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Roles Permissions Matrix

Razi Rais edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 22 revisions

The following table represents the proposed association b/w roles and permissions in doccano. Currently, roles are not implemented so following permissions are not used during authorization.

Doccano does rely on Django default permissions <> and also extend them to perform user authorization. This is explained in a later section titled "Authorization in Doccano"

Permissions(P) are represented by the rows and Roles(R) by the columns.

*Not currently available but can be added.

P ↓ / R → Label Manager Label Reviewer Data Manager Project Admin Annotator
Can add label x
Can change label x x
Can delete label x
Can view label x x
Can export data* x
Can import data* x
Can add project x
Can view project x
Can change project x
Can delete project x
Can add document annotation x
Can view document annotation x
Can change document annotation x
Can delete document annotation x

Authorization in Doccano

Permission Condition
IsProjectUser User has access to the project.
IsAdminUserAndWriteOnly Request is of type 'GET' or 'HEAD' or 'OPTIONS'. If not then user must have is_staff level access.
IsOwnAnnotation User has access to an annotation.
IsAuthenticated User is authenticated.
IsAdminUser Allows access only to admin users.
IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly The request is authenticated as a user, or is a read-only request.

Following is the list of views <> in Doccano along with the autorization check(s). When more than on check is performed all of the them need to be passed for the user to be authorzed.

View Authorization Check(s)
Me IsAuthenticated
Features IsAuthenticated,IsAdminUserAndWriteOnly
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