diff --git a/media/view.js b/media/view.js
index 64202d30..dd32c2e2 100644
--- a/media/view.js
+++ b/media/view.js
@@ -2,513 +2,540 @@
// This script will be run within the webview itself
// It cannot access the main VS Code APIs directly.
(function () {
- var selectSeverity = "";
- var selectState = "";
- var comment = "";
- document.querySelectorAll('.ast-node').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- var target = e.target;
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'showFile',
- // @ts-ignore
- sourceFile: target.dataset.filename,
- // @ts-ignore
- path: target.dataset.filename,
- // @ts-ignore
- line: target.dataset.line,
- // @ts-ignore
- column: target.dataset.column,
- // @ts-ignore
- length: target.dataset.length,
- });
- });
- });
- // Activated when clicked in triage update
- document.querySelectorAll('.submit').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', () => {
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'submit',
- severitySelection: selectSeverity,
- stateSelection: selectState,
- comment: comment
- });
- });
- });
- // Activated when clicked in AI Security Champion
- document.querySelectorAll('.title_gpt').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', () => {
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'gpt',
- });
- });
- });
- // Open external link for more info
- document.querySelectorAll('.remediation-links-text').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'references',
- // @ts-ignore
- link: e.target.id
- });
- });
- });
- // Apply the sca fix for a vulnerability
- document.querySelectorAll('.remediation-icon').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- var target = e.target;
- console.log(target);
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'scaFix',
- // @ts-ignore
- package: target.dataset.package,
- // @ts-ignore
- file: target.dataset.file,
- // @ts-ignore
- version: target.dataset.version
- });
- });
- });
- // Apply the sca fix for a vulnerability
- document.querySelectorAll('.remediation-version').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- var target = e.target;
- console.log(target);
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'scaFix',
- // @ts-ignore
- package: target.dataset.package,
- // @ts-ignore
- file: target.dataset.file,
- // @ts-ignore
- version: target.dataset.version
- });
- });
- });
- // Apply the sca fix for a vulnerability
- document.querySelectorAll('.upgrade-small-icon').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- var target = e.target;
- console.log(target);
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'scaFix',
- // @ts-ignore
- package: target.dataset.package,
- // @ts-ignore
- file: target.dataset.file,
- // @ts-ignore
- version: target.dataset.version
- });
- });
- });
- // Open external link for referencess
- document.querySelectorAll('.references').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'references',
- // @ts-ignore
- link: e.target.id
- });
- });
- });
- // Activated when clicked in package next
- document.querySelectorAll('.package-next').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- var target = e.target;
- // @ts-ignore
- var current = target.dataset.current;
- // @ts-ignore
- var total = target.dataset.total;
- var next = parseInt(current, 10) + 1;
- if (next + 1 > parseInt(total, 10)) {
- // @ts-ignore
- e.target.disabled = true;
- }
- // Change the displayed tables for packages
- let currentPage = document.getElementById('package-table-' + current);
- currentPage.style.display = 'none';
- let nextPage = document.getElementById('package-table-' + next);
- nextPage.style.display = '';
- // Change the displayed tables for locations
- let currentPageLocations = document.getElementById('locations-table-' + current);
- currentPageLocations.style.display = 'none';
- let nextPageLocations = document.getElementById('locations-table-' + next);
- nextPageLocations.style.display = '';
- // Update in the next button
- // @ts-ignore
- target.dataset.current = next;
- let backButton = document.getElementById('package-back');
- // @ts-ignore
- backButton.disabled = false;
- // @ts-ignore
- backButton.dataset.current = next;
- // Update in the back button
- // @ts-ignore
- target.dataset.current = next;
- // Update the counter
- let counter = document.getElementById('package-counter');
- counter.innerHTML = "
" + (parseInt(current, 10) + 1) + "/" + total + "
- });
- });
- // Activated when clicked in package back
- document.querySelectorAll('.package-back').forEach(element => {
- element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- var target = e.target;
- // @ts-ignore
- var current = target.dataset.current;
- // @ts-ignore
- var total = target.dataset.total;
- var next = parseInt(current, 10) - 1;
- // @ts-ignore
- let nextButton = document.getElementById('package-next');
- // @ts-ignore
- nextButton.disabled = false;
- if (parseInt(current, 10) - 2 === 0) {
- // @ts-ignore
- e.target.disabled = true;
- }
- // Change the displayed tables for packages
- let currentPage = document.getElementById('package-table-' + current);
- currentPage.style.display = 'none';
- let nextPage = document.getElementById('package-table-' + next);
- nextPage.style.display = '';
- // Change the displayed tables for locations
- let currentPageLocation = document.getElementById('locations-table-' + current);
- currentPageLocation.style.display = 'none';
- let nextPageLocation = document.getElementById('locations-table-' + next);
- nextPageLocation.style.display = '';
- // Update in the back button
- // @ts-ignore
- target.dataset.current = next;
- // @ts-ignore
- nextButton.dataset.current = next;
- // Update in the back button
- // @ts-ignore
- target.dataset.current = next;
- // Update the counter
- let counter = document.getElementById('package-counter');
- counter.innerHTML = "" + (parseInt(current, 10) - 1) + "/" + total + "
- });
- });
- let severityElement = document.getElementById('select_severity');
- if (severityElement) {
- severityElement.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- selectSeverity = e.target.value;
- });
- }
- let selectElement = document.getElementById('select_state');
- if (selectElement) {
- selectElement.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- selectState = e.target.value;
- });
- }
- let commentElement = document.getElementById('comment_box');
- if (commentElement) {
- document.getElementById('comment_box').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- comment = e.target.value;
- });
- }
- // Display the changes once loaded
- window.addEventListener('message', event => {
- const message = event.data;
- switch (message.command) {
- case 'loadChanges':
- let changes = message.changes;
- let loaderContainer = document.getElementById('history-container-loader');
- if (loaderContainer) {
- loaderContainer.style.display = 'none';
- loaderContainer.innerHTML = infoChangeContainer(changes);
- loaderContainer.style.display = 'block';
- loaderContainer.style.padding = '0.4em';
- }
- break;
- case 'loader':
- // html do loader
- loaderContainer = document.getElementById('history-container-loader');
- if (loaderContainer) {
- loaderContainer.innerHTML = loader();
- loaderContainer.style.display = 'block';
- }
- break;
- case 'loadLearnMore':
- let learn = message.learn;
- let learnLoaderContainer = document.getElementById('learn-container-loader');
- learnLoaderContainer.style.display = 'none';
- learnLoaderContainer.innerHTML = infoLearnContainer(learn, message.result);
- learnLoaderContainer.style.display = 'block';
- let codeLoaderContainer = document.getElementById('tab-code');
- codeLoaderContainer.style.display = 'none';
- codeLoaderContainer.innerHTML = infoCodeContainer(learn);
- codeLoaderContainer.style.display = 'block';
- registerCodebashingEventListener();
- break;
- // case 'loadBfl':
- // console.log("loadedBFl");
- // let index = message.index.index;
- // // Case there is a best fix location
- // if(index>=0){
- // updateDisplay('bfl-container-'+index,'block');
- // // Hide loading message
- // updateDisplay('bfl-tip-loading','none');
- // updateDisplay('loader','none');
- // // Show tooltip message
- // updateDisplay('bfl-tip-loaded','block');
- // }
- // // Case there is not best fix location
- // else{
- // // Hide the loading
- // updateDisplay('bfl-tip-loading','none');
- // updateDisplay('loader','none');
- // }
- // break;
- }
- });
- function registerCodebashingEventListener() {
- let codebashingElement = document.getElementById('cx_codebashing');
- if (codebashingElement) {
- codebashingElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
- // @ts-ignore
- vscode.postMessage({
- command: 'codebashing',
- });
- });
- }
- }
- // Container arround the changes
- function infoChangeContainer(changes) {
- let html = "";
- if (changes.length > 0) {
- for (let change of changes) {
- html += userCardInfo(change.CreatedBy, new Date(change.CreatedAt).toLocaleString(), infoChanges(change));
- }
- }
- else {
- html +=
- `
+ var selectSeverity = "";
+ var selectState = "";
+ var comment = "";
+ document.querySelectorAll(".ast-node").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ var target = e.target;
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "showFile",
+ // @ts-ignore
+ sourceFile: target.dataset.filename,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ path: target.dataset.filename,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ line: target.dataset.line,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ column: target.dataset.column,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ length: target.dataset.length,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Activated when clicked in triage update
+ document.querySelectorAll(".submit").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "submit",
+ severitySelection: selectSeverity,
+ stateSelection: selectState,
+ comment: comment,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Activated when clicked in AI Security Champion
+ document.querySelectorAll(".title_gpt").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "gpt",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Open external link for more info
+ document.querySelectorAll(".remediation-links-text").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "references",
+ // @ts-ignore
+ link: e.target.id,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Apply the sca fix for a vulnerability
+ document.querySelectorAll(".remediation-icon").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var target = e.target;
+ console.log(target);
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "scaFix",
+ // @ts-ignore
+ package: target.dataset.package,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ file: target.dataset.file,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ version: target.dataset.version,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Apply the sca fix for a vulnerability
+ document.querySelectorAll(".remediation-version").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var target = e.target;
+ console.log(target);
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "scaFix",
+ // @ts-ignore
+ package: target.dataset.package,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ file: target.dataset.file,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ version: target.dataset.version,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Apply the sca fix for a vulnerability
+ document.querySelectorAll(".upgrade-small-icon").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var target = e.target;
+ console.log(target);
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "scaFix",
+ // @ts-ignore
+ package: target.dataset.package,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ file: target.dataset.file,
+ // @ts-ignore
+ version: target.dataset.version,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Open external link for referencess
+ document.querySelectorAll(".references").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "references",
+ // @ts-ignore
+ link: e.target.id,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Activated when clicked in package next
+ document.querySelectorAll(".package-next").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var target = e.target;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var current = target.dataset.current;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var total = target.dataset.total;
+ var next = parseInt(current, 10) + 1;
+ if (next + 1 > parseInt(total, 10)) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ e.target.disabled = true;
+ }
+ // Change the displayed tables for packages
+ let currentPage = document.getElementById("package-table-" + current);
+ currentPage.style.display = "none";
+ let nextPage = document.getElementById("package-table-" + next);
+ nextPage.style.display = "";
+ // Change the displayed tables for locations
+ let currentPageLocations = document.getElementById(
+ "locations-table-" + current
+ );
+ currentPageLocations.style.display = "none";
+ let nextPageLocations = document.getElementById(
+ "locations-table-" + next
+ );
+ nextPageLocations.style.display = "";
+ // Update in the next button
+ // @ts-ignore
+ target.dataset.current = next;
+ let backButton = document.getElementById("package-back");
+ // @ts-ignore
+ backButton.disabled = false;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ backButton.dataset.current = next;
+ // Update in the back button
+ // @ts-ignore
+ target.dataset.current = next;
+ // Update the counter
+ let counter = document.getElementById("package-counter");
+ counter.innerHTML =
+ "" + (parseInt(current, 10) + 1) + "/" + total + "
+ });
+ });
+ // Activated when clicked in package back
+ document.querySelectorAll(".package-back").forEach((element) => {
+ element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var target = e.target;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var current = target.dataset.current;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var total = target.dataset.total;
+ var next = parseInt(current, 10) - 1;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ let nextButton = document.getElementById("package-next");
+ // @ts-ignore
+ nextButton.disabled = false;
+ if (parseInt(current, 10) - 2 === 0) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ e.target.disabled = true;
+ }
+ // Change the displayed tables for packages
+ let currentPage = document.getElementById("package-table-" + current);
+ currentPage.style.display = "none";
+ let nextPage = document.getElementById("package-table-" + next);
+ nextPage.style.display = "";
+ // Change the displayed tables for locations
+ let currentPageLocation = document.getElementById(
+ "locations-table-" + current
+ );
+ currentPageLocation.style.display = "none";
+ let nextPageLocation = document.getElementById("locations-table-" + next);
+ nextPageLocation.style.display = "";
+ // Update in the back button
+ // @ts-ignore
+ target.dataset.current = next;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ nextButton.dataset.current = next;
+ // Update in the back button
+ // @ts-ignore
+ target.dataset.current = next;
+ // Update the counter
+ let counter = document.getElementById("package-counter");
+ counter.innerHTML =
+ "" + (parseInt(current, 10) - 1) + "/" + total + "
+ });
+ });
+ let severityElement = document.getElementById("select_severity");
+ if (severityElement) {
+ severityElement.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ selectSeverity = e.target.value;
+ });
+ }
+ let selectElement = document.getElementById("select_state");
+ if (selectElement) {
+ selectElement.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ selectState = e.target.value;
+ });
+ }
+ let commentElement = document.getElementById("comment_box");
+ if (commentElement) {
+ document.getElementById("comment_box").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ comment = e.target.value;
+ });
+ }
+ // Display the changes once loaded
+ window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
+ console.log("checkkkk11111");
+ const message = event.data;
