diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4cf65a220c..ed7ca00073 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ docs/src/config.md
 # ignore vscode artifacts
diff --git a/config/default_configs/default_config.yml b/config/default_configs/default_config.yml
index 708cdf0801..53b82d41ec 100644
--- a/config/default_configs/default_config.yml
+++ b/config/default_configs/default_config.yml
@@ -145,6 +145,15 @@ vert_diff:
   help: "Hyperdiffusion [`ClimaHyperdiffusion` (or `true`; default), `none` (or `false`)]"
   value: "CAM_SE"
+  help: "Smagorinsky-Lilly diffusive closure [`false` (default), `true`]"
+  value: false
+  help: "Smagorinsky coefficient"
+  value: 0.2
+  help: "Turbulent Prandtl number for neutral stratification"
+  value: 0.333
   help: "Enable bubble correction for more accurate surface areas"
   value: true
diff --git a/config/model_configs/box_density_current_test.yml b/config/model_configs/box_density_current_test.yml
index 0c3e346d21..312b536640 100644
--- a/config/model_configs/box_density_current_test.yml
+++ b/config/model_configs/box_density_current_test.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
-dt_save_state_to_disk: "10secs"
+reference_job_id: "les_box"
 initial_condition: "DryDensityCurrentProfile"
+config: "box"
+smagorinsky_lilly: true
+c_smag: 0.25
+discrete_hydrostatic_balance: true
+hyperdiff: "false"
 x_max: 51200.0
+y_max: 51200.0
+z_max: 6400.0
+x_elem: 45
+y_elem: 45
 z_elem: 45
-dt: "0.1secs"
-t_end: "10.0secs"
-discrete_hydrostatic_balance: true
-y_max: 6400.0
-y_elem: 15
 z_stretch: false
-x_elem: 45
-config: "box"
-z_max: 6400.0
+dt: "0.25secs"
+t_end: "20secs"
+prandtl_turbulent_neutral: 0.333
+dt_save_state_to_disk: "5secs"
+netcdf_interpolation_num_points: [40, 40, 80]
-  - short_name: thetaa
-    period: 10secs
+  - short_name: [wa, ua, va, ta, thetaa, ha]
+    period: 5secs 
diff --git a/config/model_configs/les_isdac_box.yml b/config/model_configs/les_isdac_box.yml
index 06bdbf55a9..5a6f4c9a59 100644
--- a/config/model_configs/les_isdac_box.yml
+++ b/config/model_configs/les_isdac_box.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # ISDAC config
+reference_job_id: "les_box"  # for plotting
 initial_condition: "ISDAC" 
 subsidence: "ISDAC" 
 surface_setup: "ISDAC"
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ hyperdiff: "false"
 apply_limiter: false
 smagorinsky_lilly: true
 c_smag: 0.20
+prandtl_turbulent_neutral: 0.333
 # time- and spatial discretization
 x_elem: 10
 x_max: 3.2e3
@@ -24,11 +26,13 @@ z_elem: 15
 z_max: 2.5e3
 z_stretch: false
 rayleigh_sponge: true
-toml: [toml/isdac_box.toml]  # sponge height
+toml: [toml/les_isdac.toml]  # sponge height
 ode_algo: "SSPKnoth"
 dt: "0.05secs" 
 t_end: "2mins" 
 dt_cloud_fraction: "10mins"
+restart_file: "/groups/esm/hervik/climaatmos-les-artifacts/les_isdac_day0.0.hdf5"
+# diagnostics
 dt_save_state_to_disk: "1mins"
 netcdf_interpolation_num_points: [30, 30, 150]
diff --git a/examples/Manifest.toml b/examples/Manifest.toml
index 909a799dcd..ba93fa277f 100644
--- a/examples/Manifest.toml
+++ b/examples/Manifest.toml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
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@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ version = "1.1.3"
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@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ uuid = "4e9b3aee-d8a1-5a3d-ad8b-7d824db253f0"
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@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ weakdeps = ["ChainRulesCore", "EnzymeCore", "SpecialFunctions"]
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+version = "0.10.4+0"
