diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6337df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# IntelliJ
+# Eclipse
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/.classpath b/TempFly/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index be583b0..0000000
--- a/TempFly/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/TempFly/.gitignore b/TempFly/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b01e549..0000000
--- a/TempFly/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# IntelliJ
diff --git a/TempFly/.project b/TempFly/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index b41fe23..0000000
--- a/TempFly/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- TempFly
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder
- org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2Builder
- org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2Nature
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature
diff --git a/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs b/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc4e96..0000000
--- a/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 39e9a95..0000000
--- a/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.methodParameters=do not generate
diff --git a/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs b/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b697b..0000000
--- a/TempFly/.settings/org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/TempFly/bin/.gitignore b/TempFly/bin/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d9872..0000000
--- a/TempFly/bin/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/TempFly/pom.xml b/pom.xml
similarity index 96%
rename from TempFly/pom.xml
rename to pom.xml
index 984c9bb..0f8f15e 100644
--- a/TempFly/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1,187 +1,187 @@
- 4.0.0
- ChiefBeef
- TempFly
- 3.1.7
- src
- maven-compiler-plugin
- 3.7.0
- 1.8
- 1.8
- resources
- bg-repo
- https://repo.bg-software.com/repository/api/
- spigot-repo
- https://hub.spigotmc.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/
- enginehub-maven
- http://maven.enginehub.org/repo/
- jitpack.io
- https://jitpack.io
- codemc-repo
- https://repo.codemc.org/repository/maven-public/
- false
- bintray-tastybento-maven-repo
- bintray
- https://dl.bintray.com/tastybento/maven-repo
- placeholderapi
- http://repo.extendedclip.com/content/repositories/placeholderapi/
- factionsuuid
- https://ci.ender.zone/plugin/repository/everything/
- sk89q-repo
- https://maven.enginehub.org/repo/
- mvdw-software
- MVdW Public Repositories
- http://repo.mvdw-software.be/content/groups/public/
- savagelabs
- https://nexus.savagelabs.net/repository/maven-releases/
- mysql
- mysql-connector-java
- 8.0.28
- com.bgsoftware
- SuperiorSkyblockAPI
- 1.9.0
- org.spigotmc
- spigot-api
- 1.16.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
- provided
- com.sk89q.worldedit
- worldedit-bukkit
- 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- provided
- com.sk89q.worldguard
- worldguard-bukkit
- 7.0.0
- provided
- com.github.MilkBowl
- VaultAPI
- 1.7
- provided
- me.clip
- placeholderapi
- 2.9.2
- provided
- be.maximvdw
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI
- 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT
- provided
- org.spigotmc
- spigot
- com.iridium
- IridiumSkyblock
- 2.6.5
- provided
- com.wasteofplastic
- askyblock
- provided
- world.bentobox
- bentobox
- 1.16.0
- provided
- com.massivecraft
- Factions
- provided
+ 4.0.0
+ ChiefBeef
+ TempFly
+ 3.1.7
+ src
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ 3.7.0
+ 1.8
+ 1.8
+ resources
+ bg-repo
+ https://repo.bg-software.com/repository/api/
+ spigot-repo
+ https://hub.spigotmc.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/
+ enginehub-maven
+ http://maven.enginehub.org/repo/
+ jitpack.io
+ https://jitpack.io
+ codemc-repo
+ https://repo.codemc.org/repository/maven-public/
+ false
+ bintray-tastybento-maven-repo
+ bintray
+ https://dl.bintray.com/tastybento/maven-repo
+ placeholderapi
+ http://repo.extendedclip.com/content/repositories/placeholderapi/
+ factionsuuid
+ https://ci.ender.zone/plugin/repository/everything/
+ sk89q-repo
+ https://maven.enginehub.org/repo/
+ mvdw-software
+ MVdW Public Repositories
+ http://repo.mvdw-software.be/content/groups/public/
+ savagelabs
+ https://nexus.savagelabs.net/repository/maven-releases/
+ mysql
+ mysql-connector-java
+ 8.0.28
+ com.bgsoftware
+ SuperiorSkyblockAPI
+ 1.9.0
+ org.spigotmc
+ spigot-api
+ 1.16.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
+ provided
+ com.sk89q.worldedit
+ worldedit-bukkit
+ 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT
+ provided
+ com.sk89q.worldguard
+ worldguard-bukkit
+ 7.0.0
+ provided
+ com.github.MilkBowl
+ VaultAPI
+ 1.7
+ provided
+ me.clip
+ placeholderapi
+ 2.9.2
+ provided
+ be.maximvdw
+ MVdWPlaceholderAPI
+ 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT
+ provided
+ org.spigotmc
+ spigot
+ com.iridium
+ IridiumSkyblock
+ 2.6.5
+ provided
+ com.wasteofplastic
+ askyblock
+ provided
+ world.bentobox
+ bentobox
+ 1.16.0
+ provided
+ com.massivecraft
+ Factions
+ provided
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/config.yml b/resources/config.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/config.yml
rename to resources/config.yml
index 142634f..b0d80f4 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/config.yml
+++ b/resources/config.yml
@@ -1,326 +1,326 @@
-#| |#
-#| ,--------. ,------.,--. |#
-#| '--. .--',---. ,--,--,--. ,---. | .---'| |,--. ,--. |#
-#| | | | .-. :| || .-. || `--, | | \ ' / |#
-#| | | \ --.| | | || '-' '| |` | | \ ' |#
-#| `--' `----'`--`--`--'| |-' `--' `--'.-' / |#
-#| `--' `---' |#
-#| |#
-#| |#
-#| Author |#
-#| =---=------=---= |#
-#| Chief Beef |#
-#| |#
-#| |#
-#| <--Commands & Permissions--> |#
-#| |#
-#| https://github.com/ChiefMoneyBags/TempFly/blob/Master/TempFly/permissions.yml |#
-#| |#
-#| |#
-#| Time Placeholder Usage |#
-#| |#
-#| Single Units |#
-#| ---------------------------------- |#
-#| Single unit placeholders will show the amount of time for only the unit specified |#
-#| If a player has 65 secs of time {SECONDS} will be 5s and {MINUTES} will be 1m |#
-#| |#
-#| Formatted Time |#
-#| ---------------------------------- |#
-#| Formatted time only includes time units currently applicable to the player |#
-#| It does not display zeroes in between units like this [1d 0h 0m 1s] |#
-#| If a player has 86401 seconds of time it will display [1d 1s] |#
-#| |#
- # Time in minutes to backup data
- backup: 5
- # If true your console will be subjected to spam from the internal workings of the plugin.
- # If you have an issue i may ask you to turn it on.
- debug: false
- # If true tempfly will not track player regions. This can improve performance but will disable ALL
- # features of tempfly that rely on regions to function, such as disabled regions, relative time regions etc..
- disable_region_tracking: false
- # If true this will disable all tab completions for tempfly commands
- # Can be bypassed with tempfly.disable_tab.bypass
- disable_tab: false
- # database
- mysql:
- enabled: false
- host: ""
- port: 3306
- name: "name"
- user: "user"
- pass: "pass"
- # This feature prevents conflictions with other plugins fly features.
- # By default tempfly will steal priority and take the command /fly away from other plugins.
- # If the player has a permission listed below tempfly will not override the command /fly for them.
- fly_override_permissions:
- - 'essentials.fly'
- # This setting allows you to disable flight in specific worlds or regions.
- disabled:
- worlds:
- - 'example_world'
- regions:
- - 'example_region'
- # This setting enables you to allow flight only in whitelisted worlds or regions.
- whitelist:
- worlds:
- # - 'world'
- regions:
- # - 'example_region'
- timer:
- # If true the players timer will count down even when they have flight disabled.
- # If you want the time to count down while they are offline please see the feature "time_decay"
- constant: false
- # If false the player will not lose flight time if standing on the ground with flight enabled.
- ground: false
- # If false the player will not lose flight time if they go idle with flight enabled.
- # This will override the constant and ground timers.
- idle: false
- # If false the timer will not count down while a player uses creative flight.
- # If true the player will be subject to all normal tempfly flight restrictions and time usage while in creative flight.
- creative: false
- # If false the timer will not count down while a player is in spectator.
- # Due to the nature of spectator mode when the player runs out of flight time their flight cannot be disabled until
- # they return to another gamemode.
- spectator: false
- idle:
- # The threshold in seconds to consider a player idle. -1 for no idle timer
- threshold: 300
- # If true players tempfly will be disabled if they go idle in the sky (dropping them).
- drop_player: false
- flight:
- # Speed settings.
- speed:
- # Default global speed for all players. This speed is used as a base unless a value is otherwise specified below.
- default: 1
- # If false the users speed will be forcefully set to the values defined below upon entering valid areas regardless of the
- # speed chosen by the player or the default speed. This also overrides permission speeds.
- # If true the configured speeds will act as a maximum speed for the area
- # and will only be forced if the users speed exceeds the maximum defined for the area.
- # Upon leaving the area the users selected / default speed will be restored.
- user_preference: true
- # Default maximum speeds for worlds.
- worlds:
- #world: 1.25
- #world_nether: 0.35
- #world_the_end: 0.25
- # Default maximum speed for regions. Regions take priority over worlds. If 2 regions overlap the highest value is used.
- regions:
- despacito: 0.1
- initial_d: 10
- # The maximum y level a player can reach before flight is disabled.
- maximum_height: 275
- # If true a user will start flying again when they no longer have flight restrictions so long as their flight is enabled.
- # Example;
- # - A user flies into a disabled region and loses flight.
- # - If auto_fly is true they will fly again automatically without needing to use the fly command.
- auto_enable: true
- # If true a user will always have their flight enabled for them when they receive flight time so
- # long as their balance previous to receiving the time was 0.
- enable_on_time_received: false
- time:
- # If true players can send eachother time as if it were a currency.
- payable: true
- # Here you can set the maximum time players can have in their balance. -1 for no limit.
- max:
- # The base maximum time in seconds applied to everyone.
- base: -1
- # Optionally you can include permission groups for a different max time.
- # The groups listed below will override the global base defined above.
- # If a player inherits more than 1 group the highest value will always be used.
- # The permission is "tempfly.max.[group]"
- groups:
- # member: 60
- # vip: 120
- # This setting allows you to give players infinite flight while they are in specific worlds or regions.
- # Players do not need a permission to obtain infinite flight in these areas.
- infinite:
- worlds:
- - 'example_world'
- regions:
- - 'example_region'
- bonus:
- # Time in seconds given to a player when they first join the server.
- first_join: 10
- # Permission based time given to a player as a daily login bonus.
- # The permission is "tempfly.bonus.[group]"
- # Time will stack for each permission the player inherits. Make sure to configure your permissions properly.
- daily_login:
- member: 10
- vip: 30
- time_decay:
- # If enabled a player will lose time when logged off the server.
- # info:
- # - This will not track every offline player, it only updates when the player rejoins the server. no lags.
- # - To use this in tandem with the constant_timer, set threshold and seconds_lost both to 1. (1 second lost per 1 second offline).
- enabled: false
- # The interval in which players will lose time (seconds)
- threshold: 3600
- # Seconds of flight lost per interval
- seconds_lost: 15
- # If true, flight is disabled when the player;
- combat:
- # attacks another player
- attack_player: true
- # attacks a mob
- attack_mob: false
- # is attacked by a player
- attacked_by_player: true
- # is attacked by a mob
- attacked_by_mob: false
- # attacks themself
- self_inflicted: false
- # Seconds before flight can be enabled after pvp
- pvp_tag: 10
- # Seconds before flight can be enabled after pve
- pve_tag: 5
- # If false the player will not take fall damage when flight is disabled;
- damage:
- # ...by command
- on_command: false
- # ...by running out of time
- out_of_time: true
- # ...from combat
- combat: true
- # ...from going idle
- idle: false
- # ...from entering a disabled world
- world: false
- # ...from entering a disabled region
- region: false
- # Features that allow you to easily see if a player is flying using tempfly.
- identifier:
- tab_list:
- # If enabled, the players name on tab will change to this when they are in tempflight.
- enabled: true
- # Valid placeholders: {PLAYER} The players name | {OLD_TAG} The original name on tab, including prefixes.
- # Supports placeholders for time
- name: "&d~{OLD_TAG}"
- # For use on servers with a custom tab overlay. This option will allow you to implement placeholders
- # for tempfly in the tablist plugin so long as it supports placeholders from the authors clip or maximvdw.
