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What is Namelayer?

A Citadel reinforcement group manager. Allows the creation of groups in Minecraft. From buildings to chat messages, one can selectivity restrict or expand which players are on group and their level of access.

Simple Introduction

Namelayer commands can mostly be avoided through use of the Namelayer GUI, accessed with the command '/nl'.

All Namelayer commands

Namelayer Active Commands

Namelayer command Function
/nlcg <group></group> [password] Creates a group, optionally with password
/nlsp <group></group> <password></password> Adds password to an existing group
/nljg <group></group> <password></password> Joins a password protected group
/nlag <group></group> Accepts an invitation to a group
/nlbl <group></group> <player></player> Blacklists a player in a group
/nldg <group></group> Deletes a group
/nlip <group></group> <player></player> (PlayerType- default MEMBERS) Invites player to a group with optional rank
/nlleg <group></group> Leaves a group
/nllink <super></super> <\sub group> Links two groups to each other as nested groups. (unsupported)
/nlmg Merges two groups together. (Warning : Doing this is not recommended and may eventually cause groups to break)
/nlmp <group></group> <add/remove></add/remove> Modifies the permissions of a group.
/nlpp <group></group> <player></player> <playertype></playertype> Promotes/Demotes a Player in a group
/nlrg <group></group> Rejects an invitation to a group.
/nlubl <group></group> <player></player> Removes a player from the blacklist for a group
/nlrm <group></group> <member></member> Removes a member from a group.
/nlri <group></group> <player></player> Revokes an invite
/nlsdg <group></group> Sets or changes default group
/nltaai Toggles the auto-acceptance of invites
/nltg <group></group> <player> | Transfers a group to another owner |- |/nlunlink &lt;/super&gt;group> &lt;/sub&gt;</player>group> Unlinks two groups from each other. [Unsupported]
/nlun [CONFIRM] Updates account name on the server to the one minecraft account currently has [Unsupported]

Namelayer Passive Commands (Get group stats)

Namelayer command Function
/nllg Lists all groups player is in. Formatted "<group></group> : <permission></permission>"
/nlgdg Gets default group
/nlgls Gets the amount of groups on server
/nlgs <group></group> Get stats about a group. (Total members and list of members)
/nlid Infodump including list of members for each role level in each group
/nllci Lists players current active invites.
/nllm <group></group> (PlayerType) List the players with selected role in a group
/nllp <group></group> Shows permissions for a PlayerType in a group.
/nlsbl <group></group> Shows all blacklisted players for a group

All Namelayer permissions

Permissions in order they appear on /nl GUI

Permission Name Function
LIST_PERMS Can list the permissions of any PlayerType
OPEN_GUI Can open namelayer GUI for group
BASTION_PEARL Can pearl into bastion fields
BASTION_ALLOW_EXILED Allows exiles inside bastion range
MERGE Can merge group with another group they have MERGE permissions on [Note:]
DOORS Can open and close reinforced doors
ADMINS Allow inviting admins and removing existing admins
CLEAR_SNITCHLOG Can clear snitchlog with /jaclear
SNITCH_NOTIFICATIONS Can see chat messageswhen players trigger snitches
JOIN_PASSWORD Perm level given to members when they join with a password
LINKING Linking to another group as supergroup or subgroup [Unsupported]
OWNER Can invite new owners and remove existing owners
DELETE Can delete group
READ CHAT Can read chat messages sent in group
MODS Can invite new owners and remove existing owners
ACIDBLOCK Can place acidblocks reinforced to group (/ctacid)
CROPS Can place and destroy crops
UPGRADE_FACTORY Can upgrade factories
MEMEMANA_WITHDRAW Can withdraw mana
SNITCH_IMMUNE Will no longer cause snitch alerts when in range of snitches on group.
BASTION_PLACE Can place in bastion ranges reinforced to group
WRITE_CHAT Can type messages in group
READ_SNITCHLOG Can check snitchlogs with /ja
MEMBERS Can invite new members and remove existing members
PERMS Can adjust all permissions in group (Dangerous)
USE_FACTORY Can use factory reinforced to group
INSECURE_REINFORCMENT Can use hoppers to take items out of reinforced containers /ctinsecure
SNITCH_TOGGLE_LEVER Can do /jaToggleLevers 1 to allow snitchs triggering redstone
BASTION_LIST Can list bastions on group (/bsl)
REINFORCEMENT_INFO Can use /cti and see group block reinforced to
BYPASS_REINFORCEMENT Can use /ctb and break reinforcement, returning reinforcement item
REINFORCE Can /ctf, /ctb blocks
LIST SNITCHES can /jalist to see all snitches on group
BLACKLIST Can blacklist players and remove existing blacklisted players
PASSWORD Allows viewing this groups password and changing or removing it
GROUPSTATS Can check stats on group
LOOKUP_SNITCH Can /jalookup a snitch giving coords
RENAME_SNITCH Can rename snitches
CHESTS Can use chests
KIRA_MANAGE_CHANNEL Can setup Kira relays on discord to relay group messages and alerts

Further reading

This guide was adapted from sections of:

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