+ switch (message.command) {
+ case "loadChanges":
+ let changes = message.changes;
+ let loaderContainer = document.getElementById(
+ "history-container-loader"
+ );
+ if (loaderContainer) {
+ loaderContainer.style.display = "none";
+ loaderContainer.innerHTML = infoChangeContainer(changes);
+ loaderContainer.style.display = "block";
+ loaderContainer.style.padding = "0.4em";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "loader":
+ // html do loader
+ loaderContainer = document.getElementById("history-container-loader");
+ if (loaderContainer) {
+ loaderContainer.innerHTML = loader();
+ loaderContainer.style.display = "block";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "loadLearnMore":
+ let learn = message.learn;
+ let learnLoaderContainer = document.getElementById(
+ "learn-container-loader"
+ );
+ learnLoaderContainer.style.display = "none";
+ learnLoaderContainer.innerHTML = infoLearnContainer(
+ learn,
+ message.result
+ );
+ learnLoaderContainer.style.display = "block";
+ let codeLoaderContainer = document.getElementById("tab-code");
+ codeLoaderContainer.style.display = "none";
+ codeLoaderContainer.innerHTML = infoCodeContainer(learn);
+ codeLoaderContainer.style.display = "block";
+ registerCodebashingEventListener();
+ break;
+ // case 'loadBfl':
+ // console.log("loadedBFl");
+ // let index = message.index.index;
+ // // Case there is a best fix location
+ // if(index>=0){
+ // updateDisplay('bfl-container-'+index,'block');
+ // // Hide loading message
+ // updateDisplay('bfl-tip-loading','none');
+ // updateDisplay('loader','none');
+ // // Show tooltip message
+ // updateDisplay('bfl-tip-loaded','block');
+ // }
+ // // Case there is not best fix location
+ // else{
+ // // Hide the loading
+ // updateDisplay('bfl-tip-loading','none');
+ // updateDisplay('loader','none');
+ // }
+ // break;
+ }
+ });
+ function registerCodebashingEventListener() {
+ let codebashingElement = document.getElementById("cx_codebashing");
+ if (codebashingElement) {
+ codebashingElement.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ command: "codebashing",
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Container arround the changes
+ function infoChangeContainer(changes) {
+ let html = "";
+ if (changes.length > 0) {
+ for (let change of changes) {
+ html += userCardInfo(
+ change.CreatedBy,
+ new Date(change.CreatedAt).toLocaleString(),
+ infoChanges(change)
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ html += `
- }
- html += "";
- return html;
- }
- // Remediation examples content
- function infoCodeContainer(learnArray) {
- let html = '';
- if (learnArray.length > 0) {
- for (let learn of learnArray) {
- for (let code of learn.samples) {
- let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement('div');
- learnSectionDiv.setAttribute('class', 'learn-section');
- let codeTitlePara = document.createElement('p');
- codeTitlePara.textContent = '' + code.title + ' using ' + code.progLanguage;
- let preCode = document.createElement('pre');
- preCode.setAttribute('class', 'pre-code');
- let codeElement = document.createElement('code');
- codeElement.textContent = code.code.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">");
- preCode.appendChild(codeElement);
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(codeTitlePara);
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(preCode);
- html += learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- html +=
- `
+ }
+ html += "";
+ return html;
+ }
+ // Remediation examples content
+ function infoCodeContainer(learnArray) {
+ let html = "
+ if (learnArray.length > 0) {
+ for (let learn of learnArray) {
+ for (let code of learn.samples) {
+ let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ learnSectionDiv.setAttribute("class", "learn-section");
+ let codeTitlePara = document.createElement("p");
+ codeTitlePara.textContent =
+ "" + code.title + " using " + code.progLanguage;
+ let preCode = document.createElement("pre");
+ preCode.setAttribute("class", "pre-code");
+ let codeElement = document.createElement("code");
+ codeElement.textContent = code.code
+ .replaceAll("<", "<")
+ .replaceAll(">", ">");
+ preCode.appendChild(codeElement);
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(codeTitlePara);
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(preCode);
+ html += learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ html += `
No remediation examples available to display.
- }
- html += "
- return html;
- }
- // Description content
- function infoLearnContainer(descriptionArray, result) {
- let html = "
- if (descriptionArray.length > 0) {
- for (let description of descriptionArray) {
- html += codeBashingSection(result);
- html += riskSection(description.risk);
- html += causeSection(description.cause);
- html += recommendationSection(description.generalRecommendations);
- }
- }
- else {
- html +=
- `
+ }
+ html += "
+ return html;
+ }
+ // Description content
+ function infoLearnContainer(descriptionArray, result) {
+ let html = "
+ if (descriptionArray.length > 0) {
+ for (let description of descriptionArray) {
+ html += codeBashingSection(result);
+ html += riskSection(description.risk);
+ html += causeSection(description.cause);
+ html += recommendationSection(description.generalRecommendations);
+ }
+ } else {
+ html += `
No information available to display.
- }
- html += "
- return html;
- }
- function codeBashingSection(result) {
- let codeBashingSection = "";
- if (result.sastNodes.length > 0) {
- let headerItemCodebashingDiv = document.createElement('div');
- headerItemCodebashingDiv.setAttribute('id', 'cx_header_codebashing');
- headerItemCodebashingDiv.style.marginBottom = '20px';
- let codebashingLinkSpan = document.createElement('span');
- codebashingLinkSpan.setAttribute('class', 'codebashing-link');
- codebashingLinkSpan.textContent = 'Learn more at ';
- let orangeColorSpan = document.createElement('span');
- orangeColorSpan.setAttribute('class', 'orange-color');
- orangeColorSpan.textContent = '>_';
- let codeBashingSpan = document.createElement('span');
- codeBashingSpan.setAttribute('class', 'codebashing-link-value');
- codeBashingSpan.setAttribute('id', 'cx_codebashing');
- codeBashingSpan.setAttribute('title', "Learn more about " + result.queryName + " using Checkmarx's eLearning platform");
- codeBashingSpan.textContent = 'codebashing';
- codebashingLinkSpan.appendChild(orangeColorSpan);
- codebashingLinkSpan.appendChild(codeBashingSpan);
- headerItemCodebashingDiv.appendChild(codebashingLinkSpan);
- return headerItemCodebashingDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- return codeBashingSection;
- }
- function riskSection(risk) {
- let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement('div');
- learnSectionDiv.setAttribute('class', 'learn-section');
- let learnHeaderPara = document.createElement('p');
- learnHeaderPara.setAttribute('class', 'learn-header');
- learnHeaderPara.textContent = 'Risk';
- let riskPara = document.createElement('p');
- riskPara.innerHTML = risk;
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(learnHeaderPara);
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(riskPara);
- return learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- function causeSection(cause) {
- let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement('div');
- learnSectionDiv.setAttribute('class', 'learn-section');
- let learnHeaderPara = document.createElement('p');
- learnHeaderPara.setAttribute('class', 'learn-header');
- learnHeaderPara.textContent = 'Cause';
- let causePara = document.createElement('p');
- causePara.innerHTML = cause;
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(learnHeaderPara);
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(causePara);
- return learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- function recommendationSection(recommendations) {
- let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement('div');
- learnSectionDiv.setAttribute('class', 'learn-section');
- let learnHeaderPara = document.createElement('p');
- learnHeaderPara.setAttribute('class', 'learn-header');
- learnHeaderPara.textContent = 'General Recommendations';
- let recommendationsSpan = document.createElement('span');
- recommendationsSpan.setAttribute('class', 'code-sample');
- recommendationsSpan.innerHTML = recommendations;
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(learnHeaderPara);
- learnSectionDiv.appendChild(recommendationsSpan);
- return learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- // Individual changes
- function infoChanges(change) {
- let infoDiv = document.createElement("div");
- let severityPara = document.createElement("p");
- let severityClass = change.Severity.length > 0 ? ("select-" + change.Severity.toLowerCase()) : "";
- severityPara.setAttribute('class', severityClass);
- var severity = change.Severity.length > 0 ? change.Severity : "No changes in severity.";
- severityPara.textContent = severity;
- let statePara = document.createElement("p");
- statePara.setAttribute('class', 'state');
- var state = change.State.length > 0 ? change.State.replaceAll("_", " ") : "No changes in state.";
- statePara.textContent = state;
- infoDiv.appendChild(severityPara);
- infoDiv.appendChild(statePara);
- if (change.Comment.length > 0) {
- let commentPara = document.createElement("p");
- commentPara.setAttribute('class', 'comment');
- commentPara.textContent = change.Comment;
- infoDiv.appendChild(commentPara);
- }
- return infoDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- // Generic card for changes
- function userCardInfo(username, date, info) {
- let historyContainerDiv = document.createElement('div');
- historyContainerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'history-container');
- let historyHeaderDiv = document.createElement('div');
- historyHeaderDiv.setAttribute('class', 'history-header');
- let userNameDiv = document.createElement('div');
- userNameDiv.setAttribute('class', 'username');
- userNameDiv.textContent = username;
- let dateDiv = document.createElement('div');
- dateDiv.setAttribute('class', 'date');
- dateDiv.textContent = date;
- let textContentDiv = document.createElement('div');
- textContentDiv.setAttribute('class', 'text-content');
- textContentDiv.innerHTML = info;
- historyHeaderDiv.appendChild(userNameDiv);
- historyHeaderDiv.appendChild(dateDiv);
- historyContainerDiv.appendChild(historyHeaderDiv);
- historyContainerDiv.appendChild(textContentDiv);
- return historyContainerDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- function loader() {
- let historyContainerLoaderDiv = document.createElement('div');
- historyContainerLoaderDiv.setAttribute('id', 'history-container-loader');
- historyContainerLoaderDiv.setAttribute('class', 'center');
- let historyContainerLoaderPara = document.createElement('p');
- historyContainerLoaderPara.setAttribute('class', 'history-container-loader');
- historyContainerLoaderPara.textContent = 'Loading changes';
- let loaderDiv = document.createElement('div');
- loaderDiv.setAttribute('class', 'loader');
- historyContainerLoaderDiv.appendChild(historyContainerLoaderPara);
- historyContainerLoaderDiv.appendChild(loaderDiv);
- return historyContainerLoaderDiv.outerHTML;
- }
- function updateDisplay(id, display) {
- let element = document.getElementById(id);
- element.style.display = display;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
+ html += "
+ return html;
+ }
+ function codeBashingSection(result) {
+ let codeBashingSection = "";
+ if (result.multipleSastNode.nodes.length > 0) {
+ let headerItemCodebashingDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ headerItemCodebashingDiv.setAttribute("id", "cx_header_codebashing");
+ headerItemCodebashingDiv.style.marginBottom = "20px";
+ let codebashingLinkSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ codebashingLinkSpan.setAttribute("class", "codebashing-link");
+ codebashingLinkSpan.textContent = "Learn more at ";
+ let orangeColorSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ orangeColorSpan.setAttribute("class", "orange-color");
+ orangeColorSpan.textContent = ">_";
+ let codeBashingSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ codeBashingSpan.setAttribute("class", "codebashing-link-value");
+ codeBashingSpan.setAttribute("id", "cx_codebashing");
+ codeBashingSpan.setAttribute(
+ "title",
+ "Learn more about " +
+ result.queryName +
+ " using Checkmarx's eLearning platform"
+ );
+ codeBashingSpan.textContent = "codebashing";
+ codebashingLinkSpan.appendChild(orangeColorSpan);
+ codebashingLinkSpan.appendChild(codeBashingSpan);
+ headerItemCodebashingDiv.appendChild(codebashingLinkSpan);
+ return headerItemCodebashingDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ return codeBashingSection;
+ }
+ function riskSection(risk) {
+ let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ learnSectionDiv.setAttribute("class", "learn-section");
+ let learnHeaderPara = document.createElement("p");
+ learnHeaderPara.setAttribute("class", "learn-header");
+ learnHeaderPara.textContent = "Risk";
+ let riskPara = document.createElement("p");
+ riskPara.innerHTML = risk;
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(learnHeaderPara);
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(riskPara);
+ return learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ function causeSection(cause) {
+ let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ learnSectionDiv.setAttribute("class", "learn-section");
+ let learnHeaderPara = document.createElement("p");
+ learnHeaderPara.setAttribute("class", "learn-header");
+ learnHeaderPara.textContent = "Cause";
+ let causePara = document.createElement("p");
+ causePara.innerHTML = cause;
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(learnHeaderPara);
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(causePara);
+ return learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ function recommendationSection(recommendations) {
+ let learnSectionDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ learnSectionDiv.setAttribute("class", "learn-section");
+ let learnHeaderPara = document.createElement("p");
+ learnHeaderPara.setAttribute("class", "learn-header");
+ learnHeaderPara.textContent = "General Recommendations";
+ let recommendationsSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ recommendationsSpan.setAttribute("class", "code-sample");
+ recommendationsSpan.innerHTML = recommendations;
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(learnHeaderPara);
+ learnSectionDiv.appendChild(recommendationsSpan);
+ return learnSectionDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ // Individual changes
+ function infoChanges(change) {
+ let infoDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ let severityPara = document.createElement("p");
+ let severityClass =
+ change.Severity.length > 0
+ ? "select-" + change.Severity.toLowerCase()
+ : "";
+ severityPara.setAttribute("class", severityClass);
+ var severity =
+ change.Severity.length > 0 ? change.Severity : "No changes in severity.";
+ severityPara.textContent = severity;
+ let statePara = document.createElement("p");
+ statePara.setAttribute("class", "state");
+ var state =
+ change.State.length > 0
+ ? change.State.replaceAll("_", " ")
+ : "No changes in state.";
+ statePara.textContent = state;
+ infoDiv.appendChild(severityPara);
+ infoDiv.appendChild(statePara);
+ if (change.Comment.length > 0) {
+ let commentPara = document.createElement("p");
+ commentPara.setAttribute("class", "comment");
+ commentPara.textContent = change.Comment;
+ infoDiv.appendChild(commentPara);
+ }
+ return infoDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ // Generic card for changes
+ function userCardInfo(username, date, info) {
+ let historyContainerDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ historyContainerDiv.setAttribute("class", "history-container");
+ let historyHeaderDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ historyHeaderDiv.setAttribute("class", "history-header");
+ let userNameDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ userNameDiv.setAttribute("class", "username");
