Firstly you need to create a migration to populate the database for you create the migration you need to run this command:
bin/cake migrations create MyCustomMigration
and in the change method you need to create the entries, for example:
public function change()
$LookupsTable = \Cake\ORM\TableRegistry::get('CakeDC/Enum.Lookups');
$lookups = $LookupsTable->newEntity();
$lookups->name = 'URGENT ';
$lookups->label = 'Urgent';
$lookups->prefix = 'PRIORITY';
$lookups = $LookupsTable->newEntity();
$lookups->name = 'HIGH ';
$lookups->label = 'High';
$lookups->prefix = 'PRIORITY';
$lookups = $LookupsTable->newEntity();
$lookups->name = 'NORMAL ';
$lookups->label = 'Normal';
$lookups->prefix = 'PRIORITY';
After that you need to set the configuration in the behavior load, for example:
$this->addBehavior('CakeDC/Enum.Enum', ['lists' => [
'priority' => [
'prefix' => 'PRIORITY'
For select lists, you can send a list of enums to the view from your controller:
$this->set('priorities', $this->Articles->enum('priority'));
If you use the plural variable name, you don't need to do anything in special in the view:
<?= $this->Form->input('priorities'); ?>
Here you need to create some constants variables in your table class and configure your behavior to get them for example:
class ArticlesTable extends Table
const STATUS_PUBLIC = 'Published';
const STATUS_DRAFT = 'Drafted';
const STATUS_ARCHIVE = 'Archived';
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->addBehavior('CakeDC/Enum.Enum', ['lists' => [
'status' => [
'strategy' => 'const',
'prefix' => 'STATUS'
For select lists, you can send a list of enums to the view from your controller:
$this->set('statuses', $this->Articles->enum('status'));
If you use the a plural variable name, you don't need to do anything special in the view:
<?= $this->Form->input('statuses'); ?>
You can change the default class and choose a new class to put your constaint variables like that:
class ArticlesTable extends Table
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->addBehavior('CakeDC/Enum.Enum', ['lists' => [
'status' => [
'strategy' => 'const',
'prefix' => 'STATUS',
'className' => 'App\\Model\\Entity\\Article'
so, your constaints need to be in the Article entity class.
Here you need to create some constants variables in you table class and configure your behavior to get them for example:
Configure::write(ConfigStrategy::KEY . 'category', [ // or 'CakeDC/Enum.category' as key
For select lists, you can send a list of enums to the view from your controller:
$this->set('categories', $this->Articles->enum('category'));
If you use the a plural variable name, you don't need to do anything special in the view:
<?= $this->Form->input('categories'); ?>