From 709bac6a3e15f0f01a3155a888cf164061fc2d9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: NotCFheisaTroll <> Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 20:55:27 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] 5-Letter Words For Krunk Uses two open-source dictionaries, subtracts bad words, writes to JSON. --- | 22 + krunkwords.json | 7730 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 7752 insertions(+) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 krunkwords.json diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a8eccb55 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# License: Apache-2.0 +import json +from nltk.corpus import wordnet +from better_profanity import profanity +from english_dictionary.scripts.read_pickle import get_dict +english_dict = get_dict() +### five-letter-words excluding proper-nouns, also excluding non-alpha (ex: punctuated.) +flwinendict = [x for x in english_dict if len(x)==5 and x[0].islower() and x.isalpha()] +flwinwordnet = [k for k in wordnet.words() if len(k)==5 and k[0].islower() and k.isalpha()] +print("len(flwinendict): ", len(flwinendict)) +print("len(flwinwordnet): ", len(flwinwordnet)) +uofd = list(set.union(set(flwinendict), set(flwinwordnet))) +uofd.sort() +print("len(uofd): ", len(uofd)) +censoredlist = [w for w in uofd if not profanity.contains_profanity(w)] +censoredlist.sort() # Perhaps already sorted, I don't care. +print("len(censoredlist): ", len(censoredlist)) +json_object = json.dumps(censoredlist, indent=4) +with open("krunkwords.json", "w") as outfile: + outfile.write(json_object) +print("Done.") diff --git a/krunkwords.json b/krunkwords.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..287f5c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/krunkwords.json @@ -0,0 +1,7730 @@ +[ + "aalii", + "aalst", + "aalto", + "aaron", + "abaca", + "aback", + "abaft", + "abamp", + "abase", + "abash", + "abate", + "abaya", + "abaze", + "abbas", + "abbey", + "abbot", + "abeam", + "abear", + "abele", + "abhor", + "abide", + "abies", + "abila", + "abilo", + "abkar", + "abler", + "ablow", + "abode", + "abohm", + "aboil", + "aboma", + "aboon", + "abord", + "abort", + "about", + "above", + "abrim", + "abrin", + "absit", + "abuja", + "abura", + "abuse", + "abuzz", + "abwab", + "abyla", + "abysm", + "abyss", + "acana", + "acapu", + "acara", + "acari", + "accho", + "accra", + "acerb", + "achar", + "achor", + "acier", + "ackee", + "acker", + "ackey", + "acmic", + "acned", + "acock", + "acoin", + "acold", + "acoma", + "acone", + "acorn", + "acres", + "acrid", + "acris", + "acron", + "actin", + "acton", + "actor", + "acute", + "adage", + "adams", + "adana", + "adapa", + "adapt", + "adays", + "addax", + "added", + "adder", + "addle", + "adead", + "adeem", + "adeep", + "adept", + "adieu", + "adige", + "adion", + "adios", + "aditi", + "adjag", + "adlay", + "adman", + "admit", + "admix", + "adobe", + "adobo", + "adopt", + "adore", + "adorn", + "adown", + "adrip", + "adrop", + "adult", + "adust", + "advil", + "adyta", + "aedes", + "aegir", + "aegis", + "aerie", + "aesir", + "aesop", + "aface", + "afara", + "afear", + "affix", + "afire", + "afisr", + "aflat", + "aflow", + "afoam", + "afoot", + "afore", + "afoul", + "afspc", + "after", + "again", + "agama", + "agamy", + "agape", + "agate", + "agaty", + "agave", + "agaze", + "agene", + "agent", + "agger", + "aggro", + "aggry", + "aghan", + "agile", + "aging", + "agism", + "agist", + "aglet", + "agley", + "aglow", + "agnel", + "agnus", + "agoge", + "agoho", + "agone", + "agony", + "agora", + "agree", + "agrin", + "agust", + "ahead", + "aheap", + "ahind", + "ahint", + "ahull", + "ahunt", + "ahura", + "aided", + "aider", + "aides", + "aiken", + "ailey", + "aillt", + "ainoi", + "aioli", + "airan", + "aired", + "airer", + "aisle", + "aitch", + "aizle", + "ajaia", + "ajari", + "ajuga", + "akaba", + "akala", + "akebi", + "akeki", + "akron", + "akule", + "akund", + "alamo", + "aland", + "alani", + "alarm", + "alary", + "alate", + "alban", + "albee", + "album", + "albus", + "alcea", + "alces", + "alder", + "aldol", + "aleak", + "aleft", + "aleph", + "alert", + "aleut", + "aleve", + "algae", + "algal", + "alger", + "algic", + "algid", + "algin", + "algol", + "algor", + "algum", + "alias", + "alibi", + "alien", + "align", + "alike", + "alima", + "aline", + "aliso", + "alist", + "alite", + "alive", + "alkyd", + "alkyl", + "allah", + "allan", + "allay", + "allen", + "aller", + "alley", + "allis", + "allot", + "allow", + "alloy", + "allyl", + "almon", + "almud", + "alnus", + "aloes", + "aloft", + "aloha", + "aloin", + "aloma", + "alone", + "along", + "aloof", + "alosa", + "aloud", + "alpha", + "altar", + "alter", + "altho", + "altun", + "alula", + "alure", + "aluta", + "alvar", + "alway", + "amaas", + "amain", + "amala", + "amang", + "amani", + "amapa", + "amass", + "amati", + "amaze", + "ambar", + "ambay", + "amber", + "ambit", + "amble", + "ambon", + "ambos", + "ambry", + "ameba", + "ameen", + "ameer", + "amend", + "amene", + "ament", + "amice", + "amide", + "amido", + "amigo", + "amine", + "amino", + "amish", + "amiss", 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