+ userNameDiv.textContent = username;
+ let dateDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ dateDiv.setAttribute("class", "date");
+ dateDiv.textContent = date;
+ let textContentDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ textContentDiv.setAttribute("class", "text-content");
+ textContentDiv.innerHTML = info;
+ historyHeaderDiv.appendChild(userNameDiv);
+ historyHeaderDiv.appendChild(dateDiv);
+ historyContainerDiv.appendChild(historyHeaderDiv);
+ historyContainerDiv.appendChild(textContentDiv);
+ return historyContainerDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ function loader() {
+ let historyContainerLoaderDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ historyContainerLoaderDiv.setAttribute("id", "history-container-loader");
+ historyContainerLoaderDiv.setAttribute("class", "center");
+ let historyContainerLoaderPara = document.createElement("p");
+ historyContainerLoaderPara.setAttribute(
+ "class",
+ "history-container-loader"
+ );
+ historyContainerLoaderPara.textContent = "Loading changes";
+ let loaderDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ loaderDiv.setAttribute("class", "loader");
+ historyContainerLoaderDiv.appendChild(historyContainerLoaderPara);
+ historyContainerLoaderDiv.appendChild(loaderDiv);
+ return historyContainerLoaderDiv.outerHTML;
+ }
+ function updateDisplay(id, display) {
+ let element = document.getElementById(id);
+ element.style.display = display;
+ }
diff --git a/src/commands/webViewCommand.ts b/src/commands/webViewCommand.ts
index e1967bcb..07ff6a2f 100644
--- a/src/commands/webViewCommand.ts
+++ b/src/commands/webViewCommand.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import path = require("path");
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { getCodebashingLink } from "../codebashing/codebashing";
import { Logs } from "../models/logs";
-import { AstResult } from "../models/results";
+import { AstResult } from "../models/astResults/AstResult";
import { getLearnMore } from "../sast/learnMore";
import { getChanges, triageSubmit } from "../utils/triage";
import { applyScaFix } from "../sca/scaFix";
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/AstResult.ts b/src/models/astResults/AstResult.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a9e78f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/AstResult.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+import * as path from "path";
+import {
+ StateLevel,
+ SeverityLevel,
+ constants,
+} from "../../utils/common/constants";
+// import { KicsAstResult } from "./KicsAstResult";
+// import { SastAstResult } from "./SastAstResult";
+// import { ScaAstResult } from "./ScaAstResult";
+// import { ScsAstResult } from "./ScsAstResult";
+// import { ScaRealtimeAstResult } from "./ScaRealtimeAstResult";
+export abstract class AstResult {
+ queryId: string;
+ queryName: string;
+ language: string;
+ cweId: string;
+ fileName: string;
+ typeLabel: string;
+ type: string;
+ label: string;
+ id: string;
+ similarityId: string;
+ status: string;
+ state: string;
+ severity: string;
+ created: string;
+ firstFoundAt: string;
+ foundAt: string;
+ firstScanId: string;
+ description: string;
+ descriptionHTML: string;
+ comments: any;
+ declare data: any;
+ declare vulnerabilityDetails: any;
+ constructor(result: any) {
+ this.type = result.type; // common
+ this.label = result.data.queryName // vi // common
+ ? result.data.queryName
+ : result.id
+ ? result.id
+ : result.vulnerabilityDetails.cveName;
+ this.id = result.id; // vi // common
+ this.similarityId = result.similarityId; // vi // common
+ this.status = result.status; // vi // common
+ this.state = result.state || "";
+ this.severity = result.severity; // common
+ this.created = result.created; // common
+ this.firstFoundAt = result.firstFoundAt; // common
+ this.foundAt = result.foundAt; // common
+ this.firstScanId = result.firstScanId; // common
+ this.description = result.description; // common
+ this.descriptionHTML = result.descriptionHTML; // common
+ this.comments = result.comments; // common;
+ this.data = result.data; // common
+ this.vulnerabilityDetails = result.vulnerabilityDetails; // common
+ this.queryId = result.data?.queryId;
+ this.typeLabel = this.determineTypeLabel(result);
+ }
+ getKicsValues(): string {
+ return ""; // Default implementation for non-Kics types
+ }
+ public getqueryId(): string {
+ return this.queryId;
+ }
+ static checkType(result: any): string {
+ return result.type;
+ }
+ setSeverity(severity: string): void {
+ this.severity = severity;
+ }
+ // Common setter for state
+ setState(state: string): void {
+ this.state = state;
+ }
+ // Abstract methods to be implemented by subclasses
+ abstract getResultHash(): string;
+ determineTypeLabel(result: any): string | undefined {
+ if (result.label) {
+ return result.label;
+ }
+ if (result.type === "scs-secret-detection") {
+ return "Secret Detection";
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ abstract getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri): string;
+ abstract getTitle(): string;
+ // handleFileNameAndLine(result: any): void; // Abstract method
+ // Common utility to shorten filenames
+ getShortFilename(filename: string): string {
+ return filename.length > 50 ? "..." + filename.slice(-50) : filename;
+ }
+ getIcon() {
+ switch (this.severity) {
+ case constants.criticalSeverity:
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "critical_untoggle.svg");
+ case constants.highSeverity:
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "high_untoggle.svg");
+ case constants.mediumSeverity:
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "medium_untoggle.svg");
+ case constants.infoSeverity:
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "info_untoggle.svg");
+ case constants.lowSeverity:
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "low_untoggle.svg");
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ getGptIcon() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "gpt.png");
+ }
+ getCxIcon() {
+ return path.join("media", "icon.png");
+ }
+ getCxScaAtackVector() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "attackVector.png");
+ }
+ getCxScaComplexity() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "complexity.png");
+ }
+ getCxAuthentication() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "authentication.png");
+ }
+ getCxConfidentiality() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "confidentiality.png");
+ }
+ getCxIntegrity() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "integrity.png");
+ }
+ getCxAvailability() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "availability.png");
+ }
+ getCxUpgrade() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "upgrade.png");
+ }
+ getCxUrl() {
+ return path.join("media", "icons", "url.png");
+ }
+ getTreeIcon() {
+ return {
+ light: path.join(__filename, "..", "..", this.getIcon()),
+ dark: path.join(__filename, "..", "..", this.getIcon()),
+ };
+ }
+ getSeverityCode() {
+ switch (this.severity) {
+ case constants.criticalSeverity:
+ return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
+ case constants.highSeverity:
+ return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
+ case constants.mediumSeverity:
+ return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
+ case constants.infoSeverity:
+ return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
+ }
+ return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
+ }
+ getSeverity() {
+ switch (this.severity) {
+ case constants.criticalSeverity:
+ return SeverityLevel.critical;
+ case constants.highSeverity:
+ return SeverityLevel.high;
+ case constants.mediumSeverity:
+ return SeverityLevel.medium;
+ case constants.infoSeverity:
+ return SeverityLevel.info;
+ case constants.lowSeverity:
+ return SeverityLevel.low;
+ }
+ return SeverityLevel.empty;
+ }
+ getState() {
+ switch (this.state) {
+ return StateLevel.notExploitable;
+ return StateLevel.proposed;
+ case "CONFIRMED":
+ return StateLevel.confirmed;
+ case "TO_VERIFY":
+ return StateLevel.toVerify;
+ case "URGENT":
+ return StateLevel.urgent;
+ case "NOT_IGNORED":
+ return StateLevel.notIgnored;
+ case "IGNORED":
+ return StateLevel.ignored;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/AstResultFactory.ts b/src/models/astResults/AstResultFactory.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76c906b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/AstResultFactory.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { AstResult } from "./AstResult";
+import { SastAstResult } from "./SastAstResult";
+import { KicsAstResult } from "./KicsAstResult";
+import { ScaAstResult } from "./ScaAstResult";
+import { ScsAstResult } from "./ScsAstResult";
+import { constants } from "../../utils/common/constants";
+export class AstResultFactory {
+ static createInstance(input: any): AstResult {
+ switch (input.type) {
+ case constants.sast:
+ return new SastAstResult(input);
+ case constants.kics:
+ return new KicsAstResult(input);
+ case constants.sca:
+ return new ScaAstResult(input);
+ case constants.scsSecretDetection:
+ return new ScsAstResult(input);
+ default:
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/KicsAstResult.ts b/src/models/astResults/KicsAstResult.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6f8a5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/KicsAstResult.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import { AstResult } from "./AstResult";
+import { KicsNode, KicsSummary } from "../nodes/KicsNode";
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+export class KicsAstResult extends AstResult {
+ kicsNode: KicsNode;
+ typeLabel = "";
+ cweId = "";
+ queryId = "";
+ constructor(result: any) {
+ super(result);
+ this.kicsNode = new KicsNode(
+ result.id,
+ result.description,
+ result.severity,
+ result.data.queryId,
+ result.data.queryName,
+ result.data.group,
+ result.data
+ );
+ this.typeLabel = result.label;
+ this.handleFileNameAndLine(result);
+ this.queryId = result.data.queryId;
+ }
+ handleFileNameAndLine(result: any): void {
+ this.cweId = result.vulnerabilityDetails?.cweId;
+ }
+ setSeverity(severity: string) {
+ if (this.kicsNode) {
+ this.kicsNode.severity = severity;
+ }
+ }
+ getResultHash(): string {
+ if (this.kicsNode) {
+ return this.kicsNode.id;
+ }
+ }
+ getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri): string {
+ if (this.kicsNode) {
+ return this.kicsDetails();
+ }
+ }
+ private kicsDetails() {
+ let html = "";
+ html += `
+ 1.
+ ${this.kicsNode?.data.filename}
+ ${this.getShortFilename(this.kicsNode?.data.filename)} [${
+ this.kicsNode?.data.line
+ }:${0}]
+ |
+ `;
+ return html;
+ }
+ getKicsValues() {
+ let r = "";
+ if (this.kicsNode?.data) {
+ this.kicsNode.data.value
+ ? (r += `
+ Value: ${this.kicsNode?.data.value}
+ `)
+ : (r += "");
+ this.kicsNode.data.expectedValue
+ ? (r += `
+ Expected Value: ${this.kicsNode?.data.expectedValue}
+ `)
+ : (r += "");
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ getTitle(): string {
+ let r = "";
+ if (this.kicsNode) {
+ r = `Location
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/SastAstResult.ts b/src/models/astResults/SastAstResult.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b84021c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/SastAstResult.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import { AstResult } from "./AstResult";
+import { MultipleSastNode } from "../nodes/MultipleSastNode";
+import { SastNode } from "../nodes/SastNode";
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+export class SastAstResult extends AstResult {
+ multipleSastNode: MultipleSastNode;
+ fileName: string = "";
+ cweId: string = "";
+ typeLabel = "";
+ queryId: string = "";
+ constructor(result: any) {
+ super(result);
+ const sastNodes = result.data?.nodes || [];
+ this.multipleSastNode = new MultipleSastNode(
+ sastNodes.map(
+ (node: any) =>
+ new SastNode(
+ node.id,
+ node.column,
+ node.fileName,
+ node.fullName,
+ node.length,
+ node.line,
+ node.methodLine,
+ node.name,
+ node.domType,
+ node.method,
+ node.nodeID,
+ node.definitions,
+ node.nodeSystemId,
+ node.nodeHash
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ this.typeLabel = result.label;
+ this.handleFileNameAndLine(result);
+ this.queryId = result.data.queryId;
+ }
+ handleFileNameAndLine(result: any): void {
+ if (this.multipleSastNode.getNodes().length > 0) {
+ const firstNode = this.multipleSastNode.getNodes()[0];
+ this.fileName = firstNode.fileName;
+ const shortFilename =
+ this.fileName && this.fileName.includes("/")
+ ? this.fileName.slice(this.fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
+ : "";
+ this.label += ` (${
+ shortFilename.length && shortFilename.length > 0
+ ? shortFilename
+ : this.fileName
+ }${
+ this.multipleSastNode.getNodes()[0].line > 0
+ ? ":" + this.multipleSastNode.getNodes()[0].line
+ : ""
+ })`;
+ }
+ this.cweId = result.cweId || result.vulnerabilityDetails?.cweId;
+ }
+ getResultHash(): string {
+ if (this.multipleSastNode.getNodes().length > 0) {
+ return this.data.resultHash;
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri): string {
+ return this.getSastDetails(cxPath);
+ }
+ getSastDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri): string {
+ let html = "";
+ const nodes = this.multipleSastNode.getNodes();
+ if (nodes.length > 0) {
+ nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
+ html += `
+ 
+ |
+ |
+ });
+ } else {
+ html += `
+ No attack vector information.
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ getTitle(): string {
+ let r = "";
+ if (this.multipleSastNode.getNodes().length > 0) {
+ r = `Attack Vector
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/ScaAstResult.ts b/src/models/astResults/ScaAstResult.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6c48230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/ScaAstResult.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+import { AstResult } from "./AstResult";
+import { ScaNode } from "../nodes/ScaNode";
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+export class ScaAstResult extends AstResult {
+ scaNode: ScaNode;
+ typeLabel = "";
+ fileName = "";
+ scaType = "";
+ cweId: string;
+ constructor(result: any) {
+ super(result);
+ if (result.data) {
+ this.scaNode = new ScaNode(
+ result.id,
+ result.description,
+ result.severity,
+ result.data.packageIdentifier,
+ result.data.recommendedVersion,
+ result.data.scaPackageData || {},
+ result.data.packageData || []
+ // result.data.packageId || [] // ??
+ );
+ }
+ this.scaType = result.scaType;
+ this.type = result.scaType ? "sca" : result.type;
+ this.label = result.id ? result.id : result.vulnerabilityDetails.cveName;
+ this.typeLabel = result.label;
+ this.cweId = result.vulnerabilityDetails?.cweId;
+ }
+ getResultHash(): string {
+ return this.scaNode.id;
+ }
+ getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri): string {
+ if (this.scaNode) {
+ return this.scaDetails();
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ private scaDetails() {
+ let html = "";
+ if (this.scaNode?.packageData) {
+ this.scaNode?.packageData.forEach((node, index) => {
+ html += `
+ ${index + 1}.
+ ${node.comment}
+ |
+ });
+ } else {
+ html += `
+ No package data information.
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ getTitle(): string {
+ let r = "";
+ if (this.scaNode) {
+ r = `Package Data
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ public scaLocations(scaUpgrade) {
+ let html = "";
+ this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths.forEach(
+ (pathArray: any, indexDependency: number) => {
+ if (indexDependency === 0) {
+ html += `
+ `;
+ } else {
+ html += `
+ `;
+ }
+ html += `
+ Package ${pathArray[0].name} is located in:
+ `;
+ pathArray.forEach((path: any, index: number) => {
+ if (index === 0) {
+ if (path.locations) {
+ path.locations.forEach((location: any, index: number) => {
+ html += `
+ ${location}
+ ${
+ this.scaNode.recommendedVersion &&
+ this.scaNode.scaPackageData.supportsQuickFix === true &&
+ this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths[0][0].name
+ ? `

