FIZ353 - Numerical Analysis Lecture Notes
Repository for the "FIZ353 - Numerical Analysis" course's lecture notes, as tutored by Dr. Emre S. Tasci during the 2020-2021 Fall term.
The course has been conducted using the Python language.
The notes have been prepared via Jupyter-notebeook, and in addition to the ipynb format, html version is also available.
You can reach the source files at, and the processed HTML files are available via
Lecture# | Topic |
1 | Importing, parsing, processing and exporting datasets (Pandas module){:target="ders"} |
2 | Visualization of datasets (Seaborn module){:target="ders"} |
3 | Least Squares Error Method & Crash Course in Optimization{:target="ders"} |
4 | Matrix Operations & Linear Algebra{:target="ders"} |
5 | Matrix Decompositions{:target="ders"} |
6(a) | PCA for Coupled Harmonic Oscillators (3 Springs, 2 Bodies){:target="ders"} |
6(b) | PCA for Dimensionality Reduction (3 Cameras, 1 Oscillator){:target="ders"} |
6(c) | PCA for Dimensionality Reduction, with noise (3 Cameras, 1 Oscillator){:target="ders"} |
7 | Fourier Analysis (Introduction){:target="ders"} |
8 | Drawing From A Given Distribution{:target="ders"} |
9 | Regression{:target="ders"} |
10 | Interpolation{:target="ders"} |
11 | Finite Difference Method & ODEs{:target="ders"} |
-- | Compressed Sensing(In progress){:target="ders"} |
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Emre S. Tasci [email protected]