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@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ version = "0.3.5"
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@@ -312,14 +312,14 @@ weakdeps = ["SparseArrays"]
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-    MakieExt = "Makie"
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+    ClimaAnalysisMakieExt = "Makie"
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@@ -417,15 +417,14 @@ version = "0.7.38"
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+    ClimaUtilitiesCUDAExt = "CUDA"
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@@ -440,9 +439,9 @@ version = "0.1.13"
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@@ -519,6 +518,11 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "cda2cfaebb4be89c9084adaca7dd7333369715c5"
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@@ -635,6 +639,7 @@ version = "6.151.5"
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@@ -648,6 +653,7 @@ version = "6.151.5"
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@@ -2574,9 +2590,9 @@ version = "1.17.0+0"
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 version = "1.4.0+0"
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+version = "1.11.2+0"
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diff --git a/examples/Project.toml b/examples/Project.toml
index 9f60d9354c..af7c481e38 100644
--- a/examples/Project.toml
+++ b/examples/Project.toml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Thermodynamics = "b60c26fb-14c3-4610-9d3e-2d17fe7ff00c"
 YAML = "ddb6d928-2868-570f-bddf-ab3f9cf99eb6"
-CairoMakie = "0.10, 0.11"
+CairoMakie = "0.10, 0.11, 0.12"
 ClimaAnalysis = "0.5.7"
 ClimaCoreMakie = "0.3, 0.4"
 ClimaCorePlots = "0.2"
diff --git a/post_processing/ci_plots.jl b/post_processing/ci_plots.jl
index df2c26072e..fe8940b844 100644
--- a/post_processing/ci_plots.jl
+++ b/post_processing/ci_plots.jl
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import CairoMakie
 import CairoMakie.Makie
 import ClimaAnalysis
 import ClimaAnalysis: Visualize as viz
-import ClimaAnalysis: SimDir, slice, read_var, average_xy
+import ClimaAnalysis: SimDir, slice, read_var, average_xy, window, average_time
 import ClimaAnalysis.Utils: kwargs as ca_kwargs
 import ClimaCoreSpectra: power_spectrum_2d
@@ -577,6 +577,7 @@ end
 function make_plots(
+    ::Val{:box_rising_thermal_test},
     simdirs = SimDir.(output_paths)
@@ -1065,6 +1066,100 @@ function make_plots(::Aquaplanet1MPlots, output_paths::Vector{<:AbstractString})
+LESBoxPlots = Union{Val{:les_box}}
+    plot_les_vert_profile!(grid_loc, var_group)
+Helper function for `make_plots_generic`. Takes a list of variables and plots
+them on the same axis.
+function plot_les_vert_profile!(grid_loc, var_group)
+    z = var_group[1].dims["z"]
+    units = var_group[1].attributes["units"]
+    ax = CairoMakie.Axis(
+        grid_loc[1, 1],
+        ylabel = "z [$(var_group[1].dim_attributes["z"]["units"])]",
+        xlabel = "$(short_name(var_group[1])) [$units]",
+        title = parse_var_attributes(var_group[1]),
+    )
+    for var in var_group
+        CairoMakie.lines!(ax, var.data, z, label = short_name(var))
+    end
+    length(var_group) > 1 && Makie.axislegend(ax)
+function make_plots(
+    sim_type::Union{LESBoxPlots},
+    output_paths::Vector{<:AbstractString},
+    simdirs = SimDir.(output_paths)
+    reduction = "inst"
+    short_names = [
+        "wa",
+        "ua",
+        "va",
+        "ta",
+        "thetaa",
+        "ha",
+        "hus",
+        "hur",
+        "cl",
+        "clw",
+        "cli",
+    ]
+    short_names = short_names ∩ collect(keys(simdirs[1].vars))
+    # Window average from instantaneous snapshots?