- # If you are using the placeholder you can set enabled to false so tempfly doesn't try to alter tab.
- placeholder:
- enabled: "&8[&6Fly&8]"
- disabled: ""
- name_tag:
- # If enabled, the players name tag above their head will change to this when they are in tempflight.
- # (Not currently compatible with plugin "essentials")
- enabled: true
- # Valid placeholders: {PLAYER} The players name | {OLD_TAG} The original name tag, including prefixes.
- # Supports placeholders for time
- name: "&d~{OLD_TAG}"
- # For use on servers with a custom name tags. This option will allow you to implement placeholders
- # for tempfly in the tablist plugin so long as it supports placeholders from the authors clip or maximvdw.
- # If you are using the placeholder you can set enabled to false so tempfly doesn't try to alter the name.
- placeholder:
- enabled: "&8[&6Fly&8]"
- disabled: ""
- particles:
- # If false all trails are disabled.
- enabled: true
- # The default particle type.
- # If true all players will have the default particle trail enabled by default.
- display_by_default: true
- # If true particles will not be displayed if the player is vanished.
- # Tested with plugins SuperVanish, PremiumVanish, VanishNoPacket.
- hide_vanish: true
- # Title to warn players of remaining flight time
- warning:
- # If enabled, players will recieve a warning title when they reach a flight marker defined under seconds.
- enabled: true
- # Supports placeholders for time.
- title: "&cWARNING!"
- subtitle: "&fYou have {FORMATTED_TIME} &fof flight remaining!"
- # Time intervals in seconds to display the title to players.
- # ONLY use numbers
- seconds:
- - 30
- - 15
- - 5
- action_bar:
- enabled: true
- text: "&6Flight meter&7: {FORMATTED_TIME}"
-# Oddball features and things many people probably wont use can be found here.
- # relative time is a feature that lets you control how fast time will be used in worlds and regions.
- # In the example below;
- # - time will pass '0.5' times or 50% slower than in real time on world 'example_world'
- # - time will pass '1.5' times or 50% faster than in real time in region 'example_region'.
- # If the player is in both 'example_world' and 'example_region' at once the values will
- # be factored together resulting in a value of 0.75 or 25% slower.
- relative_time:
- worlds:
- example_world: 0.5
- regions:
- example_region: 1.5
-# Quality of life feature for servers that dont want to implement a whole shop gui plugin, but just want a simple tempfly shop.
- general:
- # If false the built in shop will not exist.
- enabled: false
- # You can add as many options with any name you want
- options:
- five_mins:
- # The time to give the player in seconds
- time: 300
- # The cost of the time, any vault currency is supported
- cost: 7500
- thirty_mins:
- time: 1800
- cost: 30000
- one_hour:
- time: 3600
- cost: 50000
-# This is where i will put last ditch efforts to fix bugs I either cannot reproduce or otherwise fix.
- # Regarding the infinite flight bug. This bug has been produced in a wide range of situations and
- # conflictions with various plugins. Everytime I fix it something else will cause it to occur.
- # If you encounter an unlimited flight bug this may help you.
- infinite_flight:
- # If true a player will ALWAYS have flight disabled if they are not using tempfly.
- # This workaround can be disabled for users with the permission
- # tempfly.workaround.infinite.bypass.fix_a
- fix_a: false
- # If true a player will Always have tempfly enabled if they are flying without
- # a tempfly timer. If the player has no time flight will be disabled.
- # This workaround can be disabled for users with the permission
- # tempfly.workaround.infinite.bypass.fix_b
+#| |#
+#| ,--------. ,------.,--. |#
+#| '--. .--',---. ,--,--,--. ,---. | .---'| |,--. ,--. |#
+#| | | | .-. :| || .-. || `--, | | \ ' / |#
+#| | | \ --.| | | || '-' '| |` | | \ ' |#
+#| `--' `----'`--`--`--'| |-' `--' `--'.-' / |#
+#| `--' `---' |#
+#| |#
+#| |#
+#| Author |#
+#| =---=------=---= |#
+#| Chief Beef |#
+#| |#
+#| |#
+#| <--Commands & Permissions--> |#
+#| |#
+#| https://github.com/ChiefMoneyBags/TempFly/blob/Master/TempFly/permissions.yml |#
+#| |#
+#| |#
+#| Time Placeholder Usage |#
+#| |#
+#| Single Units |#
+#| ---------------------------------- |#
+#| Single unit placeholders will show the amount of time for only the unit specified |#
+#| If a player has 65 secs of time {SECONDS} will be 5s and {MINUTES} will be 1m |#
+#| |#
+#| Formatted Time |#
+#| ---------------------------------- |#
+#| Formatted time only includes time units currently applicable to the player |#
+#| It does not display zeroes in between units like this [1d 0h 0m 1s] |#
+#| If a player has 86401 seconds of time it will display [1d 1s] |#
+#| |#
+ # Time in minutes to backup data
+ backup: 5
+ # If true your console will be subjected to spam from the internal workings of the plugin.
+ # If you have an issue i may ask you to turn it on.
+ debug: false
+ # If true tempfly will not track player regions. This can improve performance but will disable ALL
+ # features of tempfly that rely on regions to function, such as disabled regions, relative time regions etc..
+ disable_region_tracking: false
+ # If true this will disable all tab completions for tempfly commands
+ # Can be bypassed with tempfly.disable_tab.bypass
+ disable_tab: false
+ # database
+ mysql:
+ enabled: false
+ host: ""
+ port: 3306
+ name: "name"
+ user: "user"
+ pass: "pass"
+ # This feature prevents conflictions with other plugins fly features.
+ # By default tempfly will steal priority and take the command /fly away from other plugins.
+ # If the player has a permission listed below tempfly will not override the command /fly for them.
+ fly_override_permissions:
+ - 'essentials.fly'
+ # This setting allows you to disable flight in specific worlds or regions.
+ disabled:
+ worlds:
+ - 'example_world'
+ regions:
+ - 'example_region'
+ # This setting enables you to allow flight only in whitelisted worlds or regions.
+ whitelist:
+ worlds:
+ # - 'world'
+ regions:
+ # - 'example_region'
+ timer:
+ # If true the players timer will count down even when they have flight disabled.
+ # If you want the time to count down while they are offline please see the feature "time_decay"
+ constant: false
+ # If false the player will not lose flight time if standing on the ground with flight enabled.
+ ground: false
+ # If false the player will not lose flight time if they go idle with flight enabled.
+ # This will override the constant and ground timers.
+ idle: false
+ # If false the timer will not count down while a player uses creative flight.
+ # If true the player will be subject to all normal tempfly flight restrictions and time usage while in creative flight.
+ creative: false
+ # If false the timer will not count down while a player is in spectator.
+ # Due to the nature of spectator mode when the player runs out of flight time their flight cannot be disabled until
+ # they return to another gamemode.
+ spectator: false
+ idle:
+ # The threshold in seconds to consider a player idle. -1 for no idle timer
+ threshold: 300
+ # If true players tempfly will be disabled if they go idle in the sky (dropping them).
+ drop_player: false
+ flight:
+ # Speed settings.
+ speed:
+ # Default global speed for all players. This speed is used as a base unless a value is otherwise specified below.
+ default: 1
+ # If false the users speed will be forcefully set to the values defined below upon entering valid areas regardless of the
+ # speed chosen by the player or the default speed. This also overrides permission speeds.
+ # If true the configured speeds will act as a maximum speed for the area
+ # and will only be forced if the users speed exceeds the maximum defined for the area.
+ # Upon leaving the area the users selected / default speed will be restored.
+ user_preference: true
+ # Default maximum speeds for worlds.
+ worlds:
+ #world: 1.25
+ #world_nether: 0.35
+ #world_the_end: 0.25
+ # Default maximum speed for regions. Regions take priority over worlds. If 2 regions overlap the highest value is used.
+ regions:
+ despacito: 0.1
+ initial_d: 10
+ # The maximum y level a player can reach before flight is disabled.
+ maximum_height: 275
+ # If true a user will start flying again when they no longer have flight restrictions so long as their flight is enabled.
+ # Example;
+ # - A user flies into a disabled region and loses flight.
+ # - If auto_fly is true they will fly again automatically without needing to use the fly command.
+ auto_enable: true
+ # If true a user will always have their flight enabled for them when they receive flight time so
+ # long as their balance previous to receiving the time was 0.
+ enable_on_time_received: false
+ time:
+ # If true players can send eachother time as if it were a currency.
+ payable: true
+ # Here you can set the maximum time players can have in their balance. -1 for no limit.
+ max:
+ # The base maximum time in seconds applied to everyone.
+ base: -1
+ # Optionally you can include permission groups for a different max time.
+ # The groups listed below will override the global base defined above.
+ # If a player inherits more than 1 group the highest value will always be used.
+ # The permission is "tempfly.max.[group]"
+ groups:
+ # member: 60
+ # vip: 120
+ # This setting allows you to give players infinite flight while they are in specific worlds or regions.
+ # Players do not need a permission to obtain infinite flight in these areas.
+ infinite:
+ worlds:
+ - 'example_world'
+ regions:
+ - 'example_region'
+ bonus:
+ # Time in seconds given to a player when they first join the server.
+ first_join: 10
+ # Permission based time given to a player as a daily login bonus.
+ # The permission is "tempfly.bonus.[group]"
+ # Time will stack for each permission the player inherits. Make sure to configure your permissions properly.
+ daily_login:
+ member: 10
+ vip: 30
+ time_decay:
+ # If enabled a player will lose time when logged off the server.
+ # info:
+ # - This will not track every offline player, it only updates when the player rejoins the server. no lags.
+ # - To use this in tandem with the constant_timer, set threshold and seconds_lost both to 1. (1 second lost per 1 second offline).
+ enabled: false
+ # The interval in which players will lose time (seconds)
+ threshold: 3600
+ # Seconds of flight lost per interval
+ seconds_lost: 15
+ # If true, flight is disabled when the player;
+ combat:
+ # attacks another player
+ attack_player: true
+ # attacks a mob
+ attack_mob: false
+ # is attacked by a player
+ attacked_by_player: true
+ # is attacked by a mob
+ attacked_by_mob: false
+ # attacks themself
+ self_inflicted: false
+ # Seconds before flight can be enabled after pvp
+ pvp_tag: 10
+ # Seconds before flight can be enabled after pve
+ pve_tag: 5
+ # If false the player will not take fall damage when flight is disabled;
+ damage:
+ # ...by command
+ on_command: false
+ # ...by running out of time
+ out_of_time: true
+ # ...from combat
+ combat: true
+ # ...from going idle
+ idle: false
+ # ...from entering a disabled world
+ world: false
+ # ...from entering a disabled region
+ region: false
+ # Features that allow you to easily see if a player is flying using tempfly.
+ identifier:
+ tab_list:
+ # If enabled, the players name on tab will change to this when they are in tempflight.
+ enabled: true
+ # Valid placeholders: {PLAYER} The players name | {OLD_TAG} The original name on tab, including prefixes.
+ # Supports placeholders for time
+ name: "&d~{OLD_TAG}"
+ # For use on servers with a custom tab overlay. This option will allow you to implement placeholders
+ # for tempfly in the tablist plugin so long as it supports placeholders from the authors clip or maximvdw.
+ # If you are using the placeholder you can set enabled to false so tempfly doesn't try to alter tab.
+ placeholder:
+ enabled: "&8[&6Fly&8]"
+ disabled: ""
+ name_tag:
+ # If enabled, the players name tag above their head will change to this when they are in tempflight.
+ # (Not currently compatible with plugin "essentials")
+ enabled: true
+ # Valid placeholders: {PLAYER} The players name | {OLD_TAG} The original name tag, including prefixes.
+ # Supports placeholders for time
+ name: "&d~{OLD_TAG}"
+ # For use on servers with a custom name tags. This option will allow you to implement placeholders
+ # for tempfly in the tablist plugin so long as it supports placeholders from the authors clip or maximvdw.
+ # If you are using the placeholder you can set enabled to false so tempfly doesn't try to alter the name.
+ placeholder:
+ enabled: "&8[&6Fly&8]"
+ disabled: ""
+ particles:
+ # If false all trails are disabled.
+ enabled: true
+ # The default particle type.
+ # If true all players will have the default particle trail enabled by default.
+ display_by_default: true
+ # If true particles will not be displayed if the player is vanished.
+ # Tested with plugins SuperVanish, PremiumVanish, VanishNoPacket.
