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Frederik Bertling edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 13 revisions

Installing the extension

Download the appropriate build for your computer and os from releases (.so for linux, .dll for windows, .dylib for mac). Copy this file to the Reaper configs folder into UserPlugins.

Open the main window

You can open the main window via menu -> Extensions -> LivePresets -> Presets. It consists of a list containing all presets, buttons to edit this list and a button to open the settings dialog.

Create and edit a preset

To create a preset simply press Add in the main window. It will save:

  • tracks including the mastertrack
  • track fx and rec sends
  • track plugins

Afterwards a dialog opens to configure the preset. You can add a name, a description, change the recall id and bind a reaper action to recall that preset via midi/OSC/hotkeys. The recall id must be a unique number across all presets. It is used to recall a preset with the parameterized preset recall action. The dialog also shows a tree containing all saved parameters of that preset. The first character ([R] or [I]) indicates the parameter filtering when recalling that preset. [R] stands for Recalled and [I] stands for Ignored. You can change the filtering mode by selecting the parameter and pressing enter or space (on mac only space is valid).

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