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The following guide will take you through setting up and installing the COVID-19 Detection System For Oculus Rift.
- Oculus Rift
- Oculus Touch
- VR Ready Laptop / PC / Mac
Before you can install the Magic Leap 1 Unity COVID-19 Detection System, there are some prerequisites.
If you are going to be using the full system you will need to install the HIAS server. Follow the HIAS Installation Guide to complete your HIAS server setup.
If you chose not to use the full system, steps are provided in this tutorial that will allow you to use the system without a HIAS installation.
If you want to train your own Artificial Intelligence required to detect COVID-19, you will need to complete the COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier tutorial. If you would like to use the pre-trained model we have provided, you can skip to the next step.
The test data provided in the Magic Leap 1 Unity COVID-19 Detection System requires the same model to be used.
The COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier For Raspberry Pi 4 hosts a local server on a RPI4 allowing images to be classified remotely. In this project we use the AI model trained in the COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier, but we also provide the pre-trained model so that you can use the classifier "out of the box".
Regardless of whether you choose to train your own model or use the pre-trained model, you will need to complete the COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier For Raspberry Pi 4 tutorial as this is the project that creates the classifier that the Magic Leap 1 will interact with.
Clone the COVID-19 AI Classification repository from the Peter Moss COVID-19 AI Research Github Organization.
To clone the repository and install the COVID-19 Tensorflow DenseNet Classifier For Raspberry Pi 4, make sure you have Git installed. Now navigate to the home directory on your device using terminal/commandline, and then use the following command.
$ git clone https://github.com/COVID-19-AI-Research-Project/Oculus-Rift-Detection-System.git
Once you have used the command above you will see a directory called Oculus-Rift-Detection-System in your home directory.
Using the ls command in your home directory should show you the following.
Navigate to Oculus-Rift-Detection-System/Projects/Unity directory, this is your project root directory for this tutorial.
Developers from the Github community that would like to contribute to the development of this project should first create a fork, and clone that repository. For detailed information please view the CONTRIBUTING guide. You should pull the latest code from the development branch.
$ git clone -b "0.2.0" https://github.com/COVID-19-AI-Research-Project/Oculus-Rift-Detection-System.git
The -b "0.2.0" parameter ensures you get the code from the latest master branch. Before using the below command please check our latest master branch in the button at the top of the project README.
Below you will find the steps required to setup for Oculus Rift development.
For Oculus Rift apps you need Unity 2019.3.4f1. Head to the Unity 2019.3.4 page and download and install the Unity Editor (64-bit) exe.
First you need to download Unity Hub. You can follow the Installing the Unity Hub in the Unity documentation to do so.
Go to the Installs tab in Unity Hub and select Unity 2019.3.4f1 (LTS), click next and continue until Unity 2019.3.4f1 (LTS) is installed.
Click on the ADD button. This will open Windows Explorer allowing you to navigate to the project and import it.
To import COVID-19 Detection System For Oculus Rift into Unity Hub, navigate to the Oculus-Rift-Detection-System/Src directory and click Select Folder.
Now open the project by double clicking it.
Follow the Import Latest Package Into New Project Import Oculus Integration Package guide to install the required Oculus Rift development tools.
Follow the Configure Unity Settings for Oculus Rift guide to setup Unity for Oculus Rift development.
You will find that you are not able to enable VR support due to the Oculus XR package being installed. To fix this, open up Package/manifest.json and remove "com.unity.xr.oculus": "1.1.5", the version number may be different in your case. You will then be able to endable Virtual Reality Support and add the Oculus and OpenVR SDKs.
In this project, I used Big Furniture Pack for the funiture in the scene. You can download this pack in the Unity Asset Store for free on this link. Click on Open In Unity and then click Import. Once you have imported the assets, they will appear in the scene.
You are now ready to continue with the Unity tutorial to take the final steps in getting your application running.
The Peter Moss COVID-19 AI Research Project encourages and welcomes code contributions, bug fixes and enhancements from the Github.
Please read the CONTRIBUTING document for a full guide to forking our repositories and submitting your pull requests. You will also find information about our code of conduct on this page.
- Adam Milton-Barker - Asociacion De Investigacion En Inteligencia Artificial Para La Leucemia Peter Moss President & Lead Developer, Sabadell, Spain
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see Releases.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
We use the repo issues to track bugs and general requests related to using this project. See CONTRIBUTING for more info on how to submit bugs, feature requests and proposals.