+ hide_vanish: true
+ # Title to warn players of remaining flight time
+ warning:
+ # If enabled, players will recieve a warning title when they reach a flight marker defined under seconds.
+ enabled: true
+ # Supports placeholders for time.
+ title: "&cWARNING!"
+ subtitle: "&fYou have {FORMATTED_TIME} &fof flight remaining!"
+ # Time intervals in seconds to display the title to players.
+ # ONLY use numbers
+ seconds:
+ - 30
+ - 15
+ - 5
+ action_bar:
+ enabled: true
+ text: "&6Flight meter&7: {FORMATTED_TIME}"
+# Oddball features and things many people probably wont use can be found here.
+ # relative time is a feature that lets you control how fast time will be used in worlds and regions.
+ # In the example below;
+ # - time will pass '0.5' times or 50% slower than in real time on world 'example_world'
+ # - time will pass '1.5' times or 50% faster than in real time in region 'example_region'.
+ # If the player is in both 'example_world' and 'example_region' at once the values will
+ # be factored together resulting in a value of 0.75 or 25% slower.
+ relative_time:
+ worlds:
+ example_world: 0.5
+ regions:
+ example_region: 1.5
+# Quality of life feature for servers that dont want to implement a whole shop gui plugin, but just want a simple tempfly shop.
+ general:
+ # If false the built in shop will not exist.
+ enabled: false
+ # You can add as many options with any name you want
+ options:
+ five_mins:
+ # The time to give the player in seconds
+ time: 300
+ # The cost of the time, any vault currency is supported
+ cost: 7500
+ thirty_mins:
+ time: 1800
+ cost: 30000
+ one_hour:
+ time: 3600
+ cost: 50000
+# This is where i will put last ditch efforts to fix bugs I either cannot reproduce or otherwise fix.
+ # Regarding the infinite flight bug. This bug has been produced in a wide range of situations and
+ # conflictions with various plugins. Everytime I fix it something else will cause it to occur.
+ # If you encounter an unlimited flight bug this may help you.
+ infinite_flight:
+ # If true a player will ALWAYS have flight disabled if they are not using tempfly.
+ # This workaround can be disabled for users with the permission
+ # tempfly.workaround.infinite.bypass.fix_a
+ fix_a: false
+ # If true a player will Always have tempfly enabled if they are flying without
+ # a tempfly timer. If the player has no time flight will be disabled.
+ # This workaround can be disabled for users with the permission
+ # tempfly.workaround.infinite.bypass.fix_b
fix_b: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/data.yml b/resources/data.yml
similarity index 95%
rename from TempFly/resources/data.yml
rename to resources/data.yml
index c0f0796..8efa694 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/data.yml
+++ b/resources/data.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-version: 3.0
+version: 3.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/dbsetup.sql b/resources/dbsetup.sql
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/dbsetup.sql
rename to resources/dbsetup.sql
index f8c3080..76c531c 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/dbsetup.sql
+++ b/resources/dbsetup.sql
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- uuid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
- player_time DOUBLE(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
- logged_in_flight BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
- compat_logged_in_flight BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
- damage_protection BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
- last_daily_bonus BIGINT DEFAULT 0,
- infinite BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
- speed DOUBLE(5, 2) DEFAULT -999.00,
- PRIMARY KEY (uuid)
+ uuid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+ player_time DOUBLE(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
+ logged_in_flight BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
+ compat_logged_in_flight BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
+ damage_protection BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
+ last_daily_bonus BIGINT DEFAULT 0,
+ infinite BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
+ speed DOUBLE(5, 2) DEFAULT -999.00,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/factions_preset_uuid.yml b/resources/factions_preset_uuid.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/factions_preset_uuid.yml
rename to resources/factions_preset_uuid.yml
index d352327..3e20ef5 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/factions_preset_uuid.yml
+++ b/resources/factions_preset_uuid.yml
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
-enable_hook: true
-#| Valid power requirements include |#
-#| self_power_percentage | The power of the home faction as a |#
-#| | percentage of its max power |#
-#| Effect: (>=) | Home power must be _% or greater |#
-#| | IE: 75 equals 75% or greater power |#
-#| foreign_power_percentage | The power of the foreign faction as a |#
-#| | percentage of its max power |#
-#| Effect: (<=) | Foreign power must be _% or less |#
-#| | IE: 75 equals 75% or less power |#
-#| allied_power_percentage | The power of the allied faction as a |#
-#| | percentage of its max power |#
-#| Effect: (>=) | Ally's power must be _% or greater |#
-#| | IE: 75 equals 75% or greater power |#
-#| self_power_absolute | The power of the home faction as an |#
-#| | absolute number |#
-#| Effect: (>=) | Home power must be this or greater |#
-#| | IE: 115 equals at least 115 power |#
-#| foreign_power_absolute | The power of the foreign faction as |#
-#| | an absolute number |#
-#| Effect: (<=) | Foreign power must be this or less |#
-#| | IE: 115 equals less than 75 power |#
-#| allied_power_absolute | The power of the allied faction as |#
-#| | an absolute number |#
-#| Effect: (>=) | Ally's power must be this or greater |#
-#| | IE: 115 equals at least 115 power |#
-# Allows you to configure fall damage for factions related flight restrictions.
- # Should the player take fall damage if flight is lost due to power restrictions in the following territories?
- power:
- home: true
- enemy: true
- neutral: false
- allied: true
- wilderness: false
- # Should the player take fall damage if they fall due to entering flight disabled territories?
- disabled:
- home: false
- enemy: true
- neutral: false
- allied: false
- wilderness: false
- requirements:
- illegal_territory: "{PREFIX} &f{ROLE}'s &cfrom your faction may not fly in &f{FACTION_NAME} &cland!"
- power_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have at least &f{POWER} &cpower to fly in &f{FACTION_NAME} &cland!"
- power_foreign: "{PREFIX} &cThe faction &f{FACTION_NAME} &cmust have less than &f{POWER} &cpower!"
- power_allied: "{PREFIX} &cThe faction &f{FACTION_NAME} &cmust have at least &f{POWER} &cpower!"
- faction_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must be in a faction to fly in &f{FACTION_NAME} &cland!"
-# These are the base values regarding flight requirements for all faction roles.
-# If you do not want to use the power requirements you may remove them.
-# My default values are geared more towards ease of raiding rather than ease of defense.
- home:
- # If false players will never be allowed to fly in home territory.
- allowed: true
- # To fly in home faction land, the players faction must have at least this much power.
- home_power_percentage: 65
- enemy:
- # If false players will never be allowed to fly in enemy land
- allowed: true
- # To fly in enemy land the players faction must have at least this much power
- home_power_percentage: 50
- # To fly in enemy land the enemy faction must be weakened to this amount or less before flight is allowed in their land.
- # This setting may also be applied to neutal territory.
- foreign_power_percentage: 80
- allied:
- # If false players will never be allowed to fly in allied land
- allowed: true
- # To fly in allied land the players faction must have at least this much power
- home_power_percentage: 65
- # To fly in allied land the allied faction must have at least this much power before flight is allowed in their land.
- allied_power_percentage: 80
- neutral:
- # If false players will never be allowed to fly in neutral faction land.
- allowed: false
- wilderness:
- # If false players will never be allowed to fly in unclaimed land.
- allowed: false
-# Here you can specify special requirements for each faction role.
-# Any values specified here will override the default values.
-# FactionsUUID faction roles;
-# recruit | normal | moderator | coleader | admin
-# admin:
-# home:
-# home_power_percentage: 50
-# enemy:
-# home_power_percentage: 30
-# neutral:
-# allowed: true
-# home_power_percentage: 25
+enable_hook: true
+#| Valid power requirements include |#
+#| self_power_percentage | The power of the home faction as a |#
+#| | percentage of its max power |#
+#| Effect: (>=) | Home power must be _% or greater |#
+#| | IE: 75 equals 75% or greater power |#
+#| foreign_power_percentage | The power of the foreign faction as a |#
+#| | percentage of its max power |#
+#| Effect: (<=) | Foreign power must be _% or less |#
+#| | IE: 75 equals 75% or less power |#
+#| allied_power_percentage | The power of the allied faction as a |#
+#| | percentage of its max power |#
+#| Effect: (>=) | Ally's power must be _% or greater |#
+#| | IE: 75 equals 75% or greater power |#
+#| self_power_absolute | The power of the home faction as an |#
+#| | absolute number |#
+#| Effect: (>=) | Home power must be this or greater |#
+#| | IE: 115 equals at least 115 power |#
+#| foreign_power_absolute | The power of the foreign faction as |#
+#| | an absolute number |#
+#| Effect: (<=) | Foreign power must be this or less |#
+#| | IE: 115 equals less than 75 power |#
+#| allied_power_absolute | The power of the allied faction as |#
+#| | an absolute number |#
+#| Effect: (>=) | Ally's power must be this or greater |#
+#| | IE: 115 equals at least 115 power |#
+# Allows you to configure fall damage for factions related flight restrictions.
+ # Should the player take fall damage if flight is lost due to power restrictions in the following territories?
+ power:
+ home: true
+ enemy: true
+ neutral: false
+ allied: true
+ wilderness: false
+ # Should the player take fall damage if they fall due to entering flight disabled territories?
+ disabled:
+ home: false
+ enemy: true
+ neutral: false
+ allied: false
+ wilderness: false
+ requirements:
+ illegal_territory: "{PREFIX} &f{ROLE}'s &cfrom your faction may not fly in &f{FACTION_NAME} &cland!"
+ power_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have at least &f{POWER} &cpower to fly in &f{FACTION_NAME} &cland!"
+ power_foreign: "{PREFIX} &cThe faction &f{FACTION_NAME} &cmust have less than &f{POWER} &cpower!"
+ power_allied: "{PREFIX} &cThe faction &f{FACTION_NAME} &cmust have at least &f{POWER} &cpower!"
+ faction_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must be in a faction to fly in &f{FACTION_NAME} &cland!"
+# These are the base values regarding flight requirements for all faction roles.
+# If you do not want to use the power requirements you may remove them.
+# My default values are geared more towards ease of raiding rather than ease of defense.
+ home:
+ # If false players will never be allowed to fly in home territory.
+ allowed: true
+ # To fly in home faction land, the players faction must have at least this much power.
+ home_power_percentage: 65
+ enemy:
+ # If false players will never be allowed to fly in enemy land
+ allowed: true
+ # To fly in enemy land the players faction must have at least this much power
+ home_power_percentage: 50
+ # To fly in enemy land the enemy faction must be weakened to this amount or less before flight is allowed in their land.
+ # This setting may also be applied to neutal territory.
+ foreign_power_percentage: 80
+ allied:
+ # If false players will never be allowed to fly in allied land
+ allowed: true
+ # To fly in allied land the players faction must have at least this much power
+ home_power_percentage: 65
+ # To fly in allied land the allied faction must have at least this much power before flight is allowed in their land.
+ allied_power_percentage: 80
+ neutral:
+ # If false players will never be allowed to fly in neutral faction land.
+ allowed: false
+ wilderness:
+ # If false players will never be allowed to fly in unclaimed land.
+ allowed: false
+# Here you can specify special requirements for each faction role.
+# Any values specified here will override the default values.
+# FactionsUUID faction roles;
+# recruit | normal | moderator | coleader | admin
+# admin:
+# home:
+# home_power_percentage: 50
+# enemy:
+# home_power_percentage: 30
+# neutral:
+# allowed: true
+# home_power_percentage: 25
# foreign_power_percentage: 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/lang.yml b/resources/lang.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/lang.yml
rename to resources/lang.yml
index 5b56c4e..58d6598 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/lang.yml
+++ b/resources/lang.yml
@@ -1,202 +1,202 @@
- prefix: "&8[&dTemp&fFly&8]"
- reload: "{PREFIX} &aYou reloaded the plugin."
- help:
- - "&8&l------&dTemp&fFly&8&l------"
- - "&6/tf"
- - "&7- Toggle tempfly"
- - "&6/tf time"
- - "&7- View remaining fly time"
- - "&6/tf pay [player] [time]"
- - "&7- send another player fly time"
- help_extended:
- - "&6/tf give [player] [time]"
- - "&7- Give a player fly time"
- - "&6/tf remove [player] [time]"
- - "&7- Remove fly time from a player"
- - "&6/tf set [player] [time]"
- - "&7- Set a players fly time"
- unit:
- seconds: "s"
- minutes: "m"
- hours: "h"
- days: "d"
- invalid:
- time_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &chas no more flight time!"
