Tools for working with TwinCAT compiled libraries
Used to read a few pieces of metadata from a TwinCAT library:
- Name (Namespace)
- Description
- Author
- Company
- Version
Or to read the dependencies of the library:
- Name
- Namespace
- Company
- Version
See the test file with this example:
var propertyReader = new TwincatLibraryUtilities.LibraryPropertyReader();
var libraryInfo = propertyReader.getLibraryInfo(@"ExampleLibraries\TcMatrix.library");
Assert.AreEqual("TcMatrix", libraryInfo.Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Matrix arithmatic library", libraryInfo.Description);
Assert.AreEqual("Andrew Burks", libraryInfo.Author);
Assert.AreEqual("Burks Engineering", libraryInfo.Company);
Assert.AreEqual("1.4.3", libraryInfo.Version);