Documents for Legislative Affairs for the Mayor's Office
The .json file values will be used to populate the rows for the table, which look like this:
Bill and resolution number | Title(s) | Introduced by | Date introduced | Assigned committee | Link to fiscal note |
{bill_number} {resolution_number} | {bill_title} {resolution_title} | {prime_sponsor} | {introduction_date} | {committee} | {fiscal_note_download} |
The json file itself hosts a series of objects in the following format (with example values):
"bill_number": "123456",
"title": "Amendments of Civil Service Regulation 6.31: Credential Based Pay",
"prime_sponsor": "Mayor's Office",
"introduction_date": "12/18/2024",
"committee": "No",
"fiscal_note_download": null,
"bill_link": "_regulation-packet-chapter-2---205.2---signed.pdf"
Each value must be in quotes, and have a comma at the end of the line, except the last one. The same is true for the object itself in the curly brackets.
To add a new row to the table with data, you 1) add a new object (as above) to the legislativeaffairs.json file in the /legislativeaffairs_json directory, and 2) add any fiscal note PDF files to the /legislativeaffairs directory.
If a certain value is empty, then you write null, without quotes (see the fiscal_note_download field in the example).