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Platta structured log transfer utility

An application for transferring audit logs from SQL database to ElasticSearch index.

Database model

By default, logs are fetched from a database model consisting of these three fields:

  • is_sent: True if the audit log has already been sent to ElasticSearch (app should write the log with this set initially to False).
  • message: JSON data to be sent to ElasticSearch.
  • created_at: Date and time when the message was created.

An AUDIT_TABLE_NAME environment variable should also be set to the name of the table where the logs are stored.

Django Auditlog integration

Instead of the above database model, logs can be sent from LogEntries created by django-auditlog if the AUDIT_LOGGER_TYPE is set to DJANGO_AUDITLOG in the environment. This will create a message in the following schema from the LogEntry:

  type: date  # auditlog.models.LogEntry.timestamp
      type: text  #, or .email, or "unknown"
      type: date  # auditlog.models.LogEntry.timestamp
      type: keyword  # auditlog.models.LogEntry.action (create / update / delete / access)
      type: constant_keyword  # set by AUDIT_LOG_ORIGIN setting
      type: text  # auditlog.models.LogEntry.object_repr
      type: constant_keyword  # set by AUDIT_LOG_ENVIRONMENT setting
      type: text  # auditlog.models.LogEntry.changes
  type: object

The additional_data field in the LogEntry should contain a is_sent boolean value, which is used to keep track of whether the log has been sent to ElasticSearch or not. This should be set to False initially, but old log entries without this additional data will be treated as not sent.

Note: If using a custom user model, USER_TABLE_NAME setting should be set to the table name for the new model!

Extending to other models

The application provides a facade that can be extended to support other database models. The facade has the following interface:

  • log: Database model where the logs are stored.
  • message: A property that creates the message to be sent to ElasticSearch.
  • mark_as_sent: A method that marks the log as sent.

An appropriate setting should be provided to structuredlogtransfer/ which can be used to select a new implementation of the facade in

Running tests

Tests can be run using a shell script or with docker compose

Shell script


  • podman (docker may work also, tested with podman)
  • bash shell (rewrite of the .sh scripts should be relatively easy if bash shell is not available)
  • network connection for downloading the pods

Running the tests:


Docker compose

Use docker compose --profile test-1 up --detach --build to build and run the testing containers (configuration 1, change --profile test-1 to --profile test-2 to run second configuration). You can also use make up (or make up2) if you have make installed.

When tests have completed, run docker compose --profile test-1 --profile test-2 down --volumes --remove-orphans (or make down) to remove the containers.

Parallel tests

Parallel testing can be done only using docker compose --profile test-3 up --build. It runs localtest/ script which does migrations before running pytest.

That's needed, because for parallel tests pytest-xdist package is used. It's not designed to do parallel testing with shared database. Pytest fixtures run as many times as worker count, so it's quite complicated to setup proper clean tests.

Verifying the results

Check either the shell script output or the structured-log-transfer-test container logs and look for a line containing summary like: "9 passed in 1.05s", if all passed, the tests are ok.

You can see the elastic.log file (or elasticsearch-for-structured-log-transfer-test container logs if using docker compose) for elastic log output if necessary.


ENV variables name Type Default Description
AUDIT_LOG_ENVIRONMENT str "" Audit log environment for the log created from django_auditlog
AUDIT_LOG_ORIGIN str "" Origin to write to elastic with the audit log entry
AUDIT_LOGGER_TYPE str "SINGLE_COLUMN_JSON" Which kind of audit logger to use. Options are defined in structuredlogtransfer.settings.AuditLoggerType
AUDIT_TABLE_NAME str "audit_logs" Table name to read the logs from
BATCH_SIZE int 5000 How many logs should be sent during a single job execution.
CHUNK_SIZE int 500 How many logs to fetch to memory at once from the database.
CLEAR_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRIES bool True Clear audit log entries each month when monthly job is run. Set to False to disable this functionality even when running the monthly job.
DATABASE_URL str "postgres:///structuredlogs" Set up for database connection for reading log entries from, see
DATE_TIME_FIELD str "date_time" Field name for fetching the elastic timestamp from json data
DATE_TIME_PARENT_FIELD str "audit_event" Field name for parent object for fetching the elastic timestamp from json data. If unset, will search from root
DB_USE_SSL bool False Attempt to append ssl settings to the database config if set to True
DEBUG bool False If set to true will print more log
ELASTICSEARCH_APP_AUDIT_LOG_INDEX str "app_audit_log" Index to write to
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST str "" Elastic host name to write to. You can also include port separated by colon.
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD str "" Password for auth
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT int 0 Elastic port to write to. This can be also given as part of the host.
ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME str "https" Scheme for connecting to elastic
ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME str "" User name for auth
ENABLE_SEND_AUDIT_LOG bool True Set to False to not send anything to elastic
SSL_CA str "" Database SSL-CA cert path
SSL_CERT str "" Database ssl-cert path
SSL_CIPHER str "" Database ssl-cipher
SSL_KEY str "" Database ssl-key client key path
USER_TABLE_NAME str "auth_user" Table name for the user model.

See for possibilities on setting the database url.

Configuration examples


To connect to https port 443 on host host


Elasticsearch alternate way

To connect to https port 443 on host host

  • Set ELASTICSEARCH_HOST to host:443
  • Set ELASTICSEARCH_PORT to 0 or leave it unset.


To read from databasename.tablename on mysql server host.domain.root port 1234 using user:

  • Set DATABASE_URL to mysql://[email protected]:1234/databasename
  • Set DATABASE_PASSWORD env variable
  • Set AUDIT_TABLE_NAME to tablename


Configure the MySQL example above, then to use SSL using ca cert from

  • Set DB_USE_SSL env variable to True
  • Set SSL_CA to certs/BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt.pem
  • Include ADD --chown=appuser:appuser certs/ to Dockerfile and build, alternatively map file or path when running the container

MySQL create minimal table and insert test data into it

Connect to database

mysql -h host.domain.root -D databasename -u user

Create database table

CREATE TABLE audit_logs (
    id int,
    is_sent BOOLEAN,
    message JSON,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

Insert test data row into table:

INSERT INTO audit_logs(id, is_sent, message, created_at) 
VALUES (1, 0, '{"audit_event": {"date_time": "2022-10-13T12:34:56.000Z"}}', now());


To read from databasename.tablename on postgresql server host.domain.root port 1234 using user:

  • Set DATABASE_URL to postgres://user:[email protected]:1234/databasename?sslmode=require
  • Set AUDIT_TABLE_NAME to tablename

PostgreSQL create minimal table and insert test data into it

Connect to database

psql postgres://user:[email protected]:1234/databasename?sslmode=require

Create database table

CREATE TABLE audit_logs (
    id int,
    is_sent BOOLEAN,
    message JSONB,

Insert test data row into table:

INSERT INTO audit_logs(id, is_sent, message, created_at) 
VALUES (1, false, '{"audit_event": {"date_time": "2022-10-13T12:34:56.000+0300"}}', now());