+ : ""
+ }
+ ${index + 1 < path.locations.length ? ` | ` : ""}
+ `;
+ });
+ } else {
+ html += `
+ ${path.name} is unresolved
+ `;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ html += `
+ }
+ );
+ return html;
+ }
+ public scaReferences() {
+ let html = "";
+ if (this.scaNode.packageData) {
+ this.scaNode.packageData.forEach((data: any) => {
+ html += `
+ ${data.type}
+   `;
+ });
+ } else {
+ html += `
+ No references available
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ public scaPackages(scaUpgrade) {
+ let html = this.scaLocations(scaUpgrade);
+ this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths.forEach(
+ (dependencyArray: any, index: number) => {
+ if (index === 0) {
+ html += `
+ `;
+ } else {
+ html += `
+ `;
+ }
+ dependencyArray.forEach((dependency: any) => {
+ html += `
+ ${dependency.name}
+ |
+ `;
+ });
+ html += `
+ }
+ );
+ return html;
+ }
+ public scaContent(
+ result: AstResult,
+ scaUpgrade: string,
+ scaUrl: vscode.Uri | string,
+ scaAtackVector: string,
+ scaComplexity: string,
+ scaAuthentication: string,
+ scaConfidentiality: string,
+ scaIntegrity: string,
+ scaAvailability: string
+ ): string {
+ // Non-real-time logic only
+ return `
+ ${
+ result.descriptionHTML
+ ? result.descriptionHTML
+ : result.description
+ }
+ ${
+ this.scaNode.scaPackageData
+ ? `
+ ${this.scaRemediation(
+ result,
+ scaUpgrade,
+ scaUrl,
+ "non-realtime"
+ )}
+ ${this.scaPackages(scaUpgrade)}
+ : `
+ No package path information available
+ }
+ ${this.scaReferences()}
+ }
+ private scaRemediation(result, scaUpgrade, scaUrl, type?) {
+ return `
+ ${
+ !type
+ ? `