+    function horizontal_average(var)
+        return average_xy(var)
+    end
+    function windowed_reduction(var)
+        hours = 3600.0
+        window_end = last(var.dims["time"])
+        window_start = window_end - 2hours
+        var_window = ClimaAnalysis.window(
+            var,
+            "time";
+            left = window_start,
+            right = window_end,
+        )
+        var_reduced = horizontal_average(average_time(var_window))
+        return var_reduced
+    end
+    var_groups_xyt_reduced =
+        map_comparison(simdirs, short_names) do simdir, short_name
+            return [get(simdir; short_name, reduction) |> windowed_reduction]
+        end
+    var_groups_xy_reduced =
+        map_comparison(simdirs, short_names) do simdir, short_name
+            return [get(simdir; short_name, reduction) |> horizontal_average]
+        end
+    tmp_file = make_plots_generic(
+        output_paths,
+        var_groups_xyt_reduced,
+        output_name = "tmp";
+        plot_fn = plot_les_vert_profile!,
+        MAX_NUM_COLS = 2,
+        MAX_NUM_ROWS = 4,
+    )
+    make_plots_generic(
+        output_paths,
+        vcat(var_groups_xy_reduced...),
+        plot_fn = plot_parsed_attribute_title!,
+        summary_files = [tmp_file],
+        MAX_NUM_COLS = 2,
+        MAX_NUM_ROWS = 4,
+    )
 EDMFBoxPlots = Union{
@@ -1097,7 +1192,6 @@ EDMFBoxPlotsWithPrecip = Union{
     plot_edmf_vert_profile!(grid_loc, var_group)
diff --git a/src/ClimaAtmos.jl b/src/ClimaAtmos.jl
index 13a447ba66..416d29f62b 100644
--- a/src/ClimaAtmos.jl
+++ b/src/ClimaAtmos.jl
@@ -111,6 +111,13 @@ include(
 include(joinpath("parameterized_tendencies", "sponge", "rayleigh_sponge.jl"))
 include(joinpath("parameterized_tendencies", "sponge", "viscous_sponge.jl"))
+    joinpath(
+        "parameterized_tendencies",
+        "les_sgs_models",
+        "smagorinsky_lilly.jl",
+    ),
 include(joinpath("prognostic_equations", "advection.jl"))
 include(joinpath("cache", "temporary_quantities.jl"))
diff --git a/src/cache/precomputed_quantities.jl b/src/cache/precomputed_quantities.jl
index 5d41912fd4..6acf4fa2ad 100644
--- a/src/cache/precomputed_quantities.jl
+++ b/src/cache/precomputed_quantities.jl
@@ -156,6 +156,19 @@ function precomputed_quantities(Y, atmos)
             ᶜqᵣ = similar(Y.c, FT),
             ᶜqₛ = similar(Y.c, FT),
         ) : (;)
+    smagorinsky_lilly_quantities =
+        if atmos.smagorinsky_lilly isa SmagorinskyLilly
+            uvw_vec = UVW(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0))
+            (;
+                ᶜτ_smag = similar(Y.c, typeof(uvw_vec * uvw_vec')),
+                ᶠτ_smag = similar(Y.f, typeof(uvw_vec * uvw_vec')),
+                ᶜD_smag = similar(Y.c, FT),
+                ᶠD_smag = similar(Y.f, FT),
+            )
+        else
+            (;)
+        end
     return (;
@@ -164,6 +177,7 @@ function precomputed_quantities(Y, atmos)
+        smagorinsky_lilly_quantities...,
@@ -633,6 +647,10 @@ NVTX.@annotate function set_precomputed_quantities!(Y, p, t)
         set_cloud_fraction!(Y, p, moisture_model, cloud_model)
+    if p.atmos.smagorinsky_lilly isa SmagorinskyLilly
+        set_smagorinsky_lilly_precomputed_quantities!(Y, p)
