OMNILays is a collection of functional overlays aimed for the fighting-game scene. The first version contains content to get started streaming and is themed heavily towards Guilty Gear -Xrd Sign-, however, as the name entitles; the goal is to make a final product that's easily skinnable and modular. It is primarily aimed at Twitch broadcasters using Open Broadcaster Software or xSplit, but is usable in any environment that can render HTML.
master branch: don't use, its only for nodecg v 0.6.3 unielgraphics branch: matchscreen playerpanels are styled for UNIB
There are two prerequisites to get OMNILays working.
- Download and install git
- Download and install nodejs
- download and install nodecg version 7.0 or later. here comes a short summary:
Make a new folder, in that folder, rightclick, choose "Open Git Bash.." and in the prompt, type:
- npm install nodecg-cli -g
- mkdir nodecg && cd nodecg
- nodecg setup
- npm install
- npm install bower -g
- bower install
- nodecg install charleon/nodecg-omnilays
- In the prompt, under the nodecg root type ‘nodecg start’ and keep the prompt open for as long as you use the overlay
- The above step set up a local server on your computer so you can now test it out! either in your browser (Chrome is the only one that gives the CORRECT result), or in xSplit or OBS For OBS you need the CLR Browser Plugin, but the latest xSplit version already has support to add web url:s using the "Add page URL.." option
Open http://localhost:9090/dashboard/# to see the dashboard. From here you control the rest of the overlay. You should do this from your browser.
Will display a menu with links where you can choose which screen to display. Useful if you're pasting in several screens. be sure to tick the box "keep source in memory" in xSplit, otherwise the menu will pop back up if you switch screens and then come back again
This screen contains the Player Panels, controlled through Player Control Panel and Stream Control Panel in the dashboard. Test in browser or directly in OBS/xSplit
- Support for Adding, Removing and Renaming players.
- Support to tie a specific player to a country flag.
- Optional special animation for winner in FT3, FT5 or FT10 Matches
This screen contains the roundrobin-table and is controlled by the RoundRobinTable panel in the dashboard
- Support to place the table according to your wishes
- Support for Win/Lose syntax, or 1-5 syntax.
This screen shows commentator names and twitter for up to two commentators and is controlled by the CommentatorScreen Panel in the Dashboard
This screen shows information about player names, characters and what type of match it is (usable for e.g Pools, Winners, Winners Round 2, etc etc) and is controlled by the Prefight Screen Dashboard
OMNILays is provided under the MIT license
For any inquiries, feedback, or ideas, please contact me on my twitter:
- Twitter: @CharleonChan