+ `
+ : ``
+ }`;
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/ScaRealtimeAstResult.ts b/src/models/astResults/ScaRealtimeAstResult.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb2de381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/ScaRealtimeAstResult.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import { ScaAstResult } from "./ScaAstResult";
+import { MultipleSastNode } from "../nodes/MultipleSastNode";
+import { SastNode } from "../nodes/SastNode";
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+export class ScaRealtimeAstResult extends ScaAstResult {
+ multipleSastNode: MultipleSastNode;
+ constructor(result: any) {
+ super(result);
+ const sastNodes = result.data?.nodes || [];
+ this.multipleSastNode = new MultipleSastNode(
+ sastNodes.map(
+ (node: any) =>
+ new SastNode(
+ node.id,
+ node.column,
+ node.fileName,
+ node.fullName,
+ node.length,
+ node.line,
+ node.methodLine,
+ node.name,
+ node.domType,
+ node.method,
+ node.nodeID,
+ node.definitions,
+ node.nodeSystemId,
+ node.nodeHash
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ public scaContent(
+ result: any,
+ scaUpgrade: string,
+ scaUrl: string,
+ scaAtackVector: string,
+ scaComplexity: string,
+ scaAuthentication: string,
+ scaConfidentiality: string,
+ scaIntegrity: string,
+ scaAvailability: string
+ ): string {
+ return `
+ ${
+ result.descriptionHTML
+ ? result.descriptionHTML
+ : result.description
+ }
+ ${this.scaRealtimeNodes(result)}
+ ${this.scaReferences()}
+ }
+ public scaRealtimeNodes(result?: any): string {
+ let html = "";
+ this.multipleSastNode.getNodes().forEach((node, index) => {
+ html += `
+ });
+ return html;
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/astResults/ScsAstResult.ts b/src/models/astResults/ScsAstResult.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..770c8c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/astResults/ScsAstResult.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import { SCSSecretDetectionNode } from "../nodes/SCSSecretDetectionNode";
+import { AstResult } from "./AstResult";
+import { constants } from "../../utils/common/constants";
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+export class ScsAstResult extends AstResult {
+ secretDetectionNode: SCSSecretDetectionNode;
+ typeLabel = "";
+ fileName = "";
+ cweId = "";
+ constructor(result: any) {
+ super(result);
+ this.secretDetectionNode = new SCSSecretDetectionNode(
+ result.id,
+ result.description,
+ result.severity,
+ result.type,
+ result.status,
+ result.state,
+ result.data.ruleName,
+ result.data.filename,
+ result.data.line,
+ result.data.ruleDescription,
+ result.data.remediation,
+ result.data.remediationAdditional
+ );
+ this.typeLabel = constants.secretDetection;
+ this.label = this.formatFilenameLine
+ ? this.formatFilenameLine(result)
+ : result.id;
+ this.handleFileNameAndLine(result);
+ }
+ handleFileNameAndLine(result: any): void {
+ this.fileName = result.data.fileName;
+ const shortFilename =
+ this.fileName && this.fileName.includes("/")
+ ? this.fileName.slice(this.fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
+ : "";
+ this.label += ` (${
+ shortFilename.length && shortFilename.length > 0
+ ? shortFilename
+ : this.fileName
+ }${result.data.line > 0 ? ":" + result.data.line : ""})`;
+ this.cweId = result.cweId || result.vulnerabilityDetails?.cweId;
+ }
+ formatFilenameLine(result: {
+ data?: { line?: number; filename?: string; ruleName?: string };
+ }): string {
+ const filename = result.data?.filename?.split("/").pop();
+ const line = result.data?.line;
+ const ruleName = result.data?.ruleName;
+ if (ruleName && filename && line !== undefined) {
+ return `${ruleName} (/${filename}:${line})`;
+ }
+ }
+ getResultHash(): string {
+ return "";
+ }
+ getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri): string {
+ return "";
+ }
+ getTitle(): string {
+ return "";
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/gptResult.ts b/src/models/gptResult.ts
index e9b8c818..57ff142c 100644
--- a/src/models/gptResult.ts
+++ b/src/models/gptResult.ts
@@ -1,39 +1,55 @@
import { KicsRealtime } from "./kicsRealtime";
-import { AstResult } from "./results";
+import { AstResult } from "./astResults/AstResult";
+import { KicsAstResult } from "./astResults/KicsAstResult";
+import { constants } from "../utils/common/constants";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import path = require("path");
export class GptResult {
- filename = "";
- line = 0;
- severity = "";
- vulnerabilityName = "";
- resultID = "";
- constructor(astResult: AstResult, kicsResult: KicsRealtime) {
+ filename = "";
+ line = 0;
+ severity = "";
+ vulnerabilityName = "";
+ resultID = "";
- if (kicsResult !== undefined) {
- this.filename = kicsResult.files[0].file_name.toString();
- this.line = kicsResult.files[0].line;
- this.severity = kicsResult.severity;
- this.vulnerabilityName = kicsResult.query_name;
- }
- if (astResult !== undefined) {
- const workspacePath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders;
- if (astResult.type === "sast") {
- this.filename = workspacePath ? workspacePath[0].uri.fsPath : astResult.fileName;
- this.resultID = astResult.id;
- }
- else {
- try{
- this.filename = workspacePath ? path.join(workspacePath[0].uri.fsPath, astResult.kicsNode?.data.filename ?? "") : astResult.kicsNode?.data.filename;
- }
- catch(e){
- console.log("Could not produce filename. error: ", e);
- }
- }
- this.line = astResult.kicsNode?.data.line;
- this.severity = astResult.severity;
- this.vulnerabilityName = astResult.label.replaceAll("_", " ");
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ constructor(astResult: AstResult, kicsResult: KicsRealtime) {
+ const resultType = AstResult.checkType(astResult);
+ if (kicsResult !== undefined) {
+ this.filename = kicsResult.files[0].file_name.toString();
+ this.line = kicsResult.files[0].line;
+ this.severity = kicsResult.severity;
+ this.vulnerabilityName = kicsResult.query_name;
+ }
+ if (astResult !== undefined) {
+ const workspacePath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders;
+ if (astResult.type === "sast") {
+ this.filename = workspacePath
+ ? workspacePath[0].uri.fsPath
+ : astResult.fileName;
+ this.resultID = astResult.id;
+ } else {
+ if (AstResult.checkType(astResult) === constants.kics) {
+ const kicsObj = astResult as KicsAstResult;
+ try {
+ this.filename = workspacePath
+ ? path.join(
+ workspacePath[0].uri.fsPath,
+ kicsObj.kicsNode?.data.filename ?? ""
+ )
+ : kicsObj.kicsNode?.data.filename;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log("Could not produce filename. error: ", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (AstResult.checkType(astResult) === constants.kics) {
+ const kicsObj = astResult as KicsAstResult;
+ this.line = kicsObj.kicsNode?.data.line;
+ }
+ this.severity = astResult.severity;
+ this.vulnerabilityName = astResult.label.replaceAll("_", " ");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/nodes/KicsNode.ts b/src/models/nodes/KicsNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c02b539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/nodes/KicsNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { Node } from "./Node";
+export class KicsNode extends Node {
+ constructor(
+ id: string,
+ description: string,
+ severity: string,
+ public queryId: string,
+ public queryName: string,
+ public group: string,
+ public data: any
+ ) {
+ super(id, description, severity);
+ }
+export class KicsSummary {
+ constructor(
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+ public HIGH: number,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+ public MEDIUM: number,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+ public LOW: number,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+ public INFO: number
+ ) {}
diff --git a/src/models/nodes/MultipleSastNode.ts b/src/models/nodes/MultipleSastNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..187ad27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/nodes/MultipleSastNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { SastNode } from "./SastNode";
+export class MultipleSastNode {
+ private nodes: SastNode[];
+ constructor(nodes: SastNode[]) {
+ this.nodes = nodes;
+ }
+ getNodes(): SastNode[] {
+ return this.nodes;
+ }
+ getNode(index: number): SastNode | undefined {
+ return this.nodes[index];
+ }
+ addNode(node: SastNode): void {
+ this.nodes.push(node);
+ }
+ removeNode(index: number): void {
+ this.nodes.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ getlength(): number {
+ return this.nodes.length;
+ }
+ // Additional utility to iterate over nodes
+ forEach(callback: (node: SastNode, index: number) => void): void {
+ this.nodes.forEach(callback);
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/nodes/Node.ts b/src/models/nodes/Node.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfba13eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/nodes/Node.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export abstract class Node {
+ constructor(
+ public id: string,
+ public description?: string,
+ public severity?: string
+ ) {}
diff --git a/src/models/nodes/SCSSecretDetectionNode.ts b/src/models/nodes/SCSSecretDetectionNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eccf74f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/nodes/SCSSecretDetectionNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Node } from "./Node";
+export class SCSSecretDetectionNode extends Node {
+ constructor(
+ id: string,
+ description: string,
+ severity: string,
+ public type: string,
+ public status: string,
+ public state: string,
+ public ruleName: string,
+ public fileName: string,
+ public line: number,
+ public ruleDescription: string,
+ public remediation: string,
+ public remediationAdditional: string
+ ) {
+ super(id, description, severity);
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/nodes/SastNode.ts b/src/models/nodes/SastNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0101fc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/nodes/SastNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// SastNode.ts
+import { Node } from "./Node";
+export class SastNode extends Node {
+ constructor(
+ id: string,
+ public column: number,
+ public fileName: string,
+ public fullName: string,
+ public length: number,
+ public line: number,
+ public methodLine: number,
+ public name: string,
+ public domType: string,
+ public method: string,
+ public nodeID: number,
+ public definitions: number,
+ public nodeSystemId: string,
+ public nodeHash: string,
+ description?: string,
+ severity?: string
+ ) {
+ super(id, description, severity);
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/nodes/ScaNode.ts b/src/models/nodes/ScaNode.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c073de90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/nodes/ScaNode.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { Node } from "./Node";
+import CxPackageData from "@checkmarxdev/ast-cli-javascript-wrapper/dist/main/results/CxPackageData";
+import CxScaPackageData from "@checkmarxdev/ast-cli-javascript-wrapper/dist/main/results/CxScaPackageData";
+export class ScaNode extends Node {
+ constructor(
+ id: string,
+ description: string,
+ severity: string,
+ public packageIdentifier: string,
+ public recommendedVersion: string,
+ public scaPackageData: CxScaPackageData,
+ public packageData: CxPackageData[] // public packageId: CxPackageData[]
+ ) {
+ super(id, description, severity);
+ }
diff --git a/src/models/results.ts b/src/models/results.ts
index ca7caf70..df1f10fc 100644
--- a/src/models/results.ts
+++ b/src/models/results.ts
@@ -1,1073 +1,1073 @@
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
-import CxVulnerabilityDetails from "@checkmarxdev/ast-cli-javascript-wrapper/dist/main/results/CxVulnerabilityDetails";
-import path = require("path");
-import * as vscode from "vscode";
-import {
- StateLevel,
- SeverityLevel,
- constants,
-} from "../utils/common/constants";
-import { KicsNode } from "./kicsNode";
-import { SastNode } from "./sastNode";
-import { ScaNode } from "./scaNode";
-import { SCSSecretDetectionNode } from "./SCSSecretDetectionNode";
-import CxResult from "@checkmarxdev/ast-cli-javascript-wrapper/dist/main/results/CxResult";
+// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
+// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
+// import CxVulnerabilityDetails from "@checkmarxdev/ast-cli-javascript-wrapper/dist/main/results/CxVulnerabilityDetails";
+// import path = require("path");
+// import * as vscode from "vscode";
+// import {
+// StateLevel,
+// SeverityLevel,
+// constants,
+// } from "../utils/common/constants";
+// import { KicsNode } from "./kicsNode";
+// import { SastNode } from "./sastNode";
+// import { ScaNode } from "./scaNode";
+// import { SCSSecretDetectionNode } from "./SCSSecretDetectionNode";
+// import CxResult from "@checkmarxdev/ast-cli-javascript-wrapper/dist/main/results/CxResult";
-export class AstResult extends CxResult {
- label = "";
- type = "";
- id = "";
- typeLabel = "";
- scaType = "";
- fileName = "";
- queryName = "";
- severity = "";
- status = "";
- language = "";
- description = "";
- descriptionHTML = "";
- similarityId = "";
- declare data: any;
- state = "";
- queryId = "";
- sastNodes: SastNode[] = [];
- scaNode: ScaNode | undefined;
- kicsNode: KicsNode | undefined;
- secretDetectionNode: SCSSecretDetectionNode | undefined;
- cweId: string | undefined;
- packageIdentifier: string;
- declare vulnerabilityDetails: CxVulnerabilityDetails;
+// export class AstResult extends CxResult {
+// label = "";
+// type = "";
+// id = "";
+// typeLabel = "";
+// scaType = "";
+// fileName = "";
+// queryName = "";
+// severity = "";
+// status = "";
+// language = "";
+// description = "";
+// descriptionHTML = "";
+// similarityId = "";
+// declare data: any;
+// state = "";
+// queryId = "";
+// sastNodes: SastNode[] = [];
+// scaNode: ScaNode | undefined;
+// kicsNode: KicsNode | undefined;
+// secretDetectionNode: SCSSecretDetectionNode | undefined;
+// cweId: string | undefined;
+// packageIdentifier: string;
+// declare vulnerabilityDetails: CxVulnerabilityDetails;
- setSeverity(severity: string) {
- this.severity = severity;
- if (this.kicsNode) {
- this.kicsNode.severity = severity;
- }
- }
+// constructor(result?: any) {
+// super(
+// result.scaType ? "sca" : result.type,
+// result.data.queryName
+// ? result.data.queryName
+// : result.id
+// ? result.id
+// : result.vulnerabilityDetails.cveName,
+// result.id,
+// result.status,
+// result.similarityId,
+// result.state,
+// result.severity,
+// result.created,
+// result.firstFoundAt,
+// result.foundAt,
+// result.firstScanId,
+// result.description,
+// result.data,
+// result.comments,
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails,
+// result.descriptionHTML
+// );
+// this.id = result.id;
+// this.type = result.scaType ? "sca" : result.type;
+// this.typeLabel = this.determineTypeLabel(result);
+// this.scaType = result.scaType;
+// this.label = result.data.queryName
+// ? result.data.queryName
+// : this.formatFilenameLine(result)
+// ? this.formatFilenameLine(result)
+// : result.id
+// ? result.id
+// : result.vulnerabilityDetails.cveName;
+// this.severity = result.severity;
+// this.status = result.status;
+// this.language = result.data.languageName;
+// this.description = result.description;
+// this.descriptionHTML = result.descriptionHTML;
+// this.data = result.data;
+// this.state = result.state;
+// this.similarityId = result.similarityId;
+// this.queryName = result.data.queryName;
+// this.queryId = result.data.queryId;
+// this.vulnerabilityDetails = result.vulnerabilityDetails;
- setState(state: string) {
- this.state = state;
- }
+// this.handleFileNameAndLine(result);
- constructor(result?: any) {
- super(
- result.scaType ? "sca" : result.type,
- result.data.queryName
- ? result.data.queryName
- : result.id
- ? result.id
- : result.vulnerabilityDetails.cveName,
- result.id,
- result.status,
- result.similarityId,
- result.state,
- result.severity,
- result.created,
- result.firstFoundAt,
- result.foundAt,
- result.firstScanId,
- result.description,
- result.data,
