config.json
file, then add the following:"mentionLogChannel": "CHANNEL_ID"
with the ID that you had copied before.
Once you're done, you'll have to restart the bot.Please note, by default it won't monitor any servers. To whitelist a particular server, you have to use
command in the said server orlbtmention SERVER_NAME_OR_ID
anywhere else. Use the command again to remove the server from the whitelist.
- How to enable auto Last.fm playing status updater?
This feature will automatically poll Last.fm server every 5 seconds to check whether your Last.fm account is currently scrobbling anything or not. When it's scrobbling, it will automatically update your Discord game status with the title of the currently scrobbling song.
To enable this feature, first you will need to get your Last.fm API key.
To get an API key, submit the form in this page: https://www.last.fm/api/account/create.
You can leaveCallback URL
field empty. As forApplication homepage
field, feel free to use this repo URL.Once you have submitted the form and got your API key, save them somewhere safe since you wouldn't be able to see them again later from Last.fm website.
Afterwards, uselblastfm config YOUR_KEY YOUR_USERNAME
command to save your key and username to your configuration file.
N.b. ReplaceYOUR_KEY
with your Last.fm API key andYOUR_USERNAME
with your Last.fm username.
After running the command, uselblastfm toggle
to start fetching your scrobbles.Please note, when it's scrobbling you won't be able to manually change your game using
. If you want to temporarily disable this feature, you can uselblastfm toggle
command again.
- How to enable MyAnimeList command (
This command is currently disabled.
file, then add the following:"malUser": "YOUR_MYANIMELIST_USERNAME", "malPassword": "YOUR_MYANIMELIST_PASSWORD",Afterwards, restart the bot and try the command again.
- How to enable Merriam-Webster command (
Get your API key from http://dictionaryapi.com/. Make sure you get the one for its Collegiate® Dictionary.
Afterwards, uselbdictionary -key YOUR_KEY
command to save your key to your configuration file.
N.b. ReplaceYOUR_KEY
with your API key (remember, it's Collegiate® Dictionary). After saving the key, you can directly use the command to get definitions.
ERROR: There are no scenarios; must have at least one.
This occurs if you install Yarn incorrectly on Linux. Please read the official Yarn installation instructions for Linux.
Error: Cannot find module './config.json'
This means you did not set up the
for the bot. Please read the Lightbringer installation instructions.
Error: Cannot find module './docs'
This is a bug with
module, though it's still unclear whether it's caused byyarn
or the module itself. To solve this, you'll have to download the files inhttps://github.com/josdejong/mathjs/tree/4e1142a1/lib/expression/docs
. You can use this tool to download them. Once you have downloaded the archived file, extract its content to.../Lightbringer/node_modules/mathjs/lib/expression/docs
.NOTE: This issue seemed to be caused by
yarn clean
. By default it would get rid ofdocs
in modules. Usually it would work just fine, butmathjs
module required some files in itsdocs
directory. If you had not runyarn clean
, you would not encounter this issue. But if you had run it, try to delete.yarnclean
file in the bot's root directory.
TRACKER : error TRK0005: Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified. [...\Lightbringer\node_modules\leveldown\deps\snappy\snappy.vcxproj]
This issue happens on Windows when you haven't configured the required tools for
module. Please refer to this page for more information about what you have to prepare beforehand.
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
If this error occurred on any line which contains
in it, then it must be because you're running a node installation which doesn't haveasync/await
feature enabled by default.
This feature is enabled by default in node>= 7.6
As for node older than that, such as6.x
, you have no other options but to upgrade.