+    end
     return nothing
diff --git a/src/cache/temporary_quantities.jl b/src/cache/temporary_quantities.jl
index 4482e86147..cee88bc51d 100644
--- a/src/cache/temporary_quantities.jl
+++ b/src/cache/temporary_quantities.jl
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ function temporary_quantities(Y, atmos)
     FT = Spaces.undertype(center_space)
     CTh = CTh_vector_type(Y.c)
+    uvw_vec = UVW(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0))
     return (;
         ᶠtemp_scalar = Fields.Field(FT, face_space), # ᶠp, ᶠρK_E
         ᶜtemp_scalar = Fields.Field(FT, center_space), # ᶜ1
@@ -45,14 +46,12 @@ function temporary_quantities(Y, atmos)
         ), # ᶠω¹²ʲs
         ᶠtemp_C123 = Fields.Field(C123{FT}, face_space), # χ₁₂₃
-        ᶜtemp_UVWxUVW = Fields.Field(
-            typeof(UVW(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0)) * UVW(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0))'),
-            center_space,
-        ), # ᶜstrain_rate
-        ᶠtemp_UVWxUVW = Fields.Field(
-            typeof(UVW(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0)) * UVW(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0))'),
-            face_space,
-        ), # ᶠstrain_rate
+        ᶜtemp_UVW = Fields.Field(typeof(uvw_vec), center_space), # UVW(ᶜu)
+        ᶠtemp_UVW = Fields.Field(typeof(uvw_vec), face_space), # UVW(ᶠu³)
+        ᶜtemp_UVWxUVW = Fields.Field(typeof(uvw_vec * uvw_vec'), center_space), # ᶜstrain_rate
+        ᶠtemp_UVWxUVW = Fields.Field(typeof(uvw_vec * uvw_vec'), face_space), # ᶠstrain_rate
+        ᶜtemp_strain = Fields.Field(typeof(uvw_vec * uvw_vec'), center_space), # ᶜstrain_rate
+        ᶠtemp_strain = Fields.Field(typeof(uvw_vec * uvw_vec'), face_space), # ᶠstrain_rate
         # TODO: Remove this hack
         sfc_temp_C3 = Fields.Field(C3{FT}, Spaces.level(face_space, half)), # ρ_flux_χ
         # Implicit solver cache:
diff --git a/src/parameterized_tendencies/les_sgs_models/smagorinsky_lilly.jl b/src/parameterized_tendencies/les_sgs_models/smagorinsky_lilly.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb63815d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parameterized_tendencies/les_sgs_models/smagorinsky_lilly.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+##### Smagorinsky Lilly Diffusion
+import ClimaCore.Fields as Fields
+import ClimaCore.Operators as Operators
+import ClimaCore: Geometry
+    set_smagorinsky_lilly_precomputed_quantities!(Y, p)
+Compute the Smagorinsky-Lilly diffusivity tensors, `ᶜτ_smag`, `ᶠτ_smag`, `ᶜD_smag`, and `ᶠD_smag`. 
+Store in the precomputed quantities `p.precomputed`.
+The subgrid-scale momentum flux tensor is defined by `τ = -2 νₜ ∘ S`, where `νₜ` is the Smagorinsky-Lilly eddy viscosity 
+and `S` is the strain rate tensor. 
+The turbulent diffusivity is defined as `D = νₜ / Pr_t`, where `Pr_t` is the turbulent Prandtl number for neutral 
+These quantities are computed for both cell centers and faces, with prefixes `ᶜ` and `ᶠ`, respectively.
+# Arguments
+- `Y`: The model state.
+- `p`: The model parameters, e.g. `AtmosCache`.
+function set_smagorinsky_lilly_precomputed_quantities!(Y, p)
+    (; atmos, precomputed, scratch, params) = p