- result.comments,
- result.vulnerabilityDetails,
- result.descriptionHTML
- );
- this.id = result.id;
- this.type = result.scaType ? "sca" : result.type;
- this.typeLabel = this.determineTypeLabel(result);
- this.scaType = result.scaType;
- this.label = result.data.queryName
- ? result.data.queryName
- : this.formatFilenameLine(result)
- ? this.formatFilenameLine(result)
- : result.id
- ? result.id
- : result.vulnerabilityDetails.cveName;
- this.severity = result.severity;
- this.status = result.status;
- this.language = result.data.languageName;
- this.description = result.description;
- this.descriptionHTML = result.descriptionHTML;
- this.data = result.data;
- this.state = result.state;
- this.similarityId = result.similarityId;
- this.queryName = result.data.queryName;
- this.queryId = result.data.queryId;
- this.vulnerabilityDetails = result.vulnerabilityDetails;
+// if (result.type === constants.sca || result.scaType) {
+// this.scaNode = result.data;
+// }
+// if (result.type === constants.kics) {
+// this.kicsNode = result;
+// }
+// if (result.type === constants.scsSecretDetection) {
+// this.secretDetectionNode = result;
+// }
+// }
- this.handleFileNameAndLine(result);
+// setSeverity(severity: string) {
+// this.severity = severity;
+// if (this.kicsNode) {
+// this.kicsNode.severity = severity;
+// }
+// }
- if (result.type === constants.sca || result.scaType) {
- this.scaNode = result.data;
- }
- if (result.type === constants.kics) {
- this.kicsNode = result;
- }
- if (result.type === constants.scsSecretDetection) {
- this.secretDetectionNode = result;
- }
- }
+// setState(state: string) {
+// this.state = state;
+// }
- formatFilenameLine(result: {
- data?: { line?: number; filename?: string; ruleName?: string };
- }): string {
- const filename = result.data?.filename?.split("/").pop();
- const line = result.data?.line;
- const ruleName = result.data?.ruleName;
- if (ruleName && filename && line !== undefined) {
- return `${ruleName} (/${filename}:${line})`;
- }
- }
+// formatFilenameLine(result: {
+// data?: { line?: number; filename?: string; ruleName?: string };
+// }): string {
+// const filename = result.data?.filename?.split("/").pop();
+// const line = result.data?.line;
+// const ruleName = result.data?.ruleName;
+// if (ruleName && filename && line !== undefined) {
+// return `${ruleName} (/${filename}:${line})`;
+// }
+// }
- handleFileNameAndLine(result: any): void {
- // Relevant for sast, sca , kicks because , they have the filename inside result.data.nodes
- if (result.data.nodes && result.data.nodes[0]) {
- this.sastNodes = result.data.nodes;
- this.fileName = result.data.nodes[0].fileName;
- const shortFilename =
- this.fileName && this.fileName.includes("/")
- ? this.fileName.slice(this.fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
- : "";
- this.label += ` (${
- shortFilename.length && shortFilename.length > 0
- ? shortFilename
- : this.fileName
- }${
- result.data.nodes[0].line > 0 ? ":" + result.data.nodes[0].line : ""
- })`;
- } else if (result.data.fileName) {
- //Relevant for scs , because this engine have the filename inside result.data
- this.fileName = result.data.fileName;
- const shortFilename =
- this.fileName && this.fileName.includes("/")
- ? this.fileName.slice(this.fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
- : "";
- this.label += ` (${
- shortFilename.length && shortFilename.length > 0
- ? shortFilename
- : this.fileName
- }${result.data.line > 0 ? ":" + result.data.line : ""})`;
- }
+// handleFileNameAndLine(result: any): void {
+// // Relevant for sast, sca , kicks because , they have the filename inside result.data.nodes
+// if (result.data.nodes && result.data.nodes[0]) {
+// this.sastNodes = result.data.nodes;
+// this.fileName = result.data.nodes[0].fileName;
+// const shortFilename =
+// this.fileName && this.fileName.includes("/")
+// ? this.fileName.slice(this.fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
+// : "";
+// this.label += ` (${
+// shortFilename.length && shortFilename.length > 0
+// ? shortFilename
+// : this.fileName
+// }${
+// result.data.nodes[0].line > 0 ? ":" + result.data.nodes[0].line : ""
+// })`;
+// } else if (result.data.fileName) {
+// //Relevant for scs , because this engine have the filename inside result.data
+// this.fileName = result.data.fileName;
+// const shortFilename =
+// this.fileName && this.fileName.includes("/")
+// ? this.fileName.slice(this.fileName.lastIndexOf("/"))
+// : "";
+// this.label += ` (${
+// shortFilename.length && shortFilename.length > 0
+// ? shortFilename
+// : this.fileName
+// }${result.data.line > 0 ? ":" + result.data.line : ""})`;
+// }
- this.cweId = result.cweId || result.vulnerabilityDetails?.cweId;
- }
+// this.cweId = result.cweId || result.vulnerabilityDetails?.cweId;
+// }
- determineTypeLabel(result: any): string | undefined {
- if (result.label) {
- return result.label;
- }
- if (result.type === constants.scsSecretDetection) {
- return constants.secretDetection;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
+// determineTypeLabel(result: any): string | undefined {
+// if (result.label) {
+// return result.label;
+// }
+// if (result.type === constants.scsSecretDetection) {
+// return constants.secretDetection;
+// }
+// return undefined;
+// }
- getIcon() {
- switch (this.severity) {
- case constants.criticalSeverity:
- return path.join("media", "icons", "critical_untoggle.svg");
- case constants.highSeverity:
- return path.join("media", "icons", "high_untoggle.svg");
- case constants.mediumSeverity:
- return path.join("media", "icons", "medium_untoggle.svg");
- case constants.infoSeverity:
- return path.join("media", "icons", "info_untoggle.svg");
- case constants.lowSeverity:
- return path.join("media", "icons", "low_untoggle.svg");
- }
- return "";
- }
+// getIcon() {
+// switch (this.severity) {
+// case constants.criticalSeverity:
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "critical_untoggle.svg");
+// case constants.highSeverity:
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "high_untoggle.svg");
+// case constants.mediumSeverity:
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "medium_untoggle.svg");
+// case constants.infoSeverity:
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "info_untoggle.svg");
+// case constants.lowSeverity:
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "low_untoggle.svg");
+// }
+// return "";
+// }
- getGptIcon() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "gpt.png");
- }
+// getGptIcon() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "gpt.png");
+// }
- getCxIcon() {
- return path.join("media", "icon.png");
- }
+// getCxIcon() {
+// return path.join("media", "icon.png");
+// }
- getCxScaAtackVector() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "attackVector.png");
- }
+// getCxScaAtackVector() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "attackVector.png");
+// }
- getCxScaComplexity() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "complexity.png");
- }
+// getCxScaComplexity() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "complexity.png");
+// }
- getCxAuthentication() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "authentication.png");
- }
+// getCxAuthentication() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "authentication.png");
+// }
- getCxConfidentiality() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "confidentiality.png");
- }
+// getCxConfidentiality() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "confidentiality.png");
+// }
- getCxIntegrity() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "integrity.png");
- }
+// getCxIntegrity() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "integrity.png");
+// }
- getCxAvailability() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "availability.png");
- }
+// getCxAvailability() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "availability.png");
+// }
- getCxUpgrade() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "upgrade.png");
- }
+// getCxUpgrade() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "upgrade.png");
+// }
- getCxUrl() {
- return path.join("media", "icons", "url.png");
- }
+// getCxUrl() {
+// return path.join("media", "icons", "url.png");
+// }
- getTreeIcon() {
- return {
- light: path.join(__filename, "..", "..", this.getIcon()),
- dark: path.join(__filename, "..", "..", this.getIcon()),
- };
- }
+// getTreeIcon() {
+// return {
+// light: path.join(__filename, "..", "..", this.getIcon()),
+// dark: path.join(__filename, "..", "..", this.getIcon()),
+// };
+// }
- getSeverityCode() {
- switch (this.severity) {
- case constants.criticalSeverity:
- return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
- case constants.highSeverity:
- return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
- case constants.mediumSeverity:
- return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
- case constants.infoSeverity:
- return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
- }
- return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
- }
+// getSeverityCode() {
+// switch (this.severity) {
+// case constants.criticalSeverity:
+// return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
+// case constants.highSeverity:
+// return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
+// case constants.mediumSeverity:
+// return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
+// case constants.infoSeverity:
+// return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
+// }
+// return vscode.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
+// }
- getSeverity() {
- switch (this.severity) {
- case constants.criticalSeverity:
- return SeverityLevel.critical;
- case constants.highSeverity:
- return SeverityLevel.high;
- case constants.mediumSeverity:
- return SeverityLevel.medium;
- case constants.infoSeverity:
- return SeverityLevel.info;
- case constants.lowSeverity:
- return SeverityLevel.low;
- }
- return SeverityLevel.empty;
- }
+// getSeverity() {
+// switch (this.severity) {
+// case constants.criticalSeverity:
+// return SeverityLevel.critical;
+// case constants.highSeverity:
+// return SeverityLevel.high;
+// case constants.mediumSeverity:
+// return SeverityLevel.medium;
+// case constants.infoSeverity:
+// return SeverityLevel.info;
+// case constants.lowSeverity:
+// return SeverityLevel.low;
+// }
+// return SeverityLevel.empty;
+// }
- getState() {
- switch (this.state) {
- return StateLevel.notExploitable;
- return StateLevel.proposed;
- case "CONFIRMED":
- return StateLevel.confirmed;
- case "TO_VERIFY":
- return StateLevel.toVerify;
- case "URGENT":
- return StateLevel.urgent;
- case "NOT_IGNORED":
- return StateLevel.notIgnored;
- case "IGNORED":
- return StateLevel.ignored;
- }
- }
+// getState() {
+// switch (this.state) {
+// return StateLevel.notExploitable;
+// return StateLevel.proposed;
+// case "CONFIRMED":
+// return StateLevel.confirmed;
+// case "TO_VERIFY":
+// return StateLevel.toVerify;
+// case "URGENT":
+// return StateLevel.urgent;
+// case "NOT_IGNORED":
+// return StateLevel.notIgnored;
+// case "IGNORED":
+// return StateLevel.ignored;
+// }
+// }
- getResultHash() {
- if (this.sastNodes && this.sastNodes.length > 0) {
- return this.data.resultHash;
- }
- if (this.kicsNode) {
- return this.kicsNode.id;
- }
- if (this.scaNode) {
- return this.scaNode.id;
- }
+// getResultHash() {
+// if (this.sastNodes && this.sastNodes.length > 0) {
+// return this.data.resultHash;
+// }
+// if (this.kicsNode) {
+// return this.kicsNode.id;
+// }
+// if (this.scaNode) {
+// return this.scaNode.id;
+// }
- return "";
- }
+// return "";
+// }
- getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri) {
- if (this.sastNodes && this.sastNodes.length > 0) {
- return this.getSastDetails(cxPath);
- }
- if (this.scaNode) {
- return this.scaDetails();
- }
- if (this.kicsNode) {
- return this.kicsDetails();
- }
+// getHtmlDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri) {
+// if (this.sastNodes && this.sastNodes.length > 0) {
+// return this.getSastDetails(cxPath);
+// }
+// if (this.scaNode) {
+// return this.scaDetails();
+// }
+// if (this.kicsNode) {
+// return this.kicsDetails();
+// }
- return "";
- }
+// return "";
+// }
- private kicsDetails() {
- let html = "";
- html += `
- 1.
- ${this.kicsNode?.data.filename}
- ${this.getShortFilename(this.kicsNode?.data.filename)} [${
- this.kicsNode?.data.line
- }:${0}]
- |
- `;
- return html;
- }
+// private kicsDetails() {
+// let html = "";
+// html += `
+// 1.
+// ${this.kicsNode?.data.filename}
+// ${this.getShortFilename(this.kicsNode?.data.filename)} [${
+// this.kicsNode?.data.line
+// }:${0}]
+// |
+// `;
+// return html;
+// }
- getKicsValues() {
- let r = "";
- if (this.kicsNode?.data) {
- this.kicsNode.data.value
- ? (r += `
- Value: ${this.kicsNode?.data.value}
- `)
- : (r += "");
- this.kicsNode.data.expectedValue
- ? (r += `
- Expected Value: ${this.kicsNode?.data.expectedValue}
- `)
- : (r += "");
- }
- return r;
- }
+// getKicsValues() {
+// let r = "";
+// if (this.kicsNode?.data) {
+// this.kicsNode.data.value
+// ? (r += `
+// Value: ${this.kicsNode?.data.value}
+// `)
+// : (r += "");
+// this.kicsNode.data.expectedValue
+// ? (r += `
+// Expected Value: ${this.kicsNode?.data.expectedValue}
+// `)
+// : (r += "");
+// }
+// return r;
+// }
- getSastDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri) {
- let html = ""; //this.getBflTips(cxPath);
- if (this.sastNodes) {
- this.sastNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
- html += `
- 
- |
- |
- });
- } else {
- html += `
- No attack vector information.
- }
- return html;
- }
+// getSastDetails(cxPath: vscode.Uri) {
+// let html = ""; //this.getBflTips(cxPath);
+// if (this.sastNodes) {
+// this.sastNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
+// html += `
+// 
+// |
+// |
+// });
+// } else {
+// html += `
+// No attack vector information.
+// }
+// return html;
+// }
- getBflTips(cxPath: vscode.Uri) {
- return `
points to the best fix location in the code - Make remediation much quicker!
- Loading best fix location
- `;
- }
+// getBflTips(cxPath: vscode.Uri) {
+// return `
points to the best fix location in the code - Make remediation much quicker!
+// Loading best fix location
+// `;
+// }
- getShortFilename(filename: string) {
- let r;
- filename.length > 50 ? (r = "..." + filename.slice(-50)) : (r = filename);
- return r;
- }
+// getShortFilename(filename: string) {
+// let r;
+// filename.length > 50 ? (r = "..." + filename.slice(-50)) : (r = filename);
+// return r;
+// }
- getTitle() {
- let r = "";
- if (this.sastNodes && this.sastNodes.length > 0) {
- r = `Attack Vector
- }
- if (this.scaNode) {
- r = `Package Data
- }
- if (this.kicsNode) {
- r = `Location
- }
- return r;
- }
+// getTitle() {
+// let r = "";
+// if (this.sastNodes && this.sastNodes.length > 0) {
+// r = `Attack Vector
+// }
+// if (this.scaNode) {
+// r = `Package Data
+// }
+// if (this.kicsNode) {
+// r = `Location
+// }
+// return r;
+// }
- private scaDetails() {
- let html = "";
- if (this.scaNode?.packageData) {
- this.scaNode?.packageData.forEach((node, index) => {
- html += `
- ${index + 1}.
- ${node.comment}
- |
- });
- } else {
- html += `
- No package data information.
- }
- return html;
- }
+// private scaDetails() {
+// let html = "";
+// if (this.scaNode?.packageData) {
+// this.scaNode?.packageData.forEach((node, index) => {
+// html += `
+// ${index + 1}.
+// ${node.comment}
+// |
+// });
+// } else {
+// html += `
+// No package data information.
+// }
+// return html;
+// }
- public scaLocations(scaUpgrade) {
- let html = "";
- this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths.forEach(
- (pathArray: any, indexDependency: number) => {
- if (indexDependency === 0) {
- html += `
- `;
- } else {
- html += `
- `;
- }
- html += `
- Package ${pathArray[0].name} is located in:
- `;
- pathArray.forEach((path: any, index: number) => {
- if (index === 0) {
- if (path.locations) {
- path.locations.forEach((location: any, index: number) => {
- html += `
- ${location}
- ${
- this.scaNode.recommendedVersion &&
- this.scaNode.scaPackageData.supportsQuickFix === true &&
- this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths[0][0].name
- ? `

