- fix pass options to get using contains deprecated as array
- fix if column exist to avoid error key not exist on model finder withRelated
- add render input as checkbox instead of input with type text
- add on method delete link function confirm and csrf token on headers
- add "active" field as boolean on pages table sample to bake templates forms with checkbox
- add searchable functionality and placeholder to vue Multiselect in baked templates when field is related to relation belongsTo and belongsToMany
- Added by default bootstrap5 styles and HTML on generated templates using twig.
- Add configuration FlashPrefixElement on InertiaTrait to use "alert" css class instead of "flash" css class in CakePHP Flash messages, configured by default.
- Replace vue3-editor with vue-quilly and quill HTML editor
- update Docs
- update app.js to use import (ES6) instead of require
- update bake files for controller to use NumericPaginator
- update bake files for Model to add functions: withRelated and BeforeMarshall
- add buildPaginationLinks on InertiaResponseTrait
- Initial release
- 1.0.0
- Initial release