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File metadata and controls

178 lines (143 loc) · 6.13 KB


GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Build Status - Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Known Vulnerabilities

The goal of ConfigService is to provide the server-component of a controlled application instance regime, where both software upgrades and corresponding configurations of home-built java applications and services are managed. This should solve the update and configuration pain-point in micro-service architectures and for client installs of homegrown applications.

This component is as of now work-inprogress*, and some of the main goals and discussions can be found on our wiki:

Install and use Standalone

Scripts and procedures can be found on our wiki:

Install and use in a Docker container.

There are three Docker builds available for ConfigService

  1. Alpine Linux with bundled application. Minimal image where the Docker image acts as the deployment unit.
  2. Ubuntu without bundled application. Pull scripts inside Docker container which downloads application after container has started.
  3. Ubuntu with AWS log agent. Same as option 2, but with AWS dependency

See the respective READMEs for details on each Docker setup.

Quickstart with Alpine Linux and Postgres persistence

Note that Postgres is not included inside the container. Therefore you need to create an empty database beforehand and update the parameters to match your database endpoint

docker run -d -p 80:8086 --name configservice \
-e persistence.type=postgres \
-e postgres.url=jdbc:postgresql://CHANGE_TO_YOUR_DB:5432/configservice \
-e postgres.username=YOUR_DB_USER \
-e postgres.password=YOUR_DB_PASS \
-e login.user=readonlyuser \
-e login.password=CHANGETHIS \
-e login.admin.user=admin \
-e login.admin.password=CHANGETHISASWELL \

Verify that the application is running

curl localhost/jau/health


For persistence ConfigService supports Postgres and Embedded Postgres

See properties file for settings to override.

Verify that the application is running

How to use ConfigService.

Add a new application

curl -u admin:configservice  -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"   -d '{ "artifactId": "myApplication" }'

# Return  {"id":"0e139a12-57c0-4a48-8999-7f32c63ff9ad","artifactId":"myApplication"}

Add a new application configuration

curl -u admin:configservice -vX POST  -d @myApplicationConfig.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

Example file: myApplicationConfig.json

	"id": "f9e14326-b9df-46ba-826f-afad3392cf54",
	"name": "whydah-dropwizard-demo-1.0",
	"lastChanged": "2016-06-27T22:05:18.994Z",
	"downloadItems": [{
		"url": "",
		"username": null,
		"password": null,
		"metadata": {
			"groupId": "no.cantara",
			"artifactId": "dropwizard-hello-world-application",
			"version": "1.0",
			"packaging": "jar",
			"lastUpdated": null,
			"buildNumber": null
	"configurationStores": [{
		"fileName": "hello-world.yml",
		"properties": {
			"version": "0.8-beta-5-SNAPSHOT"
	"eventExtractionConfigs": [{
		"groupName": "jau",
		"tags": [{
			"tagName": "jau",
			"regex": ".*",
			"filePath": "logs/jau.log"
	"startServiceScript": "java -jar dropwizard-hello-world-application-1.0.jar"

Update a specific client

curl -u admin:conservice  -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json"   -d '{"clientId":"bed9e97b-2090-4fe0-bfac-ab44252151e6","applicationConfigId":"b2435492-e011-4d15-b2a3-815395608fa7","autoUpgrade":true}'```

Rollback a specific client

curl -u admin:conservice  -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json"   -d '{"clientId":"bed9e97b-2090-4fe0-bfac-ab44252151e6","applicationConfigId":"b2435492-e011-4d15-b2a3-815395608fa7","autoUpgrade":true}'```

Update all clients of an application

Browse clients

curl -u admin:conservice

Browse active client status for an application

curl -u admin:conservice

Example application configuration

  "name": "hello-world_0.1-SNAPSHOT",
  "lastChanged": "2016-03-09T07:50:18.994Z",
  "downloadItems": [
      "url": "repository-url/hello-world-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
      "username": "basic-auth-username",
      "password": "basic-auth-password",
      "metadata": {
        "groupId": "com.example",
        "artifactId": "hello-world-service",
        "version": "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
        "packaging": "jar",
        "lastUpdated": null,
        "buildNumber": null
  "configurationStores": [
      "fileName": "",
      "properties": {
        "": "Hello World"
  "eventExtractionConfigs" : [ {
     "groupName" : "hw-agent",
     "tags" : [ {
       "tagName" : "jau",
       "regex" : ".*",
       "filePath" : "logs/jau.log"
     }, {
       "tagName" : "agent",
       "regex" : ".*",
       "filePath" : "logs/hwagent.log"
     } ]
   } ],

  "startServiceScript": "java -jar hello-world-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"