Fluent AQL is the query builder that powers the Eloquent conversions to AQL. So you can run most Eloquent commands as normal.
AQL is a lot more powerful however and there may be cases where you want to use its power directly. To make this easier you can use Fluent AQL:
use LaravelFreelancerNL\FluentAQL\QueryBuilder;
// 1: Start up a new query builder:
$aqb = new QueryBuilder();
// 2: set your query
$aqb->for('characterDoc', 'characters')
// 3: execute the query on the connection
Alternatively; if you want to cast the results to a model you can replace step 3 with:
// 3: execute the previously set query builder on the connection AND cast the results to the model
$results = YourModel::fromAqb($aqb);
The query will be executed and the results automatically cast to an Eloquent collection of YourModel instances.
Important: this means you have to return the proper data yourself!
You can also input a closure in which case a new builder is created and the closure added to it.
$results = Character::fromAqb(
function ($aqb) {
return $aqb->for('characterDoc', 'characters')
fromAqb() executes the given query and casts the results to the model it is used on.