+    (; Cs, Pr_t) = atmos.smagorinsky_lilly
+    (; ᶜu, ᶠu³, ᶜts, ᶜτ_smag, ᶠτ_smag, ᶜD_smag, ᶠD_smag) = precomputed
+    FT = eltype(Y)
+    grav = CAP.grav(params)
+    thermo_params = CAP.thermodynamics_params(params)
+    (; ᶜtemp_UVWxUVW, ᶠtemp_UVWxUVW, ᶜtemp_strain, ᶠtemp_strain) = scratch
+    (; ᶜtemp_scalar, ᶜtemp_scalar_2, ᶠtemp_scalar, ᶜtemp_UVW, ᶠtemp_UVW) =
+        scratch
+    ∇ᵥuvw_boundary = Geometry.outer(Geometry.WVector(0), UVW(0, 0, 0))
+    ᶠgradᵥ_uvw = Operators.GradientC2F(
+        bottom = Operators.SetGradient(∇ᵥuvw_boundary),
+        top = Operators.SetGradient(∇ᵥuvw_boundary),
+    )
+    axis_uvw = (Geometry.UVWAxis(),)
+    # Compute UVW velocities
+    ᶜu_uvw = @. ᶜtemp_UVW = UVW(ᶜu)
+    ᶠu_uvw = @. ᶠtemp_UVW = UVW(ᶠinterp(Y.c.uₕ)) + UVW(ᶠu³)
+    # Gradients
+    ## cell centers
+    ∇ᶜu_uvw = @. ᶜtemp_UVWxUVW = Geometry.project(axis_uvw, ᶜgradᵥ(ᶠu_uvw))  # vertical component
+    @. ∇ᶜu_uvw += Geometry.project(axis_uvw, gradₕ(ᶜu_uvw))  # horizontal component
+    ## cell faces
+    ∇ᶠu_uvw = @. ᶠtemp_UVWxUVW = Geometry.project(axis_uvw, ᶠgradᵥ_uvw(ᶜu_uvw))  # vertical component
+    @. ∇ᶠu_uvw += Geometry.project(axis_uvw, gradₕ(ᶠu_uvw))  # horizontal component
+    # Strain rate tensor
+    ᶜS = @. ᶜtemp_strain = (∇ᶜu_uvw + adjoint(∇ᶜu_uvw)) / 2
+    ᶠS = @. ᶠtemp_strain = (∇ᶠu_uvw + adjoint(∇ᶠu_uvw)) / 2
+    # Stratification correction
+    ᶜθ_v = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = TD.virtual_pottemp(thermo_params, ᶜts)
+    ᶜ∇ᵥθ = @. ᶜtemp_scalar_2 =
+        Geometry.WVector(ᶜgradᵥ(ᶠinterp(ᶜθ_v))).components.data.:1
+    ᶜN² = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = grav / ᶜθ_v * ᶜ∇ᵥθ
+    ᶜS_norm = @. ᶜtemp_scalar_2 = √(2 * CA.norm_sqr(ᶜS))
+    ᶜRi = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = ᶜN² / (ᶜS_norm^2 + eps(FT))  # Ri = N² / |S|²
+    ᶜfb = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = ifelse(ᶜRi ≤ 0, 1, max(0, 1 - ᶜRi / Pr_t)^(1 / 4))
+    # filter scale
+    h_space = Spaces.horizontal_space(axes(Y.c))
+    Δ_xy = Spaces.node_horizontal_length_scale(h_space)^2 # Δ_x * Δ_y
+    ᶜΔ_z = Fields.Δz_field(Y.c)
+    ᶜΔ = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = ∛(Δ_xy * ᶜΔ_z) * ᶜfb
+    # Smagorinsky-Lilly eddy viscosity
+    ᶜνₜ = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = Cs^2 * ᶜΔ^2 * ᶜS_norm
+    ᶠνₜ = @. ᶠtemp_scalar = ᶠinterp(ᶜνₜ)
+    # Subgrid-scale momentum flux tensor, `τ = -2 νₜ ∘ S`
+    @. ᶜτ_smag = -2 * ᶜνₜ * ᶜS
+    @. ᶠτ_smag = -2 * ᶠνₜ * ᶠS
+    # Turbulent diffusivity
+    @. ᶜD_smag = ᶜνₜ / Pr_t
+    @. ᶠD_smag = ᶠνₜ / Pr_t
+    nothing
+horizontal_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, ::Nothing) = nothing
+vertical_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, ::Nothing) = nothing
+function horizontal_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, ::SmagorinskyLilly)
+    (; ᶜτ_smag, ᶠτ_smag, ᶜD_smag, ᶜspecific, ᶜh_tot) = p.precomputed
+    ## Momentum tendencies
+    ᶠρ = @. p.scratch.ᶠtemp_scalar = ᶠinterp(Y.c.ρ)
+    @. Yₜ.c.uₕ -= C12(wdivₕ(Y.c.ρ * ᶜτ_smag) / Y.c.ρ)
+    @. Yₜ.f.u₃ -= C3(wdivₕ(ᶠρ * ᶠτ_smag) / ᶠρ)
+    ## Total energy tendency
+    @. Yₜ.c.ρe_tot += wdivₕ(Y.c.ρ * ᶜD_smag * gradₕ(ᶜh_tot))
