- Review last week's brainstorm
- Report back about actions
- Continue brainstorm/actions
- Peter to bring ice cream to the next meeting :D
- Peter to also find out cost for CAMH biostatistics service, and invite them
- Yuliya to speak to Melissa Levesque about us presentating at Research rounds
- Jon to speak to David about SCC connectivity on CAMH TransformingLives wifi
- Joe to look into surveying labs on their "workflows" (see below)
- Managing lab software “bits and pieces” (how to document and organize)
- Lack of computing skills of researchers
- How to best organize computational analyses
- Maintain organizational memory (best practices) -- e.g. wiki
- Underuse of computing power
- Moving data from T drive to non-CAMH networked computers
- Survey workflows across labs to find out what is done and needed: [Joe to
- how are people doing their work? (OS, software, ...)
- what are hinderences, e.g. are people working from home because of network connectivity issues?
- what are best practices for issues above.
- Journals should be accessible to researchers on the CAMH network
- Researchers should be able to mount storage on non-CAMH workstations
- both in the RIC and outside of the RIC.
- is there a PHI issue?
- CAMH provided “research workstation” (Windows and/or Mac/Linux) that has:
- admin access, for software installs
- journal access
- common research tools
- Remote desktop access to the SCC
- Remote desktop access to a research VM to enable custom software/environment
- CAMH wifi connection to the SCC should work [Jon to ask David]
- Modernize the SCC OS (since packages hard to compile already)
- Custom OS per lab on the SCC
- Creating a venue for knowledge sharing
- Central portal for labs to share knowledge/practices (on the Research IT portal?)
- SCC User Group (message board/mailing list) for help/feedback
- socials with ice cream (low fat option for Peter) *
- floating few experts avail to each lab
- expert per lab?
- experts should know how to navigate ResearchIT, and analysis best practices, etc.
- experts can assist in sharing knowledge between labs
- need people to go for “advanced” analysis/statistics help (stuff that is not easily google-able)
- A “free” biostatistics service [Peter to find out current cost]
- Faster responses to SCC requests or else people won't bother
- One member from lab having “admin” access on the SCC to install packages, etc.. (Perhaps a sandboxed area for admins to add to the quarantine)
- Invite the SCC admin to this group, and also David or else worry that this group has no legitimacy/voice [Jon to ask David]
- Present at Research Rounds to let lab heads hear about these issues, bet buy in [Yuliya to ask Melissa]