- time_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou have no more flight time!"
- number: "{PREFIX} &f{NUMBER} &cis not a valid number!"
- particle: "{PREFIX} &f{PARTICLE} &cis not a valid particle type!"
- player: "{PREFIX} &cThe player &f{PLAYER} &cwas not found..."
- permission: "{PREFIX} &cYou have insufficient permissions..."
- command: "&fUnknown command. Type /help for more information."
- reciever: "{PREFIX} &cYou cannot pay yourself!"
- sender: "{PREFIX} &cOnly players can use this command!"
- flyer_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou are not flying!"
- funds: "{PREFIX} &cThis costs &f{COST}&c! You do not have enough money!"
- economy: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have a (&fvault&c) economy installed to use the shop!"
- vault_perms: "{PREFIX} &cYou must install the plugin (&fvault&c) for the ability to set offline player time!"
- time:
- format: "&f{QUANTITY}&f{UNIT}"
- given_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &agot {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- given_all: "{PREFIX} &aYou gave &fALL &aplayers {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- given_self: "{PREFIX} &aYou recieved {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- removed_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &clost {FORMATTED_TIME}&c."
- removed_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou lost {FORMATTED_TIME}&c."
- sent_other: "{PREFIX} &aYou sent &f{PLAYER}&a {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- sent_self: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &asent you {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- set_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ahad their time set to {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- set_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour time was set to {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
- max_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &chas reached the maximum allowed time&c!"
- max_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou have reached the maximum allowed time&c!"
- decay: "{PREFIX} &cYou lost {FORMATTED_TIME} &cfor inactivity!"
- first_join: "{PREFIX} &aYou recieved {FORMATTED_TIME} &aof flight time. Fly with &f/tf&a."
- daily_login: "{PREFIX} &aYou recieved a daily bonus of {FORMATTED_TIME}&a!"
- purchased: "{PREFIX} &aYou purchased {FORMATTED_TIME} &afor &e${COST}&a!"
- info:
- header: "&8&m--------&dTime&8&m--------"
- player: "&fPlayer&7: &e{PLAYER}"
- infinite: "&fInfinite: &c&lUser has unlimited flight!"
- days: "&fDays&7: &e{DAYS}"
- hours: "&fHours&7: &e{HOURS}"
- minutes: "&fMinutes&7: &e{MINUTES}"
- seconds: "&fSeconds&7: &e{SECONDS}"
- footer: "&8&m-------------------"
- fly:
- enabled_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ais now flying"
- enabled_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour flight was enabled!"
- disabled_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &cis no longer flying!"
- disabled_self: "{PREFIX} &cYour flight was disabled!"
- speed_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ahad their speed set to {SPEED}&a."
- speed_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour fly speed was set to &f{SPEED}&a."
- speed_limit_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &cIs currently limited to fly speed &f{SPEED}&c."
- speed_limit_self: "{PREFIX} &cYour fly speed is currently limited to &f{SPEED}&c."
- speed_restricted: "{PREFIX} &cYou are not allowed to change your fly speed!"
- already_enabled: "{PREFIX} &aYour flight is already enabled!"
- already_disabled: "{PREFIX} &cYour flight is already disabled!"
- idle_drop: "{PREFIX} &cYou lost flight due to being idle!"
- idle: "{PREFIX} &cYou are now considered idle."
- infinite_enabled: "{PREFIX} &aYou enabled your infinite flight!"
- infinite_disabled: "{PREFIX} &cYou disabled your infinite flight!"
- bypass_enabled: "{PREFIX} &aYou enabled flight bypass mode!"
- bypass_disabled: "{PREFIX} &cYou disabled flight bypass mode!"
- requirement:
- fail:
- default_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ccannot currently fly!"
- default: "{PREFIX} &cThe requirements have not been met to fly in this area."
- region: "{PREFIX} &cFlight is disabled in this region!"
- world: "{PREFIX} &cFlight is disabled in this world!"
- combat: "{PREFIX} &cYou are currently combat tagged!"
- height: "{PREFIX} &f{MAX_Y} &cis the maximum altitude for flight!"
- pass:
- default: "{PREFIX} &aYou may now fly!"
- combat: "{PREFIX} &aYou are no longer combat tagged, fly away!"
- symbols:
- infinity: "∞"
- featherboard:
- days: "&e{DAYS}&fd "
- hours: "&e{HOURS}&fh "
- minutes: "&e{MINUTES}&fm "
- seconds: "&e{SECONDS}&fs "
- trail:
- removed_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour trail was removed!"
- removed_other: "{PREFIX} &e{PLAYER} &ahad their trail removed!"
- set_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour trail was set to &f{PARTICLE}&a!"
- set_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ahad their trail set to &f{PARTICLE}&a!"
- # Here you can configure the command arguments. This will help players on foriegn servers that dont understand english.
- # Everything here must be unique so be careful, you could break the commands if you put duplicate entries.
- # Note: It is not reccomended to put hundreds of translations in here. just the main ones your server would need.
- unit:
- seconds:
- # The unit that will be shown on tab completion of the command
- tab_complete: "second"
- # Identifiers that represent this time unit.
- recognized:
- - "s"
- - "sec"
- - "second"
- - "zweite" #German
- minutes:
- tab_complete: "minute"
- recognized:
- - "m"
- - "min"
- - "minute" # english and german
- hours:
- tab_complete: "hour"
- recognized:
- - "h"
- - "hour"
- - "stunde" #German
- days:
- tab_complete: "day"
- recognized:
- - "d"
- - "day"
- - "tag" #German
- # Here you can specify all the tempfly sub commands.
- base:
- give:
- - "give"
- - "add"
- givall:
- - "givall"
- - "addall"
- reload:
- - "reload"
- remove:
- - "remove"
- - "take"
- set:
- - "set"
- trail_remove:
- - "remove_trail"
- bypass:
- - "bypass"
- help:
- - "help"
- - "commands"
- infinite:
- - "infinite"
- pay:
- - "pay"
- - "send"
- shop:
- - "shop"
- - "buy"
- speed:
- - "speed"
- time:
- - "time"
- - "bal"
- - "balance"
- trails:
- - "trails"
- - "particles"
- trail_set:
- - "trail"
- enable:
- - "on"
- - "enable"
- disable:
- - "off"
- - "disable"
- syntax_error:
- cmd_fly:
- toggle_other: "&c/tf [player] [on / off]"
- toggle_self: "&c/tf [on / off]"
+ prefix: "&8[&dTemp&fFly&8]"
+ reload: "{PREFIX} &aYou reloaded the plugin."
+ help:
+ - "&8&l------&dTemp&fFly&8&l------"
+ - "&6/tf"
+ - "&7- Toggle tempfly"
+ - "&6/tf time"
+ - "&7- View remaining fly time"
+ - "&6/tf pay [player] [time]"
+ - "&7- send another player fly time"
+ help_extended:
+ - "&6/tf give [player] [time]"
+ - "&7- Give a player fly time"
+ - "&6/tf remove [player] [time]"
+ - "&7- Remove fly time from a player"
+ - "&6/tf set [player] [time]"
+ - "&7- Set a players fly time"
+ unit:
+ seconds: "s"
+ minutes: "m"
+ hours: "h"
+ days: "d"
+ invalid:
+ time_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &chas no more flight time!"
+ time_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou have no more flight time!"
+ number: "{PREFIX} &f{NUMBER} &cis not a valid number!"
+ particle: "{PREFIX} &f{PARTICLE} &cis not a valid particle type!"
+ player: "{PREFIX} &cThe player &f{PLAYER} &cwas not found..."
+ permission: "{PREFIX} &cYou have insufficient permissions..."
+ command: "&fUnknown command. Type /help for more information."
+ reciever: "{PREFIX} &cYou cannot pay yourself!"
+ sender: "{PREFIX} &cOnly players can use this command!"
+ flyer_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou are not flying!"
+ funds: "{PREFIX} &cThis costs &f{COST}&c! You do not have enough money!"
+ economy: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have a (&fvault&c) economy installed to use the shop!"
+ vault_perms: "{PREFIX} &cYou must install the plugin (&fvault&c) for the ability to set offline player time!"
+ time:
+ format: "&f{QUANTITY}&f{UNIT}"
+ given_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &agot {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ given_all: "{PREFIX} &aYou gave &fALL &aplayers {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ given_self: "{PREFIX} &aYou recieved {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ removed_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &clost {FORMATTED_TIME}&c."
+ removed_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou lost {FORMATTED_TIME}&c."
+ sent_other: "{PREFIX} &aYou sent &f{PLAYER}&a {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ sent_self: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &asent you {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ set_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ahad their time set to {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ set_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour time was set to {FORMATTED_TIME}&a."
+ max_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &chas reached the maximum allowed time&c!"
+ max_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou have reached the maximum allowed time&c!"
+ decay: "{PREFIX} &cYou lost {FORMATTED_TIME} &cfor inactivity!"
+ first_join: "{PREFIX} &aYou recieved {FORMATTED_TIME} &aof flight time. Fly with &f/tf&a."
+ daily_login: "{PREFIX} &aYou recieved a daily bonus of {FORMATTED_TIME}&a!"
+ purchased: "{PREFIX} &aYou purchased {FORMATTED_TIME} &afor &e${COST}&a!"
+ info:
+ header: "&8&m--------&dTime&8&m--------"
+ player: "&fPlayer&7: &e{PLAYER}"
+ infinite: "&fInfinite: &c&lUser has unlimited flight!"
+ days: "&fDays&7: &e{DAYS}"
+ hours: "&fHours&7: &e{HOURS}"
+ minutes: "&fMinutes&7: &e{MINUTES}"
+ seconds: "&fSeconds&7: &e{SECONDS}"
+ footer: "&8&m-------------------"
+ fly:
+ enabled_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ais now flying"
+ enabled_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour flight was enabled!"
+ disabled_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &cis no longer flying!"
+ disabled_self: "{PREFIX} &cYour flight was disabled!"
+ speed_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ahad their speed set to {SPEED}&a."
+ speed_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour fly speed was set to &f{SPEED}&a."
+ speed_limit_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &cIs currently limited to fly speed &f{SPEED}&c."
+ speed_limit_self: "{PREFIX} &cYour fly speed is currently limited to &f{SPEED}&c."
+ speed_restricted: "{PREFIX} &cYou are not allowed to change your fly speed!"
+ already_enabled: "{PREFIX} &aYour flight is already enabled!"
+ already_disabled: "{PREFIX} &cYour flight is already disabled!"
+ idle_drop: "{PREFIX} &cYou lost flight due to being idle!"
+ idle: "{PREFIX} &cYou are now considered idle."
+ infinite_enabled: "{PREFIX} &aYou enabled your infinite flight!"
+ infinite_disabled: "{PREFIX} &cYou disabled your infinite flight!"
+ bypass_enabled: "{PREFIX} &aYou enabled flight bypass mode!"
+ bypass_disabled: "{PREFIX} &cYou disabled flight bypass mode!"
+ requirement:
+ fail:
+ default_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ccannot currently fly!"
+ default: "{PREFIX} &cThe requirements have not been met to fly in this area."
+ region: "{PREFIX} &cFlight is disabled in this region!"
+ world: "{PREFIX} &cFlight is disabled in this world!"
+ combat: "{PREFIX} &cYou are currently combat tagged!"
+ height: "{PREFIX} &f{MAX_Y} &cis the maximum altitude for flight!"
+ pass:
+ default: "{PREFIX} &aYou may now fly!"
+ combat: "{PREFIX} &aYou are no longer combat tagged, fly away!"
+ symbols:
+ infinity: "∞"
+ featherboard:
+ days: "&e{DAYS}&fd "
+ hours: "&e{HOURS}&fh "
+ minutes: "&e{MINUTES}&fm "
+ seconds: "&e{SECONDS}&fs "
+ trail:
+ removed_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour trail was removed!"
+ removed_other: "{PREFIX} &e{PLAYER} &ahad their trail removed!"
+ set_self: "{PREFIX} &aYour trail was set to &f{PARTICLE}&a!"
+ set_other: "{PREFIX} &f{PLAYER} &ahad their trail set to &f{PARTICLE}&a!"
+ # Here you can configure the command arguments. This will help players on foriegn servers that dont understand english.
+ # Everything here must be unique so be careful, you could break the commands if you put duplicate entries.
