This repo is forked from the Aloha ACT, RLBench, Pyrep. And it's one of the works of Constrained Behavior Cloning for Robotic Learning
RLBench-ACT is built around ACT, RLBench, PyRep and CoppeliaSim v4.1.0. And we recommend Conda as your python version manager!
- Creating a python virtual environment RLBench_ACT
conda create -n rlbench_act python=3.8.10 # the version is strict
conda activate rlbench_act
- Download CoppeliaSim Ubuntu 20.04. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc file
export COPPELIASIM_ROOT=~/COPPELIASIM # you can change this path to where you want
# run and test CoppeliaSim
mkdir -p $COPPELIASIM_ROOT && tar -xf CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_1_0_Ubuntu20_04.tar.xz -C $COPPELIASIM_ROOT --strip-components 1
- install this repository
# git the project
conda activate rlbench_act
git clone
cd RLBench_ACT
# install all requirements
conda activate rlbench_act
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e ./PyRep # more information on
pip3 install -e ./RLBench # more information on
pip3 install -e ./act/detr # more information on
# install pytorch-cuda
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- test RLBench task builder.
conda activate rlbench_act
python3 RLBench/tools/ --task sorting_program5
#[remember don't save scene in Coppeliasim GUI ]
Do not save the scence in Coppeliasim's GUI, either with ctrl+s or in the “Do you wish to save the changes?” window that pops up when you close it, you need to select No in all GUI screens. If you accidentally saved it in the GUI, run the following command:
cd RLBench/rlbench
rm task_design.ttt
cp task_design_back.ttt task_design.ttt
- get robot task demo from RLBench.
python3 RLBench/tools/ \
--save_path Datasets \
--tasks sorting_program5 \
--variations 1 \
--episodes_per_task 50 \
- visualize episode
python3 act/ --dataset_dir Datasets/sorting_program5/variation0 --episode_idx 0
- train task and eval
# train
python3 act/ \
--task_name sorting_program5 \
--ckpt_dir Trainings/sorting_program5 \
--policy_class ACT --kl_weight 10 --chunk_size 20 --hidden_dim 512 --batch_size 8 --dim_feedforward 3200 \
--num_epochs 14000 --lr 1e-5 \
--seed 0
# infrence
python3 act/ \
--task_name sorting_program5 \
--ckpt_dir Trainings/sorting_program5 \
--policy_class ACT --kl_weight 10 --chunk_size 20 --hidden_dim 512 --batch_size 8 --dim_feedforward 3200 \
--num_epochs 14000 --lr 1e-5 --temporal_agg \
--seed 0 --eval --onscreen_render
The task is more difficult for the robot because there are 2 other colors of interferences at the same time, and the cube also comes with a certain angle of rotation of 45°, which can also lead to failure if the angles are not aligned. The success rate only goes up when the training epoch is around 14000.
- We recommend creating a new task from an already existing task. For example
python3 RLBench/tools/ --task sorting_program5
input the 'u' in the terminal window you can duplicate the task to a new name.
After your change, remember to save the task with the 's' in the terminal window. And you can test the task with "+" and "d". But don't save this task scence in the CoppeliaSim GUI!!!
- Edit the waypoints. And double-click on the waypoints and select Common Modification Extension string at the top of the pop-up window. The command list are bellow:
- ignore_collisions;
- open_gripper();
- close_gripper();
- steps(12); # You can set a fixed number of steps to reach this path point.
If you find the RLBench_ACT in this repository useful for your research, you can cite:
author={Jun Xie},
url = {},
or our work on Constrained Behavior Cloning for Robotic Learning
title = {Constrained Behavior Cloning for Robotic Learning},
author = {Wensheng Liang and Jun Xie and Zhicheng Wang and Jianwei Tan and Xiaoguang Ma},
year = {2024},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.10568}