- UPDATE README.md file's CPCFI Contests table:
- Period: either 1 or 2 depending if its the first part of the CPCFI year (units 1-5, usually August-December) or the second part of the CPCFI year (units 6-10, usually January-July)
- Semester: use the following format: <Term> <\YYYY>
- Term: either Spring, Fall, Summer or Winter. These last two options should only be used if the CPCFI runs a contest within summer or winter school holidays and should use 1 and 2 for the period attribute respectively. For example, if creating a contest in summer for 2021, the period should be 2 and the term should be Summer 2021
- YYYY: year
- For example:
Period Semester Link 1 Fall 2021 here 2 Spring 2022 here
- CREATE a new directory with the following format: <Period><Season><YYYY>/
- Period: either 1 or 2
- Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
- YYYY: year
- ADD the following information to step 2 newly created directory:
- Should contain a markdown table with the following columns (use the table template in the section CPCFI Contests table template below):
- # of contest: counts the number of contests made for each unit
- Unit: number and name of the current unit in the format <#>-<Unit Name>. For example, 1-Introduction to Competitive Programming
- Contest: url to the contest problem sets or scoreboard
- Editorial: url to the contest editorial. Ideally, the editorial must be created in this repository by CPCFI's current professors and alumni
- Editorial Status: one of the following: Missing, Partially Complete or Complete
- For example:
# of Contest Unit Contest Editorial Editorial Status 1 1 - Introduction to Competitive Programming https://open.kattis.com/contests/cfdfas Missing 1 2 - Data Structures and Libraries https://open.kattis.com/contests/xjy9uy Missing - Should contain a markdown table with the following columns (use the table template in the section CPCFI Contests table template below):
Contest editorial directories
- Name format: <Number of contest>-<Number of Unit>-<Unit name>/
- Directory content:
README.md file
- Markdown table (see template CPCFI Contest table template below) with one entry for each problem within the problem set
- For example:
Problem ID Problem Name Categories F Spiderman's Workout DP G Plane Ticket Pricing DP -
Problemset in PDF format if possible
Create a new directory for every problem
- For example, C-Spider-Trap/, where C indicates that it's problem C (3) within the problemset and Spider Trap is the name of the problem
- C++ source file and any additional files required (input or output)
- PDF with hand written editorial or url to problem editorial if possible
The following table template should be used when creating a new set of contests for a particular term
# CPCFI Contests: [Fall or Spring] YYYY - [1st or 2nd] period
# of Contest | Unit | Contest | Editorial | Editorial Status |
- | - | - | - | - |
The following table template should be used inside the editorial directories
# CPCFI Contest: [1st|2nd|3rd etc] contest for unit [Number]-[Name of Unit]
Problem ID | Problem Name | Categories |
- | - | - |
- Problem ID: refers to the problem id within the contest's problemset (A, B, C, D, ...)
- Problem Name: name of the problem, Spider Trap for example
- Categories: competitive programming categories: math, ad hoc, string, dp, etc, ...