+ # Note: It is not reccomended to put hundreds of translations in here. just the main ones your server would need.
+ unit:
+ seconds:
+ # The unit that will be shown on tab completion of the command
+ tab_complete: "second"
+ # Identifiers that represent this time unit.
+ recognized:
+ - "s"
+ - "sec"
+ - "second"
+ - "zweite" #German
+ minutes:
+ tab_complete: "minute"
+ recognized:
+ - "m"
+ - "min"
+ - "minute" # english and german
+ hours:
+ tab_complete: "hour"
+ recognized:
+ - "h"
+ - "hour"
+ - "stunde" #German
+ days:
+ tab_complete: "day"
+ recognized:
+ - "d"
+ - "day"
+ - "tag" #German
+ # Here you can specify all the tempfly sub commands.
+ base:
+ give:
+ - "give"
+ - "add"
+ givall:
+ - "givall"
+ - "addall"
+ reload:
+ - "reload"
+ remove:
+ - "remove"
+ - "take"
+ set:
+ - "set"
+ trail_remove:
+ - "remove_trail"
+ bypass:
+ - "bypass"
+ help:
+ - "help"
+ - "commands"
+ infinite:
+ - "infinite"
+ pay:
+ - "pay"
+ - "send"
+ shop:
+ - "shop"
+ - "buy"
+ speed:
+ - "speed"
+ time:
+ - "time"
+ - "bal"
+ - "balance"
+ trails:
+ - "trails"
+ - "particles"
+ trail_set:
+ - "trail"
+ enable:
+ - "on"
+ - "enable"
+ disable:
+ - "off"
+ - "disable"
+ syntax_error:
+ cmd_fly:
+ toggle_other: "&c/tf [player] [on / off]"
+ toggle_self: "&c/tf [on / off]"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/page.yml b/resources/page.yml
similarity index 95%
rename from TempFly/resources/page.yml
rename to resources/page.yml
index 7053c39..48d0850 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/page.yml
+++ b/resources/page.yml
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
- trails:
- title: '&dParticle Trails'
- background:
- name: '&7- Please select an option'
- toolbar:
- name: '&7- Please select an option'
- next:
- name: '&fNext page'
- prev:
- name: '&fPrevious page'
- remove:
- name: '&cRemove trail'
- shop:
- title: '&dTempfly Shop'
- background:
- name: '&7- Please select an option'
- toolbar:
- name: '&7- Please select an option'
- next:
- name: '&fNext page'
- prev:
- name: '&fPrevious page'
- option:
- name: '&f{FORMATTED_TIME}'
- lore:
- - '&8&m================'
- - '&fPurchase: &e{FORMATTED_TIME}'
- - '&fCost: &e${COST}'
+ trails:
+ title: '&dParticle Trails'
+ background:
+ name: '&7- Please select an option'
+ toolbar:
+ name: '&7- Please select an option'
+ next:
+ name: '&fNext page'
+ prev:
+ name: '&fPrevious page'
+ remove:
+ name: '&cRemove trail'
+ shop:
+ title: '&dTempfly Shop'
+ background:
+ name: '&7- Please select an option'
+ toolbar:
+ name: '&7- Please select an option'
+ next:
+ name: '&fNext page'
+ prev:
+ name: '&fPrevious page'
+ option:
+ name: '&f{FORMATTED_TIME}'
+ lore:
+ - '&8&m================'
+ - '&fPurchase: &e{FORMATTED_TIME}'
+ - '&fCost: &e${COST}'
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/permissions.yml b/resources/permissions.yml
similarity index 96%
rename from TempFly/resources/permissions.yml
rename to resources/permissions.yml
index 0b09a49..e375e83 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/permissions.yml
+++ b/resources/permissions.yml
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
- desc: Allows user to toggle the use of temp flight.
- command:
- -/tempfly
- -/fly
- -/tf
- desc: Allows user to toggle anothers use of temp flight.
- command: /tf toggle [player]
- desc: Allows user to set their fly speed.
- command: /tf speed [speed]
- desc: Allows user to set another users fly speed.
- command: /tf speed [speed] [player]
- desc: Define the users max fly speed for a world. goes up to 10.
- desc: Define the users max fly speed for a region. goes up to 10. Takes priority over world speed.
- desc: Allow user to view thier remaining time.
- command: /tf time
- desc: Allow user to view another players remaining time.
- command: /tf time [player]
- desc: Define the users max time. These groups should be set in the config under max_time.
- desc: Allow user to pay another player time.
- command: /tf pay [player]
- desc: Allow user to give time. valid arguments; [s {secs}] [m {mins}] [h {hours}] [d {days}]
- command: /tf give [player] [amount]
- desc: Gives all users on the server time
- command: /tf giveall [player] [amount]
- desc: Allow user to remove time. valid arguments; [s {secs}] [m {mins}] [h {hours}] [d {days}]
- command: /tf remove [player] [amount]
- desc: Allow user to set time. valid arguments; [s {secs}] [m {mins}] [h {hours}] [d {days}]
- command: /tf set [player] [amount]
- desc: Reloads the plugins configs and settings.
- command: /tf reload
- desc: Allow user to see the help page.
- command: /tf help
- desc: Allow user to see the help page with admin commands.
- command: /tf help
- desc: Allow user to open the tempfly shop
- command: /tf shop
- desc:
- - Infinite flight. This simply will not charge the player flight time for flying.
- - However, they will still have their actual time balance stored in the background. They dont lose it.
- - IT DOES NOT let them pay infinite time to other players.
- - In addition it does not affect their max_time, they are completely seperate things.
- desc: Allow the user to toggle their infinite flight.
- desc: Gives user the bonus defined for this group in the config daily.
- desc: Allow the user to bypass flight requirements.
- desc: Allow the user to toggle their tempfly bypass.
-# Servers using old versions of spigot will need to use the 'Effect' list for trails
-# OLD VERSIONS = https://helpch.at/docs/1.8/org/bukkit/Effect.html
-# Newer versions
-# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
- desc: Allow user access to the praticle trail gui
- command: /tf trails
- desc: Allow user to remove their trail.
- desc: Allow user to remove another players trail.
- desc: Allow user to set their trail with command.
- command: /tf trail {player} {trail}
- desc: Allow user to set another players trail with command.
- command: /tf trail {player} {trail}
- desc: Gives user access to use individual trails
-# Hook permissions
- desc:
- - Allows island owners to adjust fly settings for skyblock plugins.
- - Select hooks will implement this functionality directly into the island protection panel.
- command: /tf settings
+ desc: Allows user to toggle the use of temp flight.
+ command:
+ -/tempfly
+ -/fly
+ -/tf
+ desc: Allows user to toggle anothers use of temp flight.
+ command: /tf toggle [player]
+ desc: Allows user to set their fly speed.
+ command: /tf speed [speed]
+ desc: Allows user to set another users fly speed.
+ command: /tf speed [speed] [player]
+ desc: Define the users max fly speed for a world. goes up to 10.
+ desc: Define the users max fly speed for a region. goes up to 10. Takes priority over world speed.
+ desc: Allow user to view thier remaining time.
+ command: /tf time
+ desc: Allow user to view another players remaining time.
+ command: /tf time [player]
+ desc: Define the users max time. These groups should be set in the config under max_time.
+ desc: Allow user to pay another player time.
+ command: /tf pay [player]
+ desc: Allow user to give time. valid arguments; [s {secs}] [m {mins}] [h {hours}] [d {days}]
+ command: /tf give [player] [amount]
+ desc: Gives all users on the server time
+ command: /tf giveall [player] [amount]
+ desc: Allow user to remove time. valid arguments; [s {secs}] [m {mins}] [h {hours}] [d {days}]
+ command: /tf remove [player] [amount]
+ desc: Allow user to set time. valid arguments; [s {secs}] [m {mins}] [h {hours}] [d {days}]
+ command: /tf set [player] [amount]
+ desc: Reloads the plugins configs and settings.
+ command: /tf reload
+ desc: Allow user to see the help page.
+ command: /tf help
+ desc: Allow user to see the help page with admin commands.
+ command: /tf help
+ desc: Allow user to open the tempfly shop
+ command: /tf shop
+ desc:
+ - Infinite flight. This simply will not charge the player flight time for flying.
+ - However, they will still have their actual time balance stored in the background. They dont lose it.
+ - IT DOES NOT let them pay infinite time to other players.
+ - In addition it does not affect their max_time, they are completely seperate things.
+ desc: Allow the user to toggle their infinite flight.
+ desc: Gives user the bonus defined for this group in the config daily.
+ desc: Allow the user to bypass flight requirements.
+ desc: Allow the user to toggle their tempfly bypass.
+# Servers using old versions of spigot will need to use the 'Effect' list for trails
+# OLD VERSIONS = https://helpch.at/docs/1.8/org/bukkit/Effect.html
+# Newer versions
+# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
+ desc: Allow user access to the praticle trail gui
+ command: /tf trails
+ desc: Allow user to remove their trail.
+ desc: Allow user to remove another players trail.
+ desc: Allow user to set their trail with command.
+ command: /tf trail {player} {trail}
+ desc: Allow user to set another players trail with command.
+ command: /tf trail {player} {trail}
+ desc: Gives user access to use individual trails
+# Hook permissions
+ desc:
+ - Allows island owners to adjust fly settings for skyblock plugins.
+ - Select hooks will implement this functionality directly into the island protection panel.
+ command: /tf settings
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/plugin.yml b/resources/plugin.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/plugin.yml
rename to resources/plugin.yml
index c5b9315..da3025d 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/plugin.yml
+++ b/resources/plugin.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-name: TempFly
-main: com.moneybags.tempfly.TempFly
-softdepend: [Factions, ASkyBlock, Essentials, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, PlaceholderAPI, aSkyBlock, Vault, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, IridiumSkyblock, BentoBox, SuperiorSkyblock2]
-api-version: 1.13
-version: 3.1.7
- tempfly:
- description: base command
+name: TempFly
+main: com.moneybags.tempfly.TempFly
+softdepend: [Factions, ASkyBlock, Essentials, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, PlaceholderAPI, aSkyBlock, Vault, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, IridiumSkyblock, BentoBox, SuperiorSkyblock2]
+api-version: 1.13
+version: 3.1.7
+ tempfly:
+ description: base command
aliases: [tfly, tf]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_askyblock.yml b/resources/skyblock_preset_askyblock.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_askyblock.yml
rename to resources/skyblock_preset_askyblock.yml
index e3492e3..9a9d7a8 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_askyblock.yml
+++ b/resources/skyblock_preset_askyblock.yml
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
-# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have askyblock plugin on the server.
-# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
-enable_hook: true
-# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
-#| Valid requirements include |#
-#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
-#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
-#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
- environment:
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
- regions:
- super_awesome_vip_region:
- player_level: 950
- player_challenges:
- alchemist: 1
- beaconator: 1
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
- worlds:
- example_world:
- player_level: 1
- # requirements to fly when not on an island.
- wilderness:
- player_level: 0
- ##---------------------------------------------------------##
- #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
- #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
- #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- island_roles:
- owner:
- player_level: 5
- team:
- player_level: 50
- coop:
- player_level: 75
- island_level: 75
- visitor:
- player_level: 100
- island_level: 75
- player_challenges:
- stewmaker:
- completed: 1
- island_challenges:
- papermaker:
- completed: 1
- # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
- wilderness: true
- # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
- # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
- # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
- base_permissions:
- # Team members can fly on the island
- team: true
- # Coop players can fly on the island
- coop: true
- # Visitors can fly on the island
- visitor: false
- invalid:
- island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
- requirements:
- # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {COMPLETIONS} | {ROLE}
- challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must complete the challenge &f{CHALLENGE} &cto fly here!"
- challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
- # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
- level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
- level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island needs level &f{LEVEL} &cfor &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for your respective
- # skyblock plugin that will take the user to the tempfly island settings page.
- hook_settings:
- enabled: true
- button:
- name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
- page:
- # Placeholders; {ROLE}
- settings:
- title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
- background:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- toolbar:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- allowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&a&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
- disallowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&c&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
+# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have askyblock plugin on the server.
+# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
+enable_hook: true
+# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
+#| Valid requirements include |#
+#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
+#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
+#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
+ environment:
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
+ regions:
+ super_awesome_vip_region:
+ player_level: 950
+ player_challenges:
+ alchemist: 1
+ beaconator: 1
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
+ worlds:
+ example_world:
+ player_level: 1
+ # requirements to fly when not on an island.
