If you want to contribute to this repository, you need basic knowledge of JavaScript and discord.js.
The bot is getting rewritten in TypeScript, so it's also strongly recommended for you to understand TypeScript.
For code convention:
2 space indent, no tab.
const by default and let for reassignable.
Use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE naming for const and camelCase naming for let and var.
Step 1: Make a contribution fork of this repository.
Step 2: Go to the Discord Developer Portal and log in with your account.
Step 3: Click on the "New Application" button near your profile picture on the upper right side of your screen and create a new application. Name it anything you want.
Step 4: Click on the "Bot" button on the left side of your screen and create a new bot.
Step 5.1: Click on "OAuth2", afterward "URL Generator". Select bot
and applications.commands
Step 5.2: Select "Administrator" in the list of bot permissions.
Step 5.3: Copy the link at the bottom of the page and paste it into your search bar. Select the server where you want your bot to be in the dropdown list.
Step 6: Reset your bot's token and copy it. It will be used later.
Step 8.1: Set the prefix you want. (for example: t!)
Step 9: In your terminal, run npm install
. It will install all the modules needed to run the bot.
Step 10: Run cd src
and afterward node .
to launch the bot.
Step 1: Create a channel (or channels) in your server and name it/them anything you want.
If you haven't enabled Developer Mode, you can do so by going into Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode.
Step 2: Copy your channel's ID by right clicking on it and selecting Copy ID
Step 3: Paste the channel's ID into your config.json file.
If you want to make commands for the bot, you can look at the example commands in the examples
Remember to put a short and concise list of changes to make the review process easier, and all PRs should get reviewed by peer before merging.