Points: 70
Tags: picoCTF 2021, Reverse Engineering
For what argument does this program print `win` with variables 79, 7 and 3?
File: chall_1.S
Flag format: picoCTF{XXXXXXXX} -> (hex, lowercase, no 0x, and 32 bits. ex. 5614267 would be picoCTF{0055aabb})
1. Shifts
Challenge link: https://play.picoctf.org/practice/challenge/111
To some extent, the easiest way to solve this challenge is to compile the code and then emulate the program to find out what the answer is by brute force. This doesn't require any knowledge of ARM assembly at all. So let's start with that.
First we need to install a cross compiler to compile on a non-ARM machine such as Intel x64. We do that with sudo apt install binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
Then we assemble and link
└─$ aarch64-linux-gnu-as -o chall_1.o chall_1.S
└─$ aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -static -o chall_1 chall_1.o
└─$ file chall_1
chall_1: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f83ed15a5dc86e4eee97dd9789a8f660009dae4d, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, not stripped
Next, we need QEMU to emulate the execution environment. We install it with sudo apt install qemu-user qemu-user-static
Then we can just run the program. In previous challenge I had to reboot my machine before the emulation worked.
└─$ ./chall_1 1
You Lose :(
└─$ ./chall_1 2
You Lose :(
Next we brute force the answer
└─$ for i in {0..10000}; do echo -n "$i "; ./chall_1 $i; done | grep win
3370 You win!
I first tried only the first 1000 numbers but that wasn't enought so I increased it to 10000.
In case you need a little ARM refresher, see the previous challenge.
Let's start with the main
.string "You win!"
.align 3
.string "You Lose :("
.align 2
.global main
.type main, %function
stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
add x29, sp, 0
str w0, [x29, 28]
str x1, [x29, 16]
ldr x0, [x29, 16]
add x0, x0, 8 # Point to arg1 on stack
ldr x0, [x0] # x0 = arg1
bl atoi # Call atoi (convert arg1 to int)
str w0, [x29, 44] # Store the result on the stack
ldr w0, [x29, 44] # Load it back (prepare for function call)
bl func # Call func
cmp w0, 0 # Check result of function call
bne .L4 # Non-zero result?, branch to .L4
adrp x0, .LC0
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC0
bl puts # Print the winning result
b .L6
adrp x0, .LC1
add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
bl puts # Print the losing result
ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48 # Restore stack pointer
ret # Return/exit
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
To get a winning result the return value of the func
function needs to be zero.
The logic all happens in the func
sub sp, sp, #32 # Allocate space on the stack
str w0, [sp, 12] # arg1
mov w0, 79 # w0 = 79
str w0, [sp, 16] # *(sp+16) = w0, that is 79
mov w0, 7 # w0 = 7
str w0, [sp, 20] # *(sp+20) = w0, that is 7
mov w0, 3 # w0 = 3
str w0, [sp, 24] # *(sp+24) = w0, that is 3
ldr w0, [sp, 20] # w0 = *(sp+20), that is 7
ldr w1, [sp, 16] # w1 = *(sp+16), that is 79
lsl w0, w1, w0 # w0 = w1 << 7, that is 79 * 2**7 = 10112
str w0, [sp, 28] # *(sp+28) = w0, that is 10112
ldr w1, [sp, 28] # w1 = *(sp+28), that is 10112
ldr w0, [sp, 24] # w0 = *(sp+24), that is 3
sdiv w0, w1, w0 # w0 = 10112 / 3, that is 3370
str w0, [sp, 28] # *(sp+28) = w0, that is 3370
ldr w1, [sp, 28] # w1 = *(sp+28), that is 3370
ldr w0, [sp, 12] # w0 = arg1
sub w0, w1, w0 # w0 = 3370 - arg1
str w0, [sp, 28] # *(sp+28) = w0
ldr w0, [sp, 28] # w0 = *(sp+28)
add sp, sp, 32 # Restore stack pointer
Compared to the previous challenge we have two new instructions:
- LSL - Logical Shift Left
- SDIV - Signed Divide
In order for w0
to be 0
, 3370 - arg1
needs to be zero and arg1
needs to be 3370.
Remember to convert the flag to hex before submitting the flag.
For additional information, please see the references below.