This page describes the procedure to install and run PrairieLearn without any use of Docker. This means that PrairieLearn is running fully natively on the local OS.
Install the prerequisites:
On macOS, these can be installed with Homebrew. On Linux, these should all be standard packages from the OS distribution.
On macOS, you should ensure you have installed the XCode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
Clone the latest code:
git clone cd PrairieLearn
Install all dependencies and transpile local packages:
# This one command will do everything! make deps # Alternatively, you can run each step individually: yarn make build make python-deps
On macOS, you may need to first set the following environment variables so that
can find the necessary headers:export CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix graphviz)/include" export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix graphviz)/lib"
Make sure the
database user exists and is a superuser (these might error if the user already exists):psql -c "CREATE USER postgres;" psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH SUPERUSER;"
Run the test suite:
make test
Run the linters:
make lint # or lint-js for Javascript only, or lint-python for Python only
Create the file
with the path of your local course repository and with the path of a directory into which temporary files will be saved when using the in-browser file editor (edit both paths as needed):{ "courseDirs": ["/Users/mwest/git/pl-tam212", "exampleCourse"], "filesRoot": "../filesRoot" }
Run the server in development mode to automatically restart when changes are detected:
make dev
Alternatively, you can build and run the code to more closely mimic what will happen in production environments:
make build make start
In a web-browser go to http://localhost:3000.
To stop the server, use