+    ## Tracer diffusion and associated mass changes
+    for (ᶜρχₜ, ᶜχ, χ_name) in CA.matching_subfields(Yₜ.c, ᶜspecific)
+        χ_name == :e_tot && continue
+        ᶜρχₜ_diffusion =
+            @. p.scratch.ᶜtemp_scalar = wdivₕ(Y.c.ρ * ᶜD_smag * gradₕ(ᶜχ))
+        @. ᶜρχₜ += ᶜρχₜ_diffusion
+        # Rain and snow does not affect the mass
+        if χ_name ∉ (:q_rai, :q_sno)
+            @. Yₜ.c.ρ += ᶜρχₜ_diffusion
+        end
+    end
+function vertical_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, ::SmagorinskyLilly)
+    FT = eltype(Y)
+    (; sfc_temp_C3, ᶠtemp_scalar, ᶜtemp_scalar) = p.scratch
+    (; ᶜτ_smag, ᶠτ_smag, ᶠD_smag, ᶜspecific, ᶜh_tot, sfc_conditions) =
+        p.precomputed
+    (; ρ_flux_uₕ, ρ_flux_h_tot) = sfc_conditions
+    # Define operators
+    ᶠgradᵥ = Operators.GradientC2F() # apply BCs to ᶜdivᵥ, which wraps ᶠgradᵥ
+    ᶜdivᵥ_uₕ = Operators.DivergenceF2C(
+        top = Operators.SetValue(C3(FT(0)) ⊗ C12(FT(0), FT(0))),
+        bottom = Operators.SetValue(ρ_flux_uₕ),
+    )
+    ᶠdivᵥ = Operators.DivergenceC2F(
+        bottom = Operators.SetDivergence(FT(0)),
+        top = Operators.SetDivergence(FT(0)),
+    )
+    top = Operators.SetValue(C3(FT(0)))
+    ᶜdivᵥ_ρe_tot = Operators.DivergenceF2C(;
+        top,
+        bottom = Operators.SetValue(ρ_flux_h_tot),
+    )
+    # Apply to tendencies
+    ## Horizontal momentum tendency
+    ᶠρ = @. ᶠtemp_scalar = ᶠinterp(Y.c.ρ)
+    @. Yₜ.c.uₕ -= C12(ᶜdivᵥ(ᶠρ * ᶠτ_smag) / Y.c.ρ)
+    ## Apply boundary condition for momentum flux
+    @. Yₜ.c.uₕ -= ᶜdivᵥ_uₕ(-(FT(0) * ᶠgradᵥ(Y.c.uₕ))) / Y.c.ρ
+    ## Vertical momentum tendency
+    @. Yₜ.f.u₃ -= C3(ᶠdivᵥ(Y.c.ρ * ᶜτ_smag) / ᶠρ)
+    ## Total energy tendency
+    @. Yₜ.c.ρe_tot -= ᶜdivᵥ_ρe_tot(-(ᶠρ * ᶠD_smag * ᶠgradᵥ(ᶜh_tot)))
+    ## Tracer diffusion and associated mass changes
+    sfc_zero = @. sfc_temp_C3 = C3(FT(0))
+    for (ᶜρχₜ, ᶜχ, χ_name) in CA.matching_subfields(Yₜ.c, ᶜspecific)
+        χ_name == :e_tot && continue
+        bottom = Operators.SetValue(
+            χ_name == :q_tot ? sfc_conditions.ρ_flux_q_tot : sfc_zero,
+        )
+        ᶜdivᵥ_ρχ = Operators.DivergenceF2C(; top, bottom)
+        ᶜ∇ᵥρD∇χₜ = @. ᶜtemp_scalar = ᶜdivᵥ_ρχ(-(ᶠρ * ᶠD_smag * ᶠgradᵥ(ᶜχ)))
+        @. ᶜρχₜ -= ᶜ∇ᵥρD∇χₜ
+        # Rain and snow does not affect the mass
+        if χ_name ∉ (:q_rai, :q_sno)
+            @. Yₜ.c.ρ -= ᶜ∇ᵥρD∇χₜ
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/src/parameterized_tendencies/radiation/radiation.jl b/src/parameterized_tendencies/radiation/radiation.jl
index 019f593077..8804243bc0 100644
--- a/src/parameterized_tendencies/radiation/radiation.jl
+++ b/src/parameterized_tendencies/radiation/radiation.jl
@@ -365,9 +365,11 @@ function radiation_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, radiation_mode::RadiationDYCOMS)
     # Find the values of (z, ρ, q_tot) at the q_tot = 0.008 isoline, i.e., at
     # the level whose value of q_tot is closest to 0.008.
+    q_tot_isoline = FT(0.008)
         (nt1, nt2) ->
-            abs(nt1.q_tot - FT(0.008)) < abs(nt2.q_tot - FT(0.008)) ? nt1 : nt2,
+            abs(nt1.q_tot - q_tot_isoline) < abs(nt2.q_tot - q_tot_isoline) ?
