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Running Poker Experiments

Scripts to launch the P2SRO paper poker experiments can be found here.

Launching Experiments in Tmux sessions

Launching the multiplayer rl experiments involves starting multiple processes, so the launch process is automated with the bash script.

To launch Pipeline PSRO on Leduc poker with 3 rl-learners and 3 evaluator-workers, run:

# (with your conda environment active)
cd paper-launch-scripts
./ 1 3 3 leduc_poker

(More commands like this can be found in example_commands.txt)

This will launch multiple processes in a tmux session. You change between tmux windows using your mouse or with ctrl+b, w

You can detached from the session with ctrl+b, d. When detached, the processes will continue running in the background unless killed. You can reattach to the session with tmux attach (or tmux attach -t <session-name> if you are running multiple experiments).

To stop an experiment, either use ctrl+c to kill each process and exit every shell in the session, or detach from the session (using ctrl+b, d) and kill the session with tmux kill-session -t <session-name> (or tmux kill-server to kill all sessions).

Quick guides to using tmux:

Experiment Processes Breakdown

Our experiment code supports multiple algorithms for training parallel learners in 2-player games. The stack is designed such that an algorithm can be validated on toy games like Kuhn & Leduc poker on a single node and then be used in large-scale games with learners spanning multiple nodes with the same code.

The basic building block processes that you may see launched for each experiment are:


Maintains a checkpointable payoff table data structure for keeping track of an empirical payoff matrix and metadata for frozen/finished policies. Maintains a list of offline payoff evaluations needed and provides an interface to request ad-hoc evaluations between policy checkpoints from different learners.


Launches multiple eval workers to query needed offline policy match-up payoff evaluations from the manager, run them, and report payoff results back to the manager.

Lock Server

Provides an interface for learners to post, mutate, and query named values in atomic operations. The lock server is used for parallel learners to coordinate and synchronize operations.


Independent reinforcement learning processes. Each learner trains a single policy until completion. Learners are individually responsible for determining which other policies to train against and when to "finish" and submit final checkpoints to the manager for inclusion in the payoff matrix.


HTTP webserver to host and display statuses from the manager. After entries to emperical payoff matrix are added, displays a graph of the population metanash probabilities over time.

Graphing Results

See graph_results.ipyb for an example of parsing the payoff table checkpoints saved by experiment manager processes and graphing the exploitability over time.

When launching a new experiment, the manager will log the location where it's latest payoff table checkpoint will be saved. This can be loaded in graph_results.ipyb to graph the experiment's results.

Example manager log output:

INFO:mprl.utility_services.manager.manager:Latest Manager Payoff Table Checkpoint will always be at kuhn_poker_pipe_3_workers_poker_ps/kuhn_pipeline_psro/goku_pid_753661_12_09_18PM_Oct-12-2020/payoff_tables/latest.dill (local file path /home/user/git/pipeline-psro/multiplayer-rl/mprl/data/kuhn_poker_pipe_3_workers_poker_ps/kuhn_pipeline_psro/goku_pid_753661_12_09_18PM_Oct-12-2020/payoff_tables/latest.dill)

(Hence in this example, the payoff table checkpoint will be available at /home/user/git/pipeline-psro/multiplayer-rl/mprl/data/kuhn_poker_pipe_3_workers_poker_ps/kuhn_pipeline_psro/goku_pid_753661_12_09_18PM_Oct-12-2020/payoff_tables/latest.dill)