Now using .Net 8.0.
Scoping of class expressions names.
Default OutputOptions.Ecma is 6.
Simple template string const eval.
Bundler in es6+ mode uses shorter Arrow IIFE pattern when wrapping whole body.
Arrow with await async v => await v
Printing of { [key]: value }
Wrong optimization with destructuring to const.
Bundling of import * as x from "x"; x;
Symbol renaming in Bundler (again).
Object spread with rest expansion as arrow function parses without error.
Fixed regression in bundling in another special case.
Regression in bundling in special case.
Bundler has new library mode where all exports from main file are preserved as ESM exports.
AstSequence includes parens it fixes BobrilSourceInfo styleDef case.
Bundling of exportStar TypeScript helper when included in source code.
Compression optimizations around template strings.
- Upgrade to .Net 6.0
- Basic BigInt ES2020 support
- Removed unnecessary parentis from nested power binary expression
- Fixing ES6+ support
- Optimize TypeScript enums
- dead code elimination of result unused
new Map()
- Bundler with import default when there is not default export
- Unused classes are eliminated by optimizer.
- Support for export { x } from "y"; and export { x as y } from "z"; patterns
- Compress optimization for cloned constant variables
- Improved bundling dead code elimination of export as namespace
- Bundler for Code generated by TypeScript 3.9.2
- Bundling of
export * as x from "y";
- Bundling of
export var x = func; x = func2;
pattern. - Bundling of JS dependency with
var x = (function(){ window.x = window.x || {}; ...; return x; })();
pattern. - Bundling of JS dependency with
if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
- Nasty Const eval bug
- Symbol renaming in Bundler
- New Coverage reporters
- Coverage instrumentation.
- Many bugs in bundler and minification.
- Compress should never remove IIFE functions. Fixes compression of already compressed jquery.min.js.
- First version