+ wilderness:
+ player_level: 0
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------##
+ #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
+ #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
+ #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ island_roles:
+ owner:
+ player_level: 5
+ team:
+ player_level: 50
+ coop:
+ player_level: 75
+ island_level: 75
+ visitor:
+ player_level: 100
+ island_level: 75
+ player_challenges:
+ stewmaker:
+ completed: 1
+ island_challenges:
+ papermaker:
+ completed: 1
+ # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
+ wilderness: true
+ # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
+ # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
+ # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
+ base_permissions:
+ # Team members can fly on the island
+ team: true
+ # Coop players can fly on the island
+ coop: true
+ # Visitors can fly on the island
+ visitor: false
+ invalid:
+ island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
+ requirements:
+ # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {COMPLETIONS} | {ROLE}
+ challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must complete the challenge &f{CHALLENGE} &cto fly here!"
+ challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
+ # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
+ level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
+ level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island needs level &f{LEVEL} &cfor &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for your respective
+ # skyblock plugin that will take the user to the tempfly island settings page.
+ hook_settings:
+ enabled: true
+ button:
+ name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
+ page:
+ # Placeholders; {ROLE}
+ settings:
+ title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
+ background:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ toolbar:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ allowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&a&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
+ disallowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&c&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_bento.yml b/resources/skyblock_preset_bento.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_bento.yml
rename to resources/skyblock_preset_bento.yml
index d223bcd..6a1422a 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_bento.yml
+++ b/resources/skyblock_preset_bento.yml
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
-# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have askyblock plugin on the server.
-# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
-enable_hook: true
-# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
-#| Valid requirements include |#
-#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
-#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
-#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
- environment:
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
- regions:
- super_awesome_vip_region:
- player_level: 950
- player_challenges:
- alchemist: 1
- beaconator: 1
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
- worlds:
- example_world:
- player_level: 1
- # requirements to fly when not on an island.
- wilderness:
- player_level: 0
- ##---------------------------------------------------------##
- #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
- #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
- #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- island_roles:
- owner:
- player_level: 5
- member:
- player_level: 50
- coop:
- player_level: 75
- island_level: 75
- visitor:
- player_level: 100
- island_level: 75
- player_challenges:
- stewmaker:
- completed: 1
- island_challenges:
- papermaker:
- completed: 1
- # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
- wilderness: true
- # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
- # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
- # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
- base_permissions:
- # Team members can fly on the island
- team: true
- # Coop players can fly on the island
- coop: true
- # Visitors can fly on the island
- visitor: false
- invalid:
- island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
- requirements:
- # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {COMPLETIONS} | {ROLE}
- challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &f{CHALLENGE} &cmust be completed &f{COMPLETIONS} &ctimes to fly here!"
- challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
- # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
- level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
- level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island needs level &f{LEVEL} &cfor &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for your respective
- # skyblock plugin that will take the user to the tempfly island settings page.
- hook_settings:
- enabled: true
- button:
- name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
- page:
- # Placeholders; {ROLE}
- settings:
- title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
- background:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- toolbar:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- allowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&a&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
- disallowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&c&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
+# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have askyblock plugin on the server.
+# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
+enable_hook: true
+# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
+#| Valid requirements include |#
+#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
+#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
+#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
+ environment:
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
+ regions:
+ super_awesome_vip_region:
+ player_level: 950
+ player_challenges:
+ alchemist: 1
+ beaconator: 1
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
+ worlds:
+ example_world:
+ player_level: 1
+ # requirements to fly when not on an island.
+ wilderness:
+ player_level: 0
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------##
+ #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
+ #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
+ #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ island_roles:
+ owner:
+ player_level: 5
+ member:
+ player_level: 50
+ coop:
+ player_level: 75
+ island_level: 75
+ visitor:
+ player_level: 100
+ island_level: 75
+ player_challenges:
+ stewmaker:
+ completed: 1
+ island_challenges:
+ papermaker:
+ completed: 1
+ # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
+ wilderness: true
+ # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
+ # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
+ # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
+ base_permissions:
+ # Team members can fly on the island
+ team: true
+ # Coop players can fly on the island
+ coop: true
+ # Visitors can fly on the island
+ visitor: false
+ invalid:
+ island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
+ requirements:
+ # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {COMPLETIONS} | {ROLE}
+ challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &f{CHALLENGE} &cmust be completed &f{COMPLETIONS} &ctimes to fly here!"
+ challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
+ # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
+ level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
+ level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island needs level &f{LEVEL} &cfor &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for your respective
+ # skyblock plugin that will take the user to the tempfly island settings page.
+ hook_settings:
+ enabled: true
+ button:
+ name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
+ page:
+ # Placeholders; {ROLE}
+ settings:
+ title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
+ background:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ toolbar:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ allowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&a&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
+ disallowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&c&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_generic.yml b/resources/skyblock_preset_generic.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_generic.yml
rename to resources/skyblock_preset_generic.yml
index 4b56148..33a069e 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_generic.yml
+++ b/resources/skyblock_preset_generic.yml
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-#| Usage Info |#
-#| Depending on your specific skyblock plugin |#
-#| When island level is specified it will refer to |#
-#| a) The level of the island. |#
-#| b) The worth/value of the island |#
-#| When challenges are specified |#
-#| The value progress will refer to; |#
-#| ---------------------------------- |#
-#| a) The percentage of progress towards completion |#
-#| b) The required step within a multi step challenge |#
-#| |#
-#| Some plugins do not support this feature and hence |#
-#| putting it in the config will have no effect. |#
-#| The value completed will refer to |#
-#| ---------------------------------- |#
-#| a) The amount of times the challenge was completed |#
-#| |#
-#| In plugins that do not support the ability to |#
-#| complete a challenge multiple times, setting this |#
-#| to anything higher than 1 has no effect. |#
-#| Please see the generated file skyblock.readme for |#
-#| config info about your specific skyblock plugin. |#
-#| This default config has been configured for the |#
-#| plugin askyblock and hence may need to be altered |#
-#| to properly support your plugin. |#
-# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have a skyblock plugin on the server.
-# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
-enable_hook: true
-# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
-#| Valid requirements include |#
-#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
-#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
-#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
- environment:
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
- regions:
- super_awesome_vip_region:
- player_level: 950
- player_challenges:
- alchemist:
- completed: 1
- dj:
- completed: 1
- beaconator:
- completed: 1
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
- worlds:
- example_world:
- player_level: 1
- # requirements to fly when not on an island.
- wilderness:
- player_level: 0
- ##---------------------------------------------------------##
- #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
- #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
- #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- island_roles:
- owner:
- player_level: 5
- visitor:
- player_level: 75
- island_level: 50
- player_challenges:
- stewmaker:
- completed: 1
- island_challenges:
- papermaker:
- completed: 1
- # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
- wilderness: true
- # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
- # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
- # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
- base_permissions:
- # Team members can fly on the island
- team: true
- # Coop players can fly on the island
- coop: true
- # Visitors can fly on the island
- visitor: false
- invalid:
- island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
- requirements:
- # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {ROLE}
- challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must complete the challenge &f{CHALLENGE} &cto fly here!"
- challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
- # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
- level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
- level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not meet the level requirement for &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for your respective
- # skyblock plugin that will take the user to the tempfly island settings page.
- hook_settings:
- enabled: true
- button:
- name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
- page:
- # Placeholders; {ROLE}
- settings:
- title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
- background:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- toolbar:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- allowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&a&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
- disallowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&c&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
+#| Usage Info |#
+#| Depending on your specific skyblock plugin |#
+#| When island level is specified it will refer to |#
+#| a) The level of the island. |#
+#| b) The worth/value of the island |#
+#| When challenges are specified |#
+#| The value progress will refer to; |#
+#| ---------------------------------- |#
+#| a) The percentage of progress towards completion |#
+#| b) The required step within a multi step challenge |#
+#| |#
+#| Some plugins do not support this feature and hence |#
+#| putting it in the config will have no effect. |#
+#| The value completed will refer to |#
+#| ---------------------------------- |#
+#| a) The amount of times the challenge was completed |#
+#| |#
+#| In plugins that do not support the ability to |#
+#| complete a challenge multiple times, setting this |#
+#| to anything higher than 1 has no effect. |#
+#| Please see the generated file skyblock.readme for |#
+#| config info about your specific skyblock plugin. |#
+#| This default config has been configured for the |#
+#| plugin askyblock and hence may need to be altered |#
+#| to properly support your plugin. |#
+# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have a skyblock plugin on the server.
+# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
+enable_hook: true
+# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
+#| Valid requirements include |#
+#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
+#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
+#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
+ environment:
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
+ regions:
+ super_awesome_vip_region:
+ player_level: 950
+ player_challenges:
+ alchemist:
+ completed: 1
+ dj:
+ completed: 1
+ beaconator:
+ completed: 1
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
+ worlds:
+ example_world:
+ player_level: 1
+ # requirements to fly when not on an island.
+ wilderness:
+ player_level: 0
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------##
+ #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
+ #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
+ #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ island_roles:
+ owner:
+ player_level: 5
+ visitor:
+ player_level: 75
+ island_level: 50
+ player_challenges:
+ stewmaker:
+ completed: 1
+ island_challenges:
+ papermaker:
+ completed: 1
+ # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
+ wilderness: true
+ # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
+ # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
+ # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
+ base_permissions:
+ # Team members can fly on the island
+ team: true
+ # Coop players can fly on the island
+ coop: true
+ # Visitors can fly on the island
+ visitor: false
+ invalid:
+ island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
+ requirements:
+ # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {ROLE}
+ challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must complete the challenge &f{CHALLENGE} &cto fly here!"
+ challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
+ # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
+ level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
+ level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not meet the level requirement for &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for your respective
+ # skyblock plugin that will take the user to the tempfly island settings page.
+ hook_settings:
+ enabled: true
+ button:
+ name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
+ page:
+ # Placeholders; {ROLE}
+ settings:
+ title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
+ background:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ toolbar:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ allowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&a&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
+ disallowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&c&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_iridium.yml b/resources/skyblock_preset_iridium.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_iridium.yml
rename to resources/skyblock_preset_iridium.yml
index 50d4907..e379ec6 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_iridium.yml
+++ b/resources/skyblock_preset_iridium.yml
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have iridium skyblock on the server.
-# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
-enable_hook: true
-# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
-#| Valid requirements include |#
-#| player_value | the island level for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
-#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
-#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
- environment:
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
- regions:
- super_awesome_vip_region:
- player_value: 10000
- player_challenges:
- Miner: 3
- Farmer: 3
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
- worlds:
- example_world:
- player_value: 350
- challenges:
- Miner: 2
- # requirements to fly when not on an island.
- wilderness:
- player_level: 0
- ##---------------------------------------------------------##
- #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_value | the island level for the island |#
- #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
- #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- island_roles:
- owner:
- player_value: 50
- coowner:
- player_value: 75
- player_missions:
- Miner: 2
- moderator:
- player_value: 200
- player_missions:
- Miner: 2
- Hunter: 2
- member:
- player_value: 250
- player_missions:
- Miner: 2
- Hunter: 2
- coop:
- player_value: 300
- island_value: 250
- player_missions:
- Miner: 4
- island_missions:
- Miner: 4
- visitor:
- # This line specifies that the visitor needs to have an island value of 150 to fly on other peoples islands.
- player_value: 250
- # This line specifies that the island needs a value of 50 to allow visitors flight on their island.
- island_value: 250
- # This specifies that the visitor needs miner level 2 to fly on other peoples islands
- player_missions:
- Miner:
- progress: 2
- # This specifies that the island needs hunter level 5 to allow visitors flight on their island.
- island_missions:
- Hunter:
- progress: 5
- # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
- wilderness: true
- # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
- # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
- # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
- base_permissions:
- # Coowners can fly on the island
- coowner: true
- # Moderators can fly on the island
- moderator: true
- # Team members can fly on the island
- member: true
- # Coop players can fly on the island
- coop: true
- # Visitors can fly on the island
- visitor: false
- invalid:
- island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
- requirements:
- # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {ROLE}
- challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have mission &f{CHALLENGE} &clevel &f{PROGRESS} &cto fly here!"
- challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
- # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
- level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island value of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
- level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not meet the value requirement for &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for iridium skyblock.
