- Natalia stays on Tuesdays and Yulia moved to Thursdays.
- Time for Thursdays should be discussed 2-3 11-12 works for most people.
- Afternoons are busier and we have a meeting at 3
- Machines floating around
- Make sure accessibility is appropriate licensed software issues
- People leaving to address certain issues?
- git-annex seems to work quite well if everything is set up on linux
- Git-FAT used for same purposes it should work across all platforms
- Git-Lab can host on your server or their servers
- Survey needs discussion prior to release
- Content and questions need to be reviewed before release
- go back and review question to construct a new survey with better communication
Would you like having office hours to drop in for general scientific computing issues
Learn more about data analysis specific techniques
Would people be interested in courses on data management
What computing environments do you use the most
Do you use the CAMH laptops/desktops and are they sufficient?
What computing environment is best for you?
Make these predefined options?
- Researchers that need interdisciplinary datasets from different locations
- Who do you need to see to address the process?
- bash for the cluster
- data munging R or Python
- Some interest in Matlab
- Making production quality code for software development
- have basic workshops and a survey for things people are interested