- Update on Research IT projects (David, Qing, Andy)
- GitLab
- Storage
- Globus
- Update on PTP speakers
- Update on IMS courses (grad and medschool)
- can be found at RDRSHGITLABV.CAMH.CA or
- cannot be accessed from CAMH Guest or Transforming Lives wireless
- Qing took a look at enabling LFS
- Currently don’t have domain name properly registered, but should be able to do so
- Ishraq tested: tried using LFS with camh server, and even if used SSH connection, had to use HTTP (re-type in credentials)
- So camh repeatedly asked for username and password. Tried using same LFS commands with gitlab, and that worked. But, could still clone a repository
- So, when initialize on the server, should work
- Next step: Qing is comfortable will be gitlab reliable. Needs to find a solution for the email. This is the next step, but messy with camh. Might need to find work around
- At present, anyone can make a gitlab account. So user access will have to be set on case-by-case basis
- Qing: moving along
- David is identifying a few groups to test
- Some groups are testing NFS sites
- Should be announced pretty soon
- Compucom has to do some work on the firewall. Can transfer 14mg/s on average inside, but if on other side of firewall, it breaks
- This, it isnot usable
- Andy is looking at GLOBUS. A lot of ports are involved. Again, firewall issues
###Peers to Peers
- Always Tuesdays 12-1 every other week
- Continue to follow up with speakers
- Some new ideas (gitlab and github, latek and markdown, etc)
- We will forward email address, topic, availability to P2P
###Next week/ followup:
- We may try to help get P2P money
- Look into what the Campbell Institute talk series and RIC rounds is all about