- hook_settings:
- enabled: true
- button:
- name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
- page:
- # Placeholders; {ROLE}
- settings:
- title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
- background:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- toolbar:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- allowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&a&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
- disallowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&c&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
+# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have iridium skyblock on the server.
+# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
+enable_hook: true
+# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
+#| Valid requirements include |#
+#| player_value | the island level for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| player_challenges | the challenges for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
+#| for example, (team, moderator, owner) there is no need |#
+#| to specify both island_level and owner_level. |#
+ environment:
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
+ regions:
+ super_awesome_vip_region:
+ player_value: 10000
+ player_challenges:
+ Miner: 3
+ Farmer: 3
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
+ worlds:
+ example_world:
+ player_value: 350
+ challenges:
+ Miner: 2
+ # requirements to fly when not on an island.
+ wilderness:
+ player_level: 0
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------##
+ #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_value | the island level for the island |#
+ #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_challenges | the challenges for the owner of the |#
+ #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ island_roles:
+ owner:
+ player_value: 50
+ coowner:
+ player_value: 75
+ player_missions:
+ Miner: 2
+ moderator:
+ player_value: 200
+ player_missions:
+ Miner: 2
+ Hunter: 2
+ member:
+ player_value: 250
+ player_missions:
+ Miner: 2
+ Hunter: 2
+ coop:
+ player_value: 300
+ island_value: 250
+ player_missions:
+ Miner: 4
+ island_missions:
+ Miner: 4
+ visitor:
+ # This line specifies that the visitor needs to have an island value of 150 to fly on other peoples islands.
+ player_value: 250
+ # This line specifies that the island needs a value of 50 to allow visitors flight on their island.
+ island_value: 250
+ # This specifies that the visitor needs miner level 2 to fly on other peoples islands
+ player_missions:
+ Miner:
+ progress: 2
+ # This specifies that the island needs hunter level 5 to allow visitors flight on their island.
+ island_missions:
+ Hunter:
+ progress: 5
+ # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
+ wilderness: true
+ # The following settings are the default values for the tempfly's island protection panel
+ # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
+ # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
+ base_permissions:
+ # Coowners can fly on the island
+ coowner: true
+ # Moderators can fly on the island
+ moderator: true
+ # Team members can fly on the island
+ member: true
+ # Coop players can fly on the island
+ coop: true
+ # Visitors can fly on the island
+ visitor: false
+ invalid:
+ island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
+ requirements:
+ # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {ROLE}
+ challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have mission &f{CHALLENGE} &clevel &f{PROGRESS} &cto fly here!"
+ challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
+ # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
+ level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island value of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
+ level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not meet the value requirement for &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for iridium skyblock.
+ hook_settings:
+ enabled: true
+ button:
+ name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
+ page:
+ # Placeholders; {ROLE}
+ settings:
+ title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
+ background:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ toolbar:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ allowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&a&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
+ disallowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&c&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_superior.yml b/resources/skyblock_preset_superior.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_superior.yml
rename to resources/skyblock_preset_superior.yml
index 87b9729..fcd0c3b 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_preset_superior.yml
+++ b/resources/skyblock_preset_superior.yml
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
-# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have Superior Skyblock on the server.
-# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
-enable_hook: true
-# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
-#| Valid requirements include |#
-#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
-#| player_missions | the missions needed for the player |#
-#| | trying to fly. |#
- environment:
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
- regions:
- super_awesome_vip_region:
- player_level: 10000
- player_missions:
- Miner: 3
- Farmer: 3
- # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
- worlds:
- example_world:
- player_level: 350
- player_missions:
- Miner: 2
- # requirements to fly when not on an island.
- wilderness:
- player_level: 0
- ##---------------------------------------------------------##
- #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
- #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| island_missions | the missions for the owner of the |#
- #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
- ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
- #| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
- #| for example, (team, moderator) there is no need |#
- #| to specify both island_level and player_level. |#
- ##---------------------------------------------------------##
- island_roles:
- leader:
- player_level: 500
- admin:
- player_level: 750
- player_missions:
- - "miner_2"
- moderator:
- player_level: 2000
- player_missions:
- - "miner_2"
- member:
- player_level: 2500
- player_missions:
- - "miner_2"
- coop:
- player_level: 3000
- island_level: 2500
- player_missions:
- - "miner_2"
- island_missions:
- - "miner_2"
- guest:
- # This line specifies that the visitor needs to have an island level of 150 to fly on other peoples islands.
- player_level: 2500
- # This line specifies that the island needs a level of 50 to allow visitors flight on their island.
- island_level: 3500
- # This specifies that the visitor needs miner level 2 to fly on other peoples islands
- player_missions:
- - "miner_1"
- # This specifies that the island needs hunter level 5 to allow visitors flight on their island.
- island_missions:
- - "slayer_1"
- # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
- wilderness: true
- # The following settings are the default levels for the tempfly's island protection panel
- # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
- # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
- base_permissions:
- leader: true
- # Coowners can fly on the island
- admin: true
- # Moderators can fly on the island
- moderator: true
- # Team members can fly on the island
- member: true
- # Coop players can fly on the island
- coop: true
- # Visitors can fly on the island
- guest: false
- invalid:
- island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
- requirements:
- # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {ROLE}
- challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must complete the mission &f{CHALLENGE} &cto fly here!"
- challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
- # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
- level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
- level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not meet the level requirement for &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
- # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for superior skyblock.
- # Not yet implemented for Superior Skyblock...
- hook_settings:
- enabled: true
- button:
- name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
- page:
- # Placeholders; {ROLE}
- settings:
- title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
- background:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- toolbar:
- name: "&7- Please select an option"
- allowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&a&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
- disallowed:
- name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
- lore:
- - "&c&m================"
- - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
+# This setting allows you to disable the skyblock hook even if you have Superior Skyblock on the server.
+# If you just want to disable flight in the island worlds use disabled worlds in the base config and disable the hook.
+enable_hook: true
+# Unlockables allow you to set island requirements to allow users flight on islands and elsewhere on the server.
+#| Valid requirements include |#
+#| player_level | the island level for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+#| player_missions | the missions needed for the player |#
+#| | trying to fly. |#
+ environment:
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified regions
+ regions:
+ super_awesome_vip_region:
+ player_level: 10000
+ player_missions:
+ Miner: 3
+ Farmer: 3
+ # Requirements needed for island members to fly in specified worlds
+ worlds:
+ example_world:
+ player_level: 350
+ player_missions:
+ Miner: 2
+ # requirements to fly when not on an island.
+ wilderness:
+ player_level: 0
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------##
+ #| Additional requirements for island roles |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_level | the island level for the island |#
+ #| | they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| island_missions | the missions for the owner of the |#
+ #| | island they are trying to fly on. |#
+ ##-------------------+-------------------------------------##
+ #| If the role specified is a member of the island, |#
+ #| for example, (team, moderator) there is no need |#
+ #| to specify both island_level and player_level. |#
+ ##---------------------------------------------------------##
+ island_roles:
+ leader:
+ player_level: 500
+ admin:
+ player_level: 750
+ player_missions:
+ - "miner_2"
+ moderator:
+ player_level: 2000
+ player_missions:
+ - "miner_2"
+ member:
+ player_level: 2500
+ player_missions:
+ - "miner_2"
+ coop:
+ player_level: 3000
+ island_level: 2500
+ player_missions:
+ - "miner_2"
+ island_missions:
+ - "miner_2"
+ guest:
+ # This line specifies that the visitor needs to have an island level of 150 to fly on other peoples islands.
+ player_level: 2500
+ # This line specifies that the island needs a level of 50 to allow visitors flight on their island.
+ island_level: 3500
+ # This specifies that the visitor needs miner level 2 to fly on other peoples islands
+ player_missions:
+ - "miner_1"
+ # This specifies that the island needs hunter level 5 to allow visitors flight on their island.
+ island_missions:
+ - "slayer_1"
+ # If false the player cannot fly when they are not on an island
+ wilderness: true
+ # The following settings are the default levels for the tempfly's island protection panel
+ # Island owners may allow or disallow island roles flight on their island.
+ # You will need to enter the roles specific to your skyblock plugin here. The defaults may not apply to you.
+ base_permissions:
+ leader: true
+ # Coowners can fly on the island
+ admin: true
+ # Moderators can fly on the island
+ moderator: true
+ # Team members can fly on the island
+ member: true
+ # Coop players can fly on the island
+ coop: true
+ # Visitors can fly on the island
+ guest: false
+ invalid:
+ island: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island to fly here!"
+ requirements:
+ # Challenges support the placeholders; {CHALLENGE} | {PROGRESS} | {ROLE}
+ challenge_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must complete the mission &f{CHALLENGE} &cto fly here!"
+ challenge_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island has not unlocked flight for &f{ROLE}&c's!"
+ # Levels support the placeholders; {LEVEL} | {ROLE}
+ level_self: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have an island level of &f{LEVEL} &cto fly here!"
+ level_other: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not meet the level requirement for &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ role_denied: "{PREFIX} &cThis island does not allow &f{ROLE}'s &cto fly!"
+ # This setting will allow you to place a button inside the island settings panel for superior skyblock.
+ # Not yet implemented for Superior Skyblock...
+ hook_settings:
+ enabled: true
+ button:
+ name: "&dTemp&fFly &fIsland Settings"
+ page:
+ # Placeholders; {ROLE}
+ settings:
+ title: "&dIsland Flight Settings"
+ background:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ toolbar:
+ name: "&7- Please select an option"
+ allowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&a&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can currently fly"
+ disallowed:
+ name: "&e&l{ROLE}"
+ lore:
+ - "&c&m================"
+ - "&7- {ROLE}'s can not currently fly"
diff --git a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_readme.yml b/resources/skyblock_readme.yml
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/resources/skyblock_readme.yml
rename to resources/skyblock_readme.yml
index 1b6b13a..de44dee 100644
--- a/TempFly/resources/skyblock_readme.yml
+++ b/resources/skyblock_readme.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-#| ____ __ _ _ _ ____ __ __ ___ __ _ |#
-#| / ___)( / )( \/ )( _ \( ) / \ / __)( / ) |#
-#| \___ \ ) ( ) / ) _ (/ (_/\( O )( (__ | ( |#
-#| (____/(__\_)(__/ (____/\____/ \__/ \___)(__\_) |#
-#| |#
-#| This file contains all the information you need to know in order |#
-#| to properly configure tempfly for your skyblock plugin |#
-#| Supported Skyblock Plugins |#
-#| -------------------------- |#
-#| AskyBlock |#
-#| Iridium Skyblock |#
-#| |#
-#| ASkyBlock |#
-#| |#
-#| Valid Island Roles |#
-#| ------------------ |#
-#| owner | team | coop | visitor |#
-#| Challenge info |#
-#| ------------------ |#
-#| When specifying challenges for askyblock you |#
-#| only have the option to specify whether |#
-#| the challenge has been completed or not. |#
-#| askyblock does not support challenge progress |#
-#| or multiple completions, below is an example. |#
- wilderness:
- island_level: 50
- challenges:
- stewmaker:
- completed: 1
- island_roles:
- owner:
- challenges:
- papermaker:
- completed: 1
- team:
- island_level: 75
-#| |#
-#| IridiumSkyblock |#
-#| |#
-#| Valid Island Roles |#
-#| ------------------ |#
-#| owner | coowner | coop |#
-#| member | moderator | visitor |#
-#| Challenge info |#
-#| ------------------ |#
-#| When specifying challenges for iridiumskyblock |#
-#| you may specify
+#| ____ __ _ _ _ ____ __ __ ___ __ _ |#
+#| / ___)( / )( \/ )( _ \( ) / \ / __)( / ) |#
+#| \___ \ ) ( ) / ) _ (/ (_/\( O )( (__ | ( |#
+#| (____/(__\_)(__/ (____/\____/ \__/ \___)(__\_) |#
+#| |#
+#| This file contains all the information you need to know in order |#
+#| to properly configure tempfly for your skyblock plugin |#
+#| Supported Skyblock Plugins |#
+#| -------------------------- |#
+#| AskyBlock |#
+#| Iridium Skyblock |#
+#| |#
+#| ASkyBlock |#
+#| |#
+#| Valid Island Roles |#
+#| ------------------ |#
+#| owner | team | coop | visitor |#
+#| Challenge info |#
+#| ------------------ |#
+#| When specifying challenges for askyblock you |#
+#| only have the option to specify whether |#
+#| the challenge has been completed or not. |#
+#| askyblock does not support challenge progress |#
+#| or multiple completions, below is an example. |#
+ wilderness:
+ island_level: 50
+ challenges:
+ stewmaker:
+ completed: 1
+ island_roles:
+ owner:
+ challenges:
+ papermaker:
+ completed: 1
+ team:
+ island_level: 75
+#| |#
+#| IridiumSkyblock |#
+#| |#
+#| Valid Island Roles |#
+#| ------------------ |#
+#| owner | coowner | coop |#
+#| member | moderator | visitor |#
+#| Challenge info |#
+#| ------------------ |#
+#| When specifying challenges for iridiumskyblock |#
+#| you may specify
diff --git a/TempFly/src/com/moneybags/tempfly/Metrics.java b/src/com/moneybags/tempfly/Metrics.java
similarity index 97%
rename from TempFly/src/com/moneybags/tempfly/Metrics.java
rename to src/com/moneybags/tempfly/Metrics.java
index ed8937f..57784f4 100644
--- a/TempFly/src/com/moneybags/tempfly/Metrics.java
+++ b/src/com/moneybags/tempfly/Metrics.java
@@ -1,720 +1,720 @@
-package com.moneybags.tempfly;
-import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
-import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
-import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
-import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
-import com.moneybags.tempfly.util.U;
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
-import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
-import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
-import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider;
-import org.bukkit.plugin.ServicePriority;
-import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
- * bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
- *
- * Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more about bStats!
