- Created virtual environment
- User added to dialup group
- Configured chosen cloud
cd Micropython
This step is platform dependent:
For anaconda:
conda activate ENV_NAME
For venv:
For anaconda:
conda activate ENV_NAME
For venv:
source ../ENV_NAME/bin/activate
Open the project MicroPython with PyCharm and mark src and ulib_mocks directory as Sources Root in Pycharm.
Make sure that your KAA cloud is configured. For more information please go to README in "KAA" directory here.
By now, you should have four things:
- application version
- device endpoint token
- username
- password
Make sure that your AWS cloud is configured. For more information please go to README in "terraform" directory here.
If you already have configured AWS infrastructure, make sure that:
- terraform exists either in ".terraform" directory or installed through the package manager
- you have configured ssh connections with AWS (aws configure)
Make sure your ThingsBoard server is configured. For more information please go to README in "ThingsBoard" directory here
Now we will make use of credentials we have saved in previous steps:
- Provision device key
- Provision device secret
If you host ThingsBoard locally, be aware of providing your host machine ip address while flashing the board!
First, you need to register a device, to do that run the following command:
python scripts/register_device.py -c <cloud>
You'll need to supply couple of things that you have saved earlier:
- ThingsBoard host (IP of the computer in the local network)
- Port for MQTT (defaults to standard 1883)
- Provision device key
- Provision device secret
You'll need to also provide new credentials for your device:
- Client ID
- Username
- Password
- Name
After you execute the script, you should see "Provisioning successful!" message. If something went wrong, please try again, validate your provision keys and make sure that the device you're trying to register is not already taken (both client ID and its name).
Make sure that your Blynk cloud is configured. For more information please go to README in "Blynk" directory here.
By now, you should have three things:
- Virtual pin for temperature
- Virtual pin for humidity
- Device auth token
Make sure that your IBM Watson cloud is configured. For more information please go to README in "IBM" directory here.
By now, you should have five things:
- Organization ID
- Device Type
- Device ID
- Authentication Method: "use-token-auth" by default
- Authentication Token
You will also need to provide an Event ID.
To set up a new board or flash the old one.
Make sure that your cloud is configured and in case of using AWS make sure that your computer has AWS credentials.
Make sure that your board is connected to the computer and you have activated your virtual environment. Check the port number - on Linux system, port can be checked through the simple script which will list all usb devices and their ports:
for sysdevpath in $(find /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/ -name dev); do
devname="$(udevadm info -q name -p $syspath)"
[[ "$devname" == "bus/"* ]] && exit
eval "$(udevadm info -q property --export -p $syspath)"
[[ -z "$ID_SERIAL" ]] && exit
echo "/dev/$devname - $ID_SERIAL"
After finding the correct port, execute:
python scripts/upload_all.py -p <port> -c <cloud> -s <sensor>
where <cloud> is your chosen cloud service provider (KAA, AWS, THINGSBOARD, BLYNK or IBM).
where <sensor> is your currently used sensor (DHT11, DHT22 or BME280). Defaults to DHT22.
After flashing the board please reset it using button EN button.
Connect to the WiFi network created by a board. Network SSID will be:
For example:
If you are having difficulties connecting to the website, disable mobile data transfer and make sure that your phone does not reject the newly connected WiFi (as it may show it has no access to the internet).
Network is open, so password will not be necessary. After successfull connection, please open your web browser and type in the Address Bar:
Next, type your WiFi network credentials into SSID and Password fields and press "Submit" button. Remember that this network should have an internet connection. Otherwise, data will not be sent to the cloud.
If you’ve lost connection after submitting, don’t worry - that is supposed to happen.
If you want to see logs from working device you should access serial port communication with board. We recommend you programs listed below.
On Linux you can use picocom:
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install picocom
- Fedora:
sudo dnf install picocom
To run:
picocom <port> --baud 115200
On Windows you can use PuTTy (https://www.putty.org/)
After installing connect to the device through:
- Select Session in Category
- Select Serial in Connection type
- Type in correct port (Serial line) and speed
- Open connection
On Mac you can also use picocom