+            nt1 : nt2,
         Base.broadcasted(NT ∘ tuple, ᶜz, Y.c.ρ, ᶜspecific.q_tot),
diff --git a/src/prognostic_equations/remaining_tendency.jl b/src/prognostic_equations/remaining_tendency.jl
index d56ece72f8..a31344f1d9 100644
--- a/src/prognostic_equations/remaining_tendency.jl
+++ b/src/prognostic_equations/remaining_tendency.jl
@@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ NVTX.@annotate function additional_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t)
     # NOTE: All ρa tendencies should be applied before calling this function
     pressure_work_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, p.atmos.turbconv_model)
+    sl = p.atmos.smagorinsky_lilly
+    horizontal_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, sl)
+    vertical_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t, sl)
     # NOTE: This will zero out all momentum tendencies in the edmfx advection test
     # please DO NOT add additional velocity tendencies after this function
     zero_velocity_tendency!(Yₜ, Y, p, t)
diff --git a/src/solver/model_getters.jl b/src/solver/model_getters.jl
index e2402bc76e..9b84033f32 100644
--- a/src/solver/model_getters.jl
+++ b/src/solver/model_getters.jl
@@ -156,6 +156,18 @@ function get_viscous_sponge_model(parsed_args, params, ::Type{FT}) where {FT}
+function get_smagorinsky_lilly_model(parsed_args, params, ::Type{FT}) where {FT}
+    is_model_active = parsed_args["smagorinsky_lilly"]
+    Cs = parsed_args["c_smag"]
+    Pr_t = parsed_args["prandtl_turbulent_neutral"]  # Turbulent Prandtl number for neutral stratification
+    @assert is_model_active in (true, false)
+    return if is_model_active == true
+        SmagorinskyLilly{FT}(; Cs, Pr_t)
+    else
+        nothing
+    end
 function get_rayleigh_sponge_model(parsed_args, params, ::Type{FT}) where {FT}
     rs_name = parsed_args["rayleigh_sponge"]
     return if rs_name in ("false", false)
diff --git a/src/solver/type_getters.jl b/src/solver/type_getters.jl
index 498133a29e..8513af2734 100644
--- a/src/solver/type_getters.jl
+++ b/src/solver/type_getters.jl
@@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ function get_atmos(config::AtmosConfig, params)
         diff_mode = implicit_diffusion ? Implicit() : Explicit(),
         sgs_adv_mode = implicit_sgs_advection ? Implicit() : Explicit(),
         viscous_sponge = get_viscous_sponge_model(parsed_args, params, FT),
+        smagorinsky_lilly = get_smagorinsky_lilly_model(
+            parsed_args,
+            params,
+            FT,
+        ),
         rayleigh_sponge = get_rayleigh_sponge_model(parsed_args, params, FT),
         sfc_temperature = get_sfc_temperature_form(parsed_args),
         insolation = get_insolation_form(parsed_args),
diff --git a/src/solver/types.jl b/src/solver/types.jl
index b566d30419..9693216804 100644
--- a/src/solver/types.jl
+++ b/src/solver/types.jl
@@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ Base.@kwdef struct ViscousSponge{FT} <: AbstractSponge
+abstract type AbstractEddyViscosityModel end
+Base.@kwdef struct SmagorinskyLilly{FT} <: AbstractEddyViscosityModel
+    Cs::FT = 0.2
+    Pr_t::FT = 1 / 3
 Base.@kwdef struct RayleighSponge{FT} <: AbstractSponge
@@ -436,6 +442,7 @@ Base.@kwdef struct AtmosModel{
+    SL,
@@ -469,6 +476,7 @@ Base.@kwdef struct AtmosModel{
     diff_mode::DM = nothing