- */
-public class Metrics {
- static {
- // You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment
- if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null || !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) {
- // Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little "trick" ... :D
- final String defaultPackage = new String(
- new byte[]{'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's', '.', 'b', 'u', 'k', 'k', 'i', 't'});
- final String examplePackage = new String(new byte[]{'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'});
- // We want to make sure nobody just copy & pastes the example and use the wrong package names
- if (Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(defaultPackage) || Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(examplePackage)) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!");
- }
- }
- }
- // The version of this bStats class..
- public static final int B_STATS_VERSION = 1;
- // The url to which the data is sent
- private static final String URL = "https://bStats.org/submitData/bukkit";
- // Is bStats enabled on this server?
- private boolean enabled;
- // Should failed requests be logged?
- private static boolean logFailedRequests;
- // Should the sent data be logged?
- private static boolean logSentData;
- // Should the response text be logged?
- private static boolean logResponseStatusText;
- // The uuid of the server
- private static String serverUUID;
- // The plugin
- private final Plugin plugin;
- // The plugin id
- private final int pluginId;
- // A list with all custom charts
- private final List charts = new ArrayList<>();
- /**
- * Class constructor.
- *
- * @param plugin The plugin which stats should be submitted.
- * @param pluginId The id of the plugin.
- * It can be found at What is my plugin id?
- */
- public Metrics(Plugin plugin, int pluginId) {
- if (plugin == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be null!");
- }
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.pluginId = pluginId;
- // Get the config file
- File bStatsFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(), "bStats");
- File configFile = new File(bStatsFolder, "config.yml");
- YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
- // Check if the config file exists
- if (!config.isSet("serverUuid")) {
- // Add default values
- config.addDefault("enabled", true);
- // Every server gets it's unique random id.
- config.addDefault("serverUuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
- // Should failed request be logged?
- config.addDefault("logFailedRequests", false);
- // Should the sent data be logged?
- config.addDefault("logSentData", false);
- // Should the response text be logged?
- config.addDefault("logResponseStatusText", false);
- // Inform the server owners about bStats
- config.options().header(
- "bStats collects some data for plugin authors like how many servers are using their plugins.\n" +
- "To honor their work, you should not disable it.\n" +
- "This has nearly no effect on the server performance!\n" +
- "Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more :)"
- ).copyDefaults(true);
- try {
- config.save(configFile);
- } catch (IOException ignored) { }
- }
- // Load the data
- enabled = config.getBoolean("enabled", true);
- serverUUID = config.getString("serverUuid");
- logFailedRequests = config.getBoolean("logFailedRequests", false);
- logSentData = config.getBoolean("logSentData", false);
- logResponseStatusText = config.getBoolean("logResponseStatusText", false);
- if (enabled) {
- boolean found = false;
- // Search for all other bStats Metrics classes to see if we are the first one
- for (Class> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices()) {
- try {
- service.getField("B_STATS_VERSION"); // Our identifier :)
- found = true; // We aren't the first
- break;
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { }
- }
- // Register our service
- Bukkit.getServicesManager().register(Metrics.class, this, plugin, ServicePriority.Normal);
- if (!found) {
- // We are the first!
- startSubmitting();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks if bStats is enabled.
- *
- * @return Whether bStats is enabled or not.
- */
- public boolean isEnabled() {
- return enabled;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a custom chart.
- *
- * @param chart The chart to add.
- */
- public void addCustomChart(CustomChart chart) {
- if (chart == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chart cannot be null!");
- }
- charts.add(chart);
- }
- /**
- * Starts the Scheduler which submits our data every 30 minutes.
- */
- private void startSubmitting() {
- final Timer timer = new Timer(true); // We use a timer cause the Bukkit scheduler is affected by server lags
- timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- if (!plugin.isEnabled()) { // Plugin was disabled
- timer.cancel();
- return;
- }
- // Nevertheless we want our code to run in the Bukkit main thread, so we have to use the Bukkit scheduler
- // Don't be afraid! The connection to the bStats server is still async, only the stats collection is sync ;)
- Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, () -> submitData());
- }
- }, 1000 * 60 * 5, 1000 * 60 * 30);
- // Submit the data every 30 minutes, first time after 5 minutes to give other plugins enough time to start
- // WARNING: Changing the frequency has no effect but your plugin WILL be blocked/deleted!
- // WARNING: Just don't do it!
- }
- /**
- * Gets the plugin specific data.
- * This method is called using Reflection.
- *
- * @return The plugin specific data.
- */
- public JsonObject getPluginData() {
- JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
- String pluginName = plugin.getDescription().getName();
- String pluginVersion = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
- data.addProperty("pluginName", pluginName); // Append the name of the plugin
- data.addProperty("id", pluginId); // Append the id of the plugin
- data.addProperty("pluginVersion", pluginVersion); // Append the version of the plugin
- JsonArray customCharts = new JsonArray();
- for (CustomChart customChart : charts) {
- // Add the data of the custom charts
- JsonObject chart = customChart.getRequestJsonObject();
- if (chart == null) { // If the chart is null, we skip it
- continue;
- }
- customCharts.add(chart);
- }
- data.add("customCharts", customCharts);
- return data;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the server specific data.
- *
- * @return The server specific data.
- */
- private JsonObject getServerData() {
- // Minecraft specific data
- int playerAmount;
- try {
- // Around MC 1.8 the return type was changed to a collection from an array,
- // This fixes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()Ljava/util/Collection;
- Method onlinePlayersMethod = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server").getMethod("getOnlinePlayers");
- playerAmount = onlinePlayersMethod.getReturnType().equals(Collection.class)
- ? ((Collection>) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).size()
- : ((Player[]) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).length;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- playerAmount = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size(); // Just use the new method if the Reflection failed
- }
- int onlineMode = Bukkit.getOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0;
- String bukkitVersion = Bukkit.getVersion();
- String bukkitName = Bukkit.getName();
- // OS/Java specific data
- String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
- String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
- String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
- String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version");
- int coreCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
- JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
- data.addProperty("serverUUID", serverUUID);
- data.addProperty("playerAmount", playerAmount);
- data.addProperty("onlineMode", onlineMode);
- data.addProperty("bukkitVersion", bukkitVersion);
- data.addProperty("bukkitName", bukkitName);
- data.addProperty("javaVersion", javaVersion);
- data.addProperty("osName", osName);
- data.addProperty("osArch", osArch);
- data.addProperty("osVersion", osVersion);
- data.addProperty("coreCount", coreCount);
- return data;
- }
- /**
- * Collects the data and sends it afterwards.
- */
- private void submitData() {
- final JsonObject data = getServerData();
- JsonArray pluginData = new JsonArray();
- // Search for all other bStats Metrics classes to get their plugin data
- for (Class> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices()) {
- try {
- service.getField("B_STATS_VERSION"); // Our identifier :)
- for (RegisteredServiceProvider> provider : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistrations(service)) {
- try {
- Object plugin = provider.getService().getMethod("getPluginData").invoke(provider.getProvider());
- if (plugin instanceof JsonObject) {
- pluginData.add((JsonObject) plugin);
- } else { // old bstats version compatibility
- try {
- Class> jsonObjectJsonSimple = Class.forName("org.json.simple.JSONObject");
- if (plugin.getClass().isAssignableFrom(jsonObjectJsonSimple)) {
- Method jsonStringGetter = jsonObjectJsonSimple.getDeclaredMethod("toJSONString");
- jsonStringGetter.setAccessible(true);
- String jsonString = (String) jsonStringGetter.invoke(plugin);
- JsonObject object = new JsonParser().parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();
- pluginData.add(object);
- }
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- // minecraft version 1.14+
- if (logFailedRequests) {
- this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Encountered unexpected exception", e);
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (NullPointerException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ignored) { }
- }
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { }
- }
- data.add("plugins", pluginData);
- // Create a new thread for the connection to the bStats server
- new Thread(() -> {
- try {
- // Send the data
- sendData(plugin, data);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Something went wrong! :(
- if (logFailedRequests) {
- plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Could not submit plugin stats of " + plugin.getName(), e);
- }
- }
- }).start();
- }
- /**
- * Sends the data to the bStats server.
- *
- * @param plugin Any plugin. It's just used to get a logger instance.
- * @param data The data to send.
- * @throws Exception If the request failed.
- */
- private static void sendData(Plugin plugin, JsonObject data) throws Exception {
- if (data == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data cannot be null!");
- }
- if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
- throw new IllegalAccessException("This method must not be called from the main thread!");
- }
- if (logSentData) {
- plugin.getLogger().info("Sending data to bStats: " + data);
- }
- HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(URL).openConnection();
- // Compress the data to save bandwidth
- byte[] compressedData = compress(data.toString());
- // Add headers
- connection.setRequestMethod("POST");
- connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
- connection.addRequestProperty("Connection", "close");
- connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); // We gzip our request
- connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(compressedData.length));
- connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); // We send our data in JSON format
- connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "MC-Server/" + B_STATS_VERSION);
- // Send data
- connection.setDoOutput(true);
- try (DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream())) {
- outputStream.write(compressedData);
- }
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
- try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) {
- String line;
- while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
- builder.append(line);
- }
- }
- if (logResponseStatusText) {
- plugin.getLogger().info("Sent data to bStats and received response: " + builder);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gzips the given String.
- *
- * @param str The string to gzip.
- * @return The gzipped String.
- * @throws IOException If the compression failed.
- */
- private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException {
- if (str == null) {
- return null;
- }
- ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- try (GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream)) {
- gzip.write(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
- }
- return outputStream.toByteArray();
- }
- /**
- * Represents a custom chart.
- */
- public static abstract class CustomChart {
- // The id of the chart
- final String chartId;
- /**
- * Class constructor.
- *
- * @param chartId The id of the chart.
- */
- CustomChart(String chartId) {
- if (chartId == null || chartId.isEmpty()) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChartId cannot be null or empty!");
- }
- this.chartId = chartId;
- }
- private JsonObject getRequestJsonObject() {
- JsonObject chart = new JsonObject();
- chart.addProperty("chartId", chartId);
- try {
- JsonObject data = getChartData();
- if (data == null) {
- // If the data is null we don't send the chart.
- return null;
- }
- chart.add("data", data);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- if (logFailedRequests) {
- Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t);
- }
- return null;
- }
- return chart;
- }
- protected abstract JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception;
- }
- /**
- * Represents a custom simple pie.
- */
- public static class SimplePie extends CustomChart {
- private final Callable callable;
- /**
- * Class constructor.
- *
- * @param chartId The id of the chart.
- * @param callable The callable which is used to request the chart data.
- */
- public SimplePie(String chartId, Callable callable) {
- super(chartId);
- this.callable = callable;
- }
- @Override
- protected JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception {
- JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
- String value = callable.call();
- if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
- // Null = skip the chart
- return null;
- }
- data.addProperty("value", value);
- return data;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Represents a custom advanced pie.
- */
- public static class AdvancedPie extends CustomChart {
- private final Callable