- : ""
- }
- ${index + 1 < path.locations.length ? ` | ` : ""}
- `;
- });
- } else {
- html += `
- ${path.name} is unresolved
- `;
- }
- }
- });
- html += `
- }
- );
- return html;
- }
+// public scaLocations(scaUpgrade) {
+// let html = "";
+// this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths.forEach(
+// (pathArray: any, indexDependency: number) => {
+// if (indexDependency === 0) {
+// html += `
+// `;
+// } else {
+// html += `
+// `;
+// }
+// html += `
+// Package ${pathArray[0].name} is located in:
+// `;
+// pathArray.forEach((path: any, index: number) => {
+// if (index === 0) {
+// if (path.locations) {
+// path.locations.forEach((location: any, index: number) => {
+// html += `
+// ${location}
+// ${
+// this.scaNode.recommendedVersion &&
+// this.scaNode.scaPackageData.supportsQuickFix === true &&
+// this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths[0][0].name
+// ? `

+// : ""
+// }
+// ${index + 1 < path.locations.length ? ` | ` : ""}
+// `;
+// });
+// } else {
+// html += `
+// ${path.name} is unresolved
+// `;
+// }
+// }
+// });
+// html += `
+// }
+// );
+// return html;
+// }
- public scaReferences() {
- let html = "";
- if (this.scaNode.packageData) {
- this.scaNode.packageData.forEach((data: any) => {
- html += `
- ${data.type}
-   `;
- });
- } else {
- html += `
- No references available
- }
- return html;
- }
+// public scaReferences() {
+// let html = "";
+// if (this.scaNode.packageData) {
+// this.scaNode.packageData.forEach((data: any) => {
+// html += `
+// ${data.type}
+//   `;
+// });
+// } else {
+// html += `
+// No references available
+// }
+// return html;
+// }
- public scaRealtimeNodes(result) {
- let html = "";
- this.sastNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
- html += `
- });
- return html;
- }
+// public scaRealtimeNodes(result) {
+// let html = "";
+// this.sastNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
+// html += `
+// });
+// return html;
+// }
- public scaPackages(scaUpgrade) {
- let html = this.scaLocations(scaUpgrade);
- this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths.forEach(
- (dependencyArray: any, index: number) => {
- if (index === 0) {
- html += `
- `;
- } else {
- html += `
- `;
- }
- dependencyArray.forEach((dependency: any) => {
- html += `
- ${dependency.name}
- |
- `;
- });
- html += `
- }
- );
- return html;
- }
+// public scaPackages(scaUpgrade) {
+// let html = this.scaLocations(scaUpgrade);
+// this.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths.forEach(
+// (dependencyArray: any, index: number) => {
+// if (index === 0) {
+// html += `
+// `;
+// } else {
+// html += `
+// `;
+// }
+// dependencyArray.forEach((dependency: any) => {
+// html += `
+// ${dependency.name}
+// |
+// `;
+// });
+// html += `
+// }
+// );
+// return html;
+// }
- public scaContent(
- result: AstResult,
- scaUpgrade,
- scaUrl,
- scaAtackVector,
- scaComplexity,
- scaAuthentication,
- scaConfidentiality,
- scaIntegrity,
- scaAvailability,
- type
- ) {
- return `
- ${
- result.descriptionHTML ? result.descriptionHTML : result.description
- }
- ${
- type === "realtime"
- ? `
- : ""
- }
- ${
- result.scaNode.scaPackageData
- ? `
- ${
- !type
- ? ``
- : ""
- }
- ${
- !type
- ? `
- ${result.scaRemediation(result, scaUpgrade, scaUrl, type)}
- `
- : ""
- }
- ${
- result.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths
- ? `
- ${result.scaPackages(scaUpgrade)}
- : !type
- ? `
- No package path information available
- `
- : `
- ${result.scaRealtimeNodes(result)}
- `
- }
- ${result.scaReferences()}
- `
- : `
- No more information available
- `
- }
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.version
- ? `
- `
- : `
- `
- }
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvssScore
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvssScore.toFixed(1)
- : "N/A"
- }
- Attack Vector
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackVector
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackVector
- : "No information"
- }

