diff --git a/.github/workflows/carbonix_build.yml b/.github/workflows/carbonix_build.yml
index 1c4ed3ef98..d8d773e943 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/carbonix_build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/carbonix_build.yml
@@ -418,122 +418,11 @@ jobs:
            path: artifacts
            retention-days: 90
-  build-apj:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
-    container: ardupilot/ardupilot-dev-${{ matrix.toolchain }}:v0.1.3
-    strategy:
-      fail-fast: false  # don't cancel if a job from the matrix fails
-      matrix:
-        toolchain: [
-            chibios,
-            #chibios-clang,
-        ]
-        gcc: [10]
-        exclude:
-          - gcc: 10
-            toolchain: chibios-clang
-    steps:
-      # git checkout the PR
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
-        with:
-          submodules: 'recursive'
-      # Put ccache into github cache for faster build
-      - name: Prepare ccache timestamp
-        id: ccache_cache_timestamp
-        run: |
-          NOW=$(date -u +"%F-%T")
-          echo "timestamp=${NOW}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-      - name: ccache cache files
-        uses: actions/cache@v4
-        with:
-          path: ~/.ccache
-          key: ${{github.workflow}}-ccache-${{ matrix.toolchain }}-${{ matrix.gcc }}-${{steps.ccache_cache_timestamp.outputs.timestamp}}
-          restore-keys: ${{github.workflow}}-ccache-${{ matrix.toolchain }}-${{ matrix.gcc }}  # restore ccache from either previous build on this branch or on master
-      - name: setup ccache
-        run: |
-          . .github/workflows/ccache.env
-      - name: build
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          git config --global --add safe.directory ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}
-          if [[ ${{ matrix.toolchain }} == "chibios-clang" ]]; then
-            export CC=clang
-            export CXX=clang++
-          fi
-          PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-${{matrix.gcc}}/bin:$PATH"
-          PATH="/github/home/.local/bin:$PATH"
-          Tools/Carbonix_scripts/carbonix_waf_build.sh
-          ccache -s
-          ccache -z
-      - name: Check build files
-        id: check_files
-        uses: andstor/file-existence-action@v2
-        with:
-          files: "build/CubeOrange/*, build/CubeOrangePlus/*, build/CubeOrange-Volanti/*, build/CubeOrangePlus-Volanti/*, build/CubeOrange-Ottano/*, build/CubeOrangePlus-Ottano/*, build/CarbonixF405/*, build/CarbonixF405-no-crystal/*"
-          fail: true
-      - name: Gather build output
-        run: |
-          mkdir -p temp/others
-          for dir in CubeOrange CubeOrangePlus CubeOrange-Volanti CubeOrangePlus-Volanti CubeOrange-Ottano CubeOrangePlus-Ottano CarbonixF405 CarbonixF405-no-crystal; do
-            mkdir -p temp/others/$dir/bin
-            cp -vr build/$dir/bin/* temp/others/$dir/bin/
-          done
-          cp -vr output/* temp/
-          mv temp/others/CubeOrange-Volanti temp/Volanti
-          mv temp/others/CubeOrangePlus-Volanti temp/Volanti
-          mv temp/others/CubeOrange-Ottano temp/Ottano
-          mv temp/others/CubeOrangePlus-Ottano temp/Ottano
-          if [ -d "ArduPlane/ReleaseNotes.txt" ]; then
-            cp -v ArduPlane/ReleaseNotes.txt temp/
-          else
-            echo "ReleaseNotes.txt File does not exist"
-          fi
-          if [ -d "libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/CarbonixCommon/payloads" ]; then
-            cp -vr libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/CarbonixCommon/payloads temp/
-          else
-            echo "payloads Folder does not exist"
-          fi
-        shell: sh -e {0}
-      - name: Archive production artifacts
-        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
-        with:
-          name: apj
-          path: temp
-          retention-days: 90
-  upload:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
-    needs: [build-apj, build-sitl]
-    steps:
-      - name: Checkout code
-        uses: actions/checkout@v4
-      - name: Extract firmware version, commit id, and branch name
-        id: extract_info
-        run: |
-          FIRMWARE_VERSION=$(grep -oP 'define AP_CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_STRING "\K(.*)(?=")' libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/CarbonixCommon/version.inc)
-          COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
-          BRANCH_NAME=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})
-          echo "firmware_version=$FIRMWARE_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-          echo "commit_id=$COMMIT_ID" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-          echo "branch_name=$BRANCH_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-        shell: sh -e {0}
-      - name: Download APJ build
+  - name: Download Artifacts
         uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
-          name: apj
           path: temp
-      - name: Download SITL build
-        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
-        with:
-          name: sitl
-          path: temp/sitl
       - name: Configure AWS credentials
         uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
@@ -542,18 +431,8 @@ jobs:
           aws-region: us-east-1 
       - name: Upload artifacts to S3
+        shell: pwsh
         run: |
-          DATE_HR=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
-          if ${{ github.event_name == 'release' }}; then
-            PATH_TO_S3=s3://carbonix-firmware-release-files/Carbopilot_V2/${DATE_HR}_${{ env.firmware_version }}_${{ env.commit_id }}/
-            echo "Uploading to: $PATH_TO_S3"
-            aws s3 cp temp/ $PATH_TO_S3 --recursive
-          elif ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(env.branch_name, 'CxPilot') }}; then
-            PATH_TO_S3=s3://carbonix-firmware-dev-files/Carbopilot_V2/${{ env.branch_name }}/${DATE_HR}_${{ env.firmware_version }}_${{ env.commit_id }}/
-            echo "Uploading to: $PATH_TO_S3"
-            aws s3 cp temp/ $PATH_TO_S3 --recursive
-          elif ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}; then
-            PATH_TO_S3=s3://carbonix-firmware-dev-files/Carbopilot_V2/PR/${DATE_HR}_${{ env.firmware_version }}_${{ env.commit_id }}_${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/
-            echo "Uploading to: $PATH_TO_S3"
-            aws s3 cp temp/ $PATH_TO_S3 --recursive
-          fi
+          $env:PATH_TO_S3 = '${{ needs.setup-s3-path.outputs.s3_path }}'
+          echo "Uploading to: $env:PATH_TO_S3"
+          aws s3 cp temp/ $env:PATH_TO_S3 --recursive