     sgs_adv_mode::SAM = nothing
     viscous_sponge::VS = nothing
+    smagorinsky_lilly::SL = nothing
     rayleigh_sponge::RS = nothing
     sfc_temperature::ST = nothing
     insolation::IN = nothing
diff --git a/test/parameterized_tendencies/gravity_wave/gw_plotutils.jl b/test/parameterized_tendencies/gravity_wave/gw_plotutils.jl
index b7a9b40c62..8ef787dae9 100644
--- a/test/parameterized_tendencies/gravity_wave/gw_plotutils.jl
+++ b/test/parameterized_tendencies/gravity_wave/gw_plotutils.jl
@@ -40,14 +40,7 @@ function create_plot!(
     if Z == nothing
         generic_axis = fig[p_loc[1], p_loc[2]] = GridLayout()
         axis = Axis(generic_axis[1, 1]; title, xlabel, ylabel, xscale, yscale)
-        CairoMakie.lines!(
-            X,
-            Y;
-            title,
-            linewidth,
-            label = label[1],
-            linestyle = :solid,
-        )
+        CairoMakie.lines!(X, Y; linewidth, label = label[1], linestyle = :solid)
         generic_axis = fig[p_loc[1], p_loc[2]] = GridLayout() # Generic Axis Layout
         Axis(generic_axis[1, 1]; title, xlabel, ylabel, yscale, yreversed) # Plot specific attributes
diff --git a/test/parameterized_tendencies/les_closures/smagorinsky_lilly.jl b/test/parameterized_tendencies/les_closures/smagorinsky_lilly.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..434267f760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parameterized_tendencies/les_closures/smagorinsky_lilly.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+using Test
+import ClimaAtmos as CA
+import ClimaAtmos.Parameters as CAP
+import ClimaCore as CC
+import Thermodynamics as TD
+### Common Objects ###
+@testset begin
+    "Smagorinsky Lilly function"
+    ### Boilerplate default integrator objects
+    config = CA.AtmosConfig(
+        Dict(
+            "initial_condition" => "DryDensityCurrentProfile",
+            "moist" => "dry",
+            "precip_model" => "0M",
+            "config" => "box",
+            "x_max" => π,
+            "y_max" => π,
+            "z_max" => 1.0,
+            "z_stretch" => false,
+            "output_default_diagnostics" => false,
+        ),
+    )
+    parsed_args = config.parsed_args
+    simulation = CA.get_simulation(config)
+    (; integrator) = simulation
+    Y = integrator.u
+    Yₜ = similar(Y)
+    p = integrator.p
+    params = p.params
+    cm_params = CAP.microphysics_params(params)
+    thermo_params = CAP.thermodynamics_params(params)
+    FT = eltype(Y)
+    ᶜYₜ = Y .* FT(0)
+    c_xyz = CC.Fields.coordinate_field(Y.c)
+    f_xyz = CC.Fields.coordinate_field(Y.f)
+    x = c_xyz.x
+    y = c_xyz.y
+    z = f_xyz.z
+    u = @. sin(x) * cos(y)
+    v = @. sin(y) * cos(x)
+    w = @. Geometry.WVector(z ./ maximum(z))
+    u_x = @. cos(x) * cos(y)
+    v_x = @. -sin(y) * sin(x)
+    u_y = @. -sin(x) * sin(y)
+    v_y = @. cos(y) * cos(x)
+    w_x = zeros(axes(Y.c))
+    w_y = zeros(axes(Y.c))
+    vel = @. CC.Geometry.UVVector(u, v)
+    Y.c.ρ .= FT(1)
+    Y.c.uₕ .= Geometry.Covariant12Vector(vel)
+    Y.f.u₃ .= Geometry.Covariant3Vector(w)
+    horizontal_smagorinsky_lilly_tendency(
+        Yₜ,
+        Y,
+        p,
+        t,
+        SmagorinskyLilly(FT(0.2)),
+    )
+    ### Component test begins here
diff --git a/toml/isdac_box.toml b/toml/les_isdac.toml
similarity index 100%
rename from toml/isdac_box.toml
rename to toml/les_isdac.toml