First, we need to create our own images of the sample application.
- Build images local. Navigate to the apps folder and into the js-calc-frontend folder. Then run:
docker build -t calcfrontend .
Do the same for the backend (folder: apps/js-calc-backend).
Push the images to your ACR.
- Login to your ACR
docker login <YOURREGISTRY>
Provide username and password as found in the portal.
- Tag your image
docker tag calcfrontend <YOURREGISTRY>
- Then push your images. Do it for both frontend and backend images.
docker push <YOURREGISTRY>
Your images are now available in your ACR.
Run your images by using YAML files (you can find sample files under hints/yaml folder). Make sure, you adjust the files with your own container registry/tags of the images. You will need to deploy your pods for the backend + a backend service and the frontend pods + a frontend service. E.g.:
kubectl apply -f backend-pod.yml
kubectl apply -f backend-svc.yml
kubectl apply -f frontend-pod.yml
kubectl apply -f frontend-svc.yml
Have a look at the frontend-svc.yml file (type: LoadBalancer! You will receive a public IP adress that exposes your frontend service to the public internet via the Azure load balancer!).