Releases: BreweryTeam/BreweryX
BreweryX - v3.3.4
Hi everyone,
I'm releasing this version of BreweryX to patch an issue with RGBs and colors not being read properly in brew lores. Expect another release to be out soon to address some of the other issues I have to catch up with.
Have a good day :)
Full Changelog: 3.3.3...3.3.4
BreweryX - v3.3.3
Hotfix potion repeated potion lores in BX.
BreweryX - v3.3.2
Fixes for immutable lores. (Yes this is a different release, had some changes I forgot to include)
BreweryX - v3.3.0
Fixes issues with BreweryX lores, playercommands, servercommands and all other issues that stem from this.
BreweryX - v3.2.9
Mostly edits to Brewery's API.
Full Changelog: 3.2.8...3.2.9
BreweryX - v3.2.8
What's Changed:
This release contains bug fixes, changes to BreweryX's code, and optimizations to BreweryX's distilling process by @Intybyte.
Full Changelog: 3.2.7...3.2.8
BreweryX - v3.2.7
BreweryX - v3.2.7
What's changed:
- BreweryX's IAOraxenAddon is now deprecated for all BreweryX versions 3.2.7+. BreweryX now comes with all features of the addon by itself and will now natively support ItemsAdder and Oraxen.
- Addons have received some major API changes and you are required to update your RecipesAddon if you use this addon.
- Chat distortion fixes | @Mitality
/brew create <potion> <player>
can now be used from console- A few other fixes, minor changes to docs by me, @Mitality , and @szarkans
Jitpack Release
3.2.7-JITPACK#1 addon stuff
BreweryX - v3.2.6
BreweryX - v3.2.6
- Fixes for MySQL and SQLite storage types
- Serialization fixes for Brewery objects
- Packaged GSON for support across older MC versions
- Removed debug stuff for placeholders - @Mitality
Full Changelog: 3.2.5...3.2.6
BreweryX - v3.2.5
Minor release for some data management changes to BreweryX.
What's Changed
Locations for Barrels/Cauldrons are now saved with the world name included so BreweryX plugins past version 3.2.4 can now get locations from either the world UUID or world name. If neither of those match up, Brewery assumes the world doesn't exist anymore and won't load those objects. Please note that this change does not apply for legacy data migration. If you want to convert all your old data, you will need those worlds to be loaded on your server or convert your data manually.
Added SQLite as a storage.type option. If you prefer, you can use SQLite out of the available types:
FlatFile, MySQL, SQLite
Other docs changes by @szarkans. Docs at:
Full Changelog: 3.2.4...3.2.5