- Attack Complexity
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackComplexity
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackComplexity
- : "No information"
- }

- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.privilegesRequired
- ? `
- Privileges Required
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.privilegesRequired
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.privilegesRequired
- : "No information"
- }

- : ``
- }
- Confidentiality Impact
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.confidentiality
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.confidentiality
- : "No information"
- }

- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.integrityImpact
- ? `
- Integrity Impact
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.integrityImpact
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.integrityImpact
- : "No information"
- }

- : ``
- }
- Availability Impact
- ${
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
- result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.availability
- ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.availability
- : "No information"
- }

- }
+// public scaContent(
+// result: AstResult,
+// scaUpgrade,
+// scaUrl,
+// scaAtackVector,
+// scaComplexity,
+// scaAuthentication,
+// scaConfidentiality,
+// scaIntegrity,
+// scaAvailability,
+// type
+// ) {
+// return `
+// ${
+// result.descriptionHTML ? result.descriptionHTML : result.description
+// }
+// ${
+// type === "realtime"
+// ? `
+// : ""
+// }
+// ${
+// result.scaNode.scaPackageData
+// ? `
+// ${
+// !type
+// ? ``
+// : ""
+// }
+// ${
+// !type
+// ? `
+// ${result.scaRemediation(result, scaUpgrade, scaUrl, type)}
+// `
+// : ""
+// }
+// ${
+// result.scaNode.scaPackageData.dependencyPaths
+// ? `
+// ${result.scaPackages(scaUpgrade)}
+// : !type
+// ? `
+// No package path information available
+// `
+// : `
+// ${result.scaRealtimeNodes(result)}
+// `
+// }
+// ${result.scaReferences()}
+// `
+// : `
+// No more information available
+// `
+// }
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.version
+// ? `
+// `
+// : `
+// `
+// }
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvssScore
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvssScore.toFixed(1)
+// : "N/A"
+// }
+// Attack Vector
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackVector
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackVector
+// : "No information"
+// }

+// Attack Complexity
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackComplexity
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.attackComplexity
+// : "No information"
+// }

+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.privilegesRequired
+// ? `
+// Privileges Required
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.privilegesRequired
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.privilegesRequired
+// : "No information"
+// }

+// : ``
+// }
+// Confidentiality Impact
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.confidentiality
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.confidentiality
+// : "No information"
+// }

+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.integrityImpact
+// ? `
+// Integrity Impact
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.integrityImpact
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.integrityImpact
+// : "No information"
+// }

+// : ``
+// }
+// Availability Impact
+// ${
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss &&
+// result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.availability
+// ? result.vulnerabilityDetails.cvss.availability
+// : "No information"
+// }

+// }
- private scaRemediation(result, scaUpgrade, scaUrl, type?) {
- return `
- ${
- !type
- ? `

- `
- : ``
- }`;
- }
+// private scaRemediation(result, scaUpgrade, scaUrl, type?) {
+// return `
+// ${
+// !type
+// ? `

+// `
+// : ``
+// }`;
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/src/models/utils/constants.ts b/src/models/utils/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b29da43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/utils/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+export enum StateLevel {
+export enum SeverityLevel {
+ CRITICAL = "critical",
+ HIGH = "high",
+ MEDIUM = "medium",
+ LOW = "low",
+ INFO = "info",
+ EMPTY = "empty",
+export const constants = {
+ criticalSeverity: "critical",
+ highSeverity: "high",
+ mediumSeverity: "medium",
+ lowSeverity: "low",
+ infoSeverity: "info",
+ sca: "sca",
+ sast: "sast",
+ kics: "kics",
+ scsSecretDetection: "scs",
+ secretDetection: "Secret Detection",
diff --git a/src/sast/bfl.ts b/src/sast/bfl.ts
index 4a322637..f385fafc 100644
--- a/src/sast/bfl.ts
+++ b/src/sast/bfl.ts
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ import { Logs } from "../models/logs";
import { SastNode } from "../models/sastNode";
import { messages } from "../utils/common/messages";
import path = require("path");
-import { AstResult } from "../models/results";
+import { AstResult } from "../models/astResults/AstResult";
+import { SastAstResult } from "../models/astResults/SastAstResult";
import { constants } from "../utils/common/constants";
import { getFromState } from "../utils/common/globalState";
export async function getBfl(
scanId: string,
queryId: string,
- resultNodes: SastNode[],
+ resultNodes: SastNode[] | any,
logs: Logs
) {
try {
@@ -18,10 +19,7 @@ export async function getBfl(
const bflIndex = await this.getResultsBfl(scanId, queryId, resultNodes);
if (bflIndex < 0) {
- logs.log(
- "INFO",
- messages.bflNoLocation
- );
+ logs.log("INFO", messages.bflNoLocation);
return bflIndex;
} catch (err) {
@@ -43,20 +41,23 @@ export async function getResultsBfl(
path.join("media", "icon.png")
if (scanId) {
- getBfl(scanId, result.queryId, result.sastNodes, logs)
- .then((index) => {
- detailsPanel?.webview.postMessage({
- command: "loadBfl",
- index: { index: index, logo: cxPath },
+ if (AstResult.checkType(result) === constants.sast) {
+ const sastObj = result as SastAstResult;
+ getBfl(scanId, sastObj.queryId, sastObj.multipleSastNode.getNodes(), logs)
+ .then((index) => {
+ detailsPanel?.webview.postMessage({
+ command: "loadBfl",
+ index: { index: index, logo: cxPath },
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ detailsPanel?.webview.postMessage({
+ command: "loadBfl",
+ index: { index: -1, logo: cxPath },
+ });
- })
- .catch(() => {
- detailsPanel?.webview.postMessage({
- command: "loadBfl",
- index: { index: -1, logo: cxPath },
- });
- });
+ }
} else {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sast/learnMore.ts b/src/sast/learnMore.ts
index 8aab37c5..c8e57f8c 100644
--- a/src/sast/learnMore.ts
+++ b/src/sast/learnMore.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { Logs } from "../models/logs";
-import { AstResult } from "../models/results";
+import { AstResult } from "../models/astResults/AstResult";
import { cx } from "../cx";
export async function getLearnMore(
@@ -9,15 +9,21 @@ export async function getLearnMore(
result: AstResult,
detailsPanel: vscode.WebviewPanel
) {
- cx.learnMore(result.queryId)
+ cx.learnMore(result.getqueryId())
.then((learn) => {
- detailsPanel?.webview.postMessage({ command: "loadLearnMore", learn, result });
+ detailsPanel?.webview.postMessage({
+ command: "loadLearnMore",
+ learn,
+ result,
+ });
+ console.log("Posted message to webview Learn", learn);
+ console.log("Posted message to webview Result", result);
.catch((err) => {
command: "loadLearnMore",
learn: [],
- result: result
+ result: result,
diff --git a/src/utils/interface/details.ts b/src/utils/interface/details.ts
index 808a64d4..f577d1f9 100644
--- a/src/utils/interface/details.ts
+++ b/src/utils/interface/details.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-import { AstResult } from "../../models/results";
+// import { AstResult } from "../../models/results";
+import { AstResult } from "../../models/astResults/AstResult";
+import { ScaAstResult } from "../../models/astResults/ScaAstResult";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import * as os from "os";
import { constants } from "../common/constants";
@@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ export class Details {
scaUrl: vscode.Uri,
type?: string
) {
+ const scaObj = this.result as ScaAstResult;
return `
- ${this.result.scaContent(
+ ${scaObj.scaContent(
@@ -152,8 +151,7 @@ export class Details {
- scaAvailability,
- type
+ scaAvailability
@@ -358,6 +356,7 @@ export class Details {