Releases: CMSgov/qpp-conversion-tool
- QPPCT-1021 : Fix metadata holder bug
- QPPCT-1020 : Update apms
- QPPCT-1022 : Update GUID measure CMS160v6
- QPPCT-1019 : Support warnings in NodeValidator
- QPPCT-1004 : Add warnings for CPC+ APM to NPI
This release contains the following changes:
- QPPCT-854 - Improve maven build to use profiles for integration tests rather than a regex argument
- QPPCT-892 - 2018 PLATFORM - Change converter endpoint response
- QPPCT-862 - 2018 QRDA3 - Renaming from “Advancing Care Information” to “Promoting Interoperability” throughout
- QPPCT-908 - 2018 CPC+: Update submission window end
- QPPCT-907 - 2018 CPC+: Performance period validation update
- QPPCT-863 (reverted) - 2018 QRDA3 – Performance Period changes to IA and Quality
- QPPCT-867 - 2018 QRDA 3 – Support Virtual Group for MIPS
- QPPCT-958 - Update Implementation Guide references
- QPPCT-963 - Install Git Secrets
- QPPCT-981 - Fix sonarscanner
- QPPCT-828 - 2018 PLATFORM - Move validation error location data inside a single JSON object
- QPPCT-976 - From Google Group: eCQI sample files do not validate with Developer Preview
- QPPCT-915 - Setup a repository manager for conversion tools
- QPPCT-975 - Update sample files for 2018
- QPPCT-989 - Resolve surefire plugin class loader issues
- Fix ci sonar status
- QPPCT-983 - Improve command line to put output files in a directory
- Fix reporting stratum
- Additional sample files
- QPPCT-962 - Fix build on windows
- QPPFC-407
- QPPCT-912 - 2018 CPC+: Submission report
- QPPCT-993 - Add type converter for Detail in dynamodb
- QPPCT-996 - Report endpoint: block reports for files from before 2018
- QPPCT-998 - Update spring
- QPPCT-999 - Update aws dependencies
- QPPCT-871 - 2018- CPC+ measure group validation
- QPPCT-1011 - Add spring devtools dependency
- QPPCT-997 - MIPS File Mentioned In 976 Does Not Validate In Converter
- QPPCT-1010 - Filter metadata_holder out of response
- QPPCT-1007 - Report Endpoint Still Generates Reports from Before 2018
- QPPCT-1012 - Multipart POST requests to /converter that should be returning "apm" entityType are returning "individual" entityType
- QPPCT-1016 - Make UUIDs case insensitive
- QPPCT-909 (later reversed) - 2018 CPC+: Verify all validations
- Shorten ami build
- Reverse 909 CPC+ TIN requirement
- Reverse 909 CPC+ NPI requirement
QPPCT-801 - Error code 6 spans too many scenarios
QPPCT-833 - Error message changes for 52
QPPCT-807 - Store element on node, lazily compute xpath
QPPCT-860 - Clean up .gitignore file
QPPCT-861 - Optimize Node#removeChildNode
QPPCT-829 - Error message changes for 48
QPPCT-836 - Error message changes for 55
QPPCT-835 - Error message changes for 54
QPPCT-856 - Add CMS measure ID to Error location
QPPCT-890 - Update dependencies
QPPCT-874 - Simplify command line output
QPPCT-875 - Timebox 1.5H - Code Optimization
QPPCT-868 - Investigate error code 54 not being used
QPPCT-827 - Change error code 38 and 39
QPPCT-840 - Error message changes for 59
QPPCT-844 - Error message changes for 69
QPPCT-852 - Timebox 4H - Test Refinement
Issues resolved in this release:
- QPPCT-759 (Error Messages - #23)
- QPPCT-806 (Make ClinicalDocumentDecoder use Pair rather than length 2 array)
- Chrome fix for UI tests
- QPPCT-819 (Change error 43)
- QPPCT-823 (Include file size limits in test
- QPPCT-820 (Change error 45)
- QPPCT-815 (Error message changes for 36)
- Yarn upgrade
- QPPCT-780 (Convert dependencies in the root pom to use dependency management)
- QPPCT-821 (Remove errors 46 and 47)
- QPPCT-814 (Move error messages 62 and 63 to the correct place in the messages file)
- QPPCT-758 (Error Messages - #22)
- QPPCT-846 (Investigate job schema issues in circleci)
- QPPCT-753 (Error Messages - #8)
- QPPCT-762 (SPIKE - Validation - Add better context to messages)
- QPPCT-810 (Error message changes for 33)
- QPPCT-772 (Validation - provide line numbers)
- QPPCT-812 (Error message changes for 34)
- QPPCT-822 (SPIKE - Do we still need the benchmark project)
- QPPCT-813 (Error message changes for 35, 62, 63)
- QPPCT-855 (Change the integration test step of circleci to run in maven's "batch mode”)
- QPPCT-817 (Error message changes for 38 - 42)
- QPPCT-816 (Error message changes for 37)
- QPPCT-809 (Error message changes for 29-31, 32, 22, 44)
v1.4.2 - Current production
New in this release:
- QPPCT-744 (Lower scope of AWS SDK dependency)
- QPPCT-580 (Update Sprint dependency)
- QPPCT-764 (Update Jacoco Maven plugin)
- QPPCT-765 (Reduce scope of http client dependency to test)
- QPPCT-767 (Fix Spring max upload size error)
- QPPCT-710 (General way to ignore elements that are not in the correct location)
- QPPCT-755 (Updated error message #13)
- QPPCT-718 (Failure on Windows to use Docker image)
- QPPCT-523 (Add FindBugs to the build process)
- QPPCT-760 (Replace “eCQM Section” in error messages)
- QPPCT-778 (Change command line to use Maven shade plugin instead of assembly plugin)
- QPPCT-750 (Update error messages #3 and #4)
- QPPCT-756 (Update error messages #15 - #21)
- QPPCT-748 (Add the purpose header to Simple UI conversions)
- QPPCT-775 (Update sonar scanner dependency in build)
- QPPCT-752 (Update error message #7)
- QPPCT-781 (Explicitly declare versions of Maven plugins)
- QPPCT-749 (Update error message #2)
- QPPCT-793 (Remove Maven clean step from CircleCI build)
- QPPCT-741 (Add to the CPC+ API to allow download of converted QPP JSON)
- QPPCT-794 (Update to latest JUnit version)
- QPPCT-795 (Fix Windows build)
- QPPCT-766 (Remove default decoding option)
- QPPCT-751 (Update error message #6)
- QPPCT-802 (Refactor JimfsTest annotation to use ArgumentsSource)
- QPPCT-803 (Simplify health check endpoint with ResponseStatus annotation)
- QPPCT-800 (Update Spring Boot library)
- QPPCT-804 (Update Maven shade plugin)
- QPPCT-798 (Replace StrSubstitutor with StringSubstitutor)
- QPPCT-799 (Expand .gitattributes)
- QPPCT-757 (Re-evaluate validation for error messages #17-#21)
- QPPCT-723 (Make var expected MeasureDataRoundTripTest final)
- QPPCT-761 (Update error message #24)
Changes in this release:
- QPPCT-717 (Fix Windows command line invocation)
- QPPCT-650 (Add more tests for commons project)
- QPPCT-667 (Conversions can send in a Purpose header)
- QPPCT-684 (Refactor to add convenience method to MeasureConfigs)
- QPPCT-715 (Minor refactoring to fix Sonarcloud code smells)
- QPPCT-731 (Improve error code 32)
- QPPCT-709 (Stop logging about STRICT_EXTENSION being missing)
- QPPCT-648 (Remove automatic json -> bean generation)
- QPPCT-724 (Remove ServletInitializer)
- QPPCT-725 (Refactor decoders to reduce code duplication between classes)
- QPPCT-728 (Remove unused throws clauses)
- QPPCT-726 (Remove calls to Path#toFile where possible)
- QPPCT-706 (Merge restored db into newly created db)
- QPPCT-733 (Fixed misspelling in error message 4)
- QPPCT-743 (MIPS GROUP submissions should ignore NPI)
New changes in this release:
- QPPCT-654 (Refactor how the command line code works, fixes issues with spaces and special characters)
- QPPCT-664 (Return AWS error codes directly to caller so they get the correct error)
- QPPCT-678 (Make error message for error 52 clearer)
- QPPCT-679 (Add CPC_END_DATE documentation to README)
- QPPCT-680 (Add warnings for empty properties)
- QPPCT-681 (Remove javadoc generation for private functions)
- QPPCT-663 (Add date filter to CPC+ endpoints to filter out any data prior to submissions start)
- Modify memory usage in CircleCI build to avoid build VM running out of memory
- QPPCT-686 (Add richer messaging for supplemental data validation errors, error 66)
- QPPCT-209 (Remove unchecked operations in tests)
- QPPCT-682 (Fix reporting parameters error)
- Force acceptance tests to use AWS us-east-1 region
- QPPCT-642 (Updates to SonarCloud invocation for better scanning)
- QPPCT-705 (Simplify command line invocation log output)
- QPPCT-693 (Fix incorrect error message for invalid performanceRateUUID)
- QPPCT-703 (Add full date and timestamp to log output)
- QPPCT-674 (Return conversion UUID in Location header)
- QPPCT-685 (Ensure IPP and IPOP are both handled correctly)
- QPPCT-683 (New validation function for more precise and cleaner validation code)
Changes in this release:
- QPPCT-661 (Fix CircleCI issue with REST API deploy)
- QPPCT-662 (Move CircleCI branch filters to develop)
- QPPCT-635 (Additional Submission API Integration Tests)
- QPPCT-656 (Modify CPC+ end of submissions message)
- QPPCT-655 (Filter out duplicate templateId elements which cause NPE during conversion)
- QPPCT-651 (Add Checkstyle to the Benchmark project)
- QPPCT